Giuseppe Brunetti

About Giuseppe Brunetti

Giuseppe Brunetti, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, specializes in the field of Hydrological modeling.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Disentangling nitrogen turnover in Nature Based Solutions: hydrodynamic properties and reactive behavior

Dissecting the spatio-temporal variability of soil hydraulic properties in an agricultural eroded area

A WEF NEXUS tool for integrating soil moisture and meteorological IoT data.

Experimental and simulated microplastics transport in saturated natural sediments: impact of grain size and particle size

Developments and applications of the HYDRUS computer software packages since 2016

Estimating the impact of vadose zone heterogeneity on agricultural managed aquifer recharge: A combined experimental and modeling study

The impact of soil tension on isotope fractionation, transport, and interpretations of the root water uptake origin

An in-depth analysis of Markov-Chain Monte Carlo ensemble samplers for inverse vadose zone modeling

Giuseppe Brunetti Information



(BOKU) Vienna



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Giuseppe Brunetti Skills & Research Interests

Hydrological modeling

Top articles of Giuseppe Brunetti

Disentangling nitrogen turnover in Nature Based Solutions: hydrodynamic properties and reactive behavior


Dissecting the spatio-temporal variability of soil hydraulic properties in an agricultural eroded area


Giuseppe Brunetti
Giuseppe Brunetti

H-Index: 13

A WEF NEXUS tool for integrating soil moisture and meteorological IoT data.


Experimental and simulated microplastics transport in saturated natural sediments: impact of grain size and particle size

Journal of Hazardous Materials


Developments and applications of the HYDRUS computer software packages since 2016


Giuseppe Brunetti
Giuseppe Brunetti

H-Index: 13

Estimating the impact of vadose zone heterogeneity on agricultural managed aquifer recharge: A combined experimental and modeling study

Water Research


The impact of soil tension on isotope fractionation, transport, and interpretations of the root water uptake origin

Water Resources Research


Paolo Nasta
Paolo Nasta

H-Index: 14

Giuseppe Brunetti
Giuseppe Brunetti

H-Index: 13

An in-depth analysis of Markov-Chain Monte Carlo ensemble samplers for inverse vadose zone modeling

Journal of Hydrology


Giuseppe Brunetti
Giuseppe Brunetti

H-Index: 13

Christine Stumpp
Christine Stumpp

H-Index: 22

A probabilistic framework for assessing the hydrological impact of Faidherbia albida in an arid area of Senegal

Journal of Hydrology


Giuseppe Brunetti
Giuseppe Brunetti

H-Index: 13

Christine Stumpp
Christine Stumpp

H-Index: 22

Numerical Modeling of Vadose Zone Processes using Version 5 of HYDRUS and its Specialized Modules

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Jiri Simunek
Jiri Simunek

H-Index: 60

Giuseppe Brunetti
Giuseppe Brunetti

H-Index: 13

Groundwater recharge estimation and uncertainty analysis for various soils in Austria

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Christine Stumpp
Christine Stumpp

H-Index: 22

Giuseppe Brunetti
Giuseppe Brunetti

H-Index: 13

Optimizing Managed Aquifer Recharge Locations in California's Central Valley Using an Evolutionary Multi‐Objective Genetic Algorithm Coupled With a Hydrological Simulation Model

Water Resources Research


Giuseppe Brunetti
Giuseppe Brunetti

H-Index: 13

Pitfalls and Opportunities in the Use of Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Ensemble Samplers for Vadose Zone Model Calibration

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Capturing SUbsurface PREferential transport processes in agricultural HILLslope soils: SUPREHILL CZO

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Estimating vadose zone water fluxes from soil water monitoring data: a comprehensive field study in Austria

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences


Giuseppe Brunetti
Giuseppe Brunetti

H-Index: 13

Christine Stumpp
Christine Stumpp

H-Index: 22

Modeling of irrigation and related processes with HYDRUS


Assessing soil nitrogen transport under a warmer, more CO2-rich, and drought-prone climate

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


A Bayesian perspective on the information content of soil water measurements for the hydrological characterization of the vadose zone

Journal of Hydrology


Christine Stumpp
Christine Stumpp

H-Index: 22

Giuseppe Brunetti
Giuseppe Brunetti

H-Index: 13

The impact of evaporation fractionation on the inverse estimation of soil hydraulic and isotope transport parameters

Journal of Hydrology


Paolo Nasta
Paolo Nasta

H-Index: 14

Giuseppe Brunetti
Giuseppe Brunetti

H-Index: 13

Yi Liu
Yi Liu

H-Index: 21

Uncertainty assessment and data-worth evaluation for estimating soil hydraulic parameters and recharge fluxes from lysimeter data

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Christine Stumpp
Christine Stumpp

H-Index: 22

Giuseppe Brunetti
Giuseppe Brunetti

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in Giuseppe Brunetti University(Universität für Bodenkultur Wien)

