Fuqing Zhang

Fuqing Zhang

Penn State University

H-index: 77

North America-United States

About Fuqing Zhang

Fuqing Zhang, With an exceptional h-index of 77 and a recent h-index of 51 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Penn State University, specializes in the field of Atmospheric predictability, Data assimilation, Mesoscale meteorology, Tropical cyclones, Severe storms.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Regional CO2 Inversion Through Ensemble‐Based Simultaneous State and Parameter Estimation: TRACE Framework and Controlled Experiments

Simultaneous assimilation of planetary boundary layer observations from radar and all-sky satellite observations to improve forecasts of convection initiation

Verification of operational numerical weather prediction model forecasts of precipitation using satellite rainfall estimates over Africa

Assimilation of All-sky Geostationary Satellite Infrared Radiances for Convection-Permitting Initialization and Prediction of Hurricane Joaquin (2015)

Exploring the role of deep moist convection in the wavenumber spectra of atmospheric kinetic energy and brightness temperature

Global distributions of tropospheric and stratospheric gravity wave momentum fluxes resolved by the 9-km ECMWF experiments

Updraft Maintenance and Axisymmetrization during Secondary Eyewall Formation in a Model Simulation of Hurricane Matthew (2016)

Applications of the geometry-sensitive ensemble mean for lake-effect snowbands and other weather phenomena

Fuqing Zhang Information



Distinguished Professor



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Fuqing Zhang Skills & Research Interests

Atmospheric predictability

Data assimilation

Mesoscale meteorology

Tropical cyclones

Severe storms

Top articles of Fuqing Zhang

Regional CO2 Inversion Through Ensemble‐Based Simultaneous State and Parameter Estimation: TRACE Framework and Controlled Experiments

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems


Fuqing Zhang
Fuqing Zhang

H-Index: 47

Marko Scholze
Marko Scholze

H-Index: 26

Simultaneous assimilation of planetary boundary layer observations from radar and all-sky satellite observations to improve forecasts of convection initiation

Monthly Weather Review


Yunji Zhang
Yunji Zhang

H-Index: 9

Fuqing Zhang
Fuqing Zhang

H-Index: 47

Verification of operational numerical weather prediction model forecasts of precipitation using satellite rainfall estimates over Africa

Meteorological Applications


Assimilation of All-sky Geostationary Satellite Infrared Radiances for Convection-Permitting Initialization and Prediction of Hurricane Joaquin (2015)

Advances in Atmospheric Sciences


Exploring the role of deep moist convection in the wavenumber spectra of atmospheric kinetic energy and brightness temperature

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences


Global distributions of tropospheric and stratospheric gravity wave momentum fluxes resolved by the 9-km ECMWF experiments

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences


Junhong Wei
Junhong Wei

H-Index: 7

Fuqing Zhang
Fuqing Zhang

H-Index: 47

Updraft Maintenance and Axisymmetrization during Secondary Eyewall Formation in a Model Simulation of Hurricane Matthew (2016)

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences


Fuqing Zhang
Fuqing Zhang

H-Index: 47

Applications of the geometry-sensitive ensemble mean for lake-effect snowbands and other weather phenomena

Monthly Weather Review


Jia Li
Jia Li

H-Index: 0

Fuqing Zhang
Fuqing Zhang

H-Index: 47

Evaluation of microphysics schemes in tropical cyclones using polarimetric radar observations: Convective precipitation in an outer rainband

Monthly Weather Review


Observing System Simulation Experiments Today and Tomorrow

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society


Eugenia Kalnay
Eugenia Kalnay

H-Index: 42

Fuqing Zhang
Fuqing Zhang

H-Index: 47

Asymmetric rainband processes leading to secondary eyewall formation in a model simulation of Hurricane Matthew (2016)

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences


Fuqing Zhang
Fuqing Zhang

H-Index: 47

Ensemble‐based assimilation of satellite all‐sky microwave radiances improves intensity and rainfall predictions for Hurricane Harvey (2017)

Geophysical Research Letters


Practical and intrinsic predictability of wave‐convection coupled bands over southern China

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


Revisiting online and offline data assimilation comparison for paleoclimate reconstruction: An idealized OSSE study

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


Atsushi Okazaki
Atsushi Okazaki

H-Index: 7

Fuqing Zhang
Fuqing Zhang

H-Index: 47

Investigating Axisymmetric and Asymmetric Signals of Secondary Eyewall Formation Using Observations‐Based Modeling of the Tropical Cyclone Boundary Layer

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


Fuqing Zhang
Fuqing Zhang

H-Index: 47

Potential for new constraints on tropical cyclone surface-exchange coefficients through simultaneous ensemble-based state and parameter estimation

Monthly Weather Review


Xingchao Chen
Xingchao Chen

H-Index: 12

Fuqing Zhang
Fuqing Zhang

H-Index: 47

GOES-16 Observations of Rapidly Intensifying Tropical Cyclones: Hurricanes Harvey (2017), Maria (2017), and Michael (2018)

Monthly Weather Review


Fuqing Zhang
Fuqing Zhang

H-Index: 47

Significant contribution of mesoscale overturning to tropical mass and energy transport revealed by the ERA5 reanalysis

Geophysical Research Letters


Xingchao Chen
Xingchao Chen

H-Index: 12

Fuqing Zhang
Fuqing Zhang

H-Index: 47

New insights into atmospheric predictability from global high-resolution non-hydrostatic simulations and the new-generation geostationary satellite observations


Modeling Arctic boundary layer cloud streets at grey-zone resolutions

Advances in Atmospheric Sciences


See List of Professors in Fuqing Zhang University(Penn State University)

