Flavia Cavazotte

About Flavia Cavazotte

Flavia Cavazotte, With an exceptional h-index of 27 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, specializes in the field of Management, Organizational Behavior, Leadership.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Effective Leadership in Social Businesses: An Integrative Framework Grounded on Experiences in Brazilian Social Ventures

Mujeres y carreras directivas: la construcción de la identidad del líder en un entorno corporativo masculino

Women and managerial careers: constructing leadership identity in a male-dominated corporate environment

Mulheres e carreiras gerenciais: a construção da identidade de líder em um ambiente corporativo masculino

Bureaucratic control and organizational support in the public sector: effects mediated by psychological empowerment on engagement

Control burocrático y apoyo organizacional en el sector público: efectos mediados por el empoderamiento psicológico en el compromiso laboral

Controle burocrático e suporte organizacional no setor público: efeitos mediados pelo empoderamento psicológico no engajamento

Beyond the paradox: Understanding how project leader humility and narcissism affect project outcomes

Flavia Cavazotte Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Flavia Cavazotte Skills & Research Interests


Organizational Behavior


Top articles of Flavia Cavazotte

Effective Leadership in Social Businesses: An Integrative Framework Grounded on Experiences in Brazilian Social Ventures

Journal of Social Entrepreneurship


Mariana De Queiroz Brunelli
Mariana De Queiroz Brunelli

H-Index: 3

Flavia Cavazotte
Flavia Cavazotte

H-Index: 18

Mujeres y carreras directivas: la construcción de la identidad del líder en un entorno corporativo masculino

Cadernos EBAPE. BR


Women and managerial careers: constructing leadership identity in a male-dominated corporate environment

Cadernos EBAPE. BR


Flavia Cavazotte
Flavia Cavazotte

H-Index: 18

Mulheres e carreiras gerenciais: a construção da identidade de líder em um ambiente corporativo masculino

Cadernos EBAPE. BR


Bureaucratic control and organizational support in the public sector: effects mediated by psychological empowerment on engagement

Revista de Administração Pública


Control burocrático y apoyo organizacional en el sector público: efectos mediados por el empoderamiento psicológico en el compromiso laboral

Revista de Administração Pública


Controle burocrático e suporte organizacional no setor público: efeitos mediados pelo empoderamento psicológico no engajamento

Revista de Administração Pública


Beyond the paradox: Understanding how project leader humility and narcissism affect project outcomes

International Journal of Project Management


Flavia Cavazotte
Flavia Cavazotte

H-Index: 18

From Managerial to Organizational Dynamic Capabilities: Enabling Adaptability in Turbulent Times

Academy of Management Proceedings


Valter Moreno
Valter Moreno

H-Index: 10

Flavia Cavazotte
Flavia Cavazotte

H-Index: 18

To Serve or to Enable? From Leadership to Innovative Behaviors Through Engagement and Empowerment

Academy of Management Proceedings


Flavia Cavazotte
Flavia Cavazotte

H-Index: 18

An exploration of culture and gender: Intrinsic and extrinsic job expectations in the US and Brazil

Human Systems Management


Dennis Barber Iii
Dennis Barber Iii

H-Index: 4

Flavia Cavazotte
Flavia Cavazotte

H-Index: 18

A decade of research on leadership and its effects on creativity-innovation: A systematic and narrative literature review


Paula Chimenti
Paula Chimenti

H-Index: 6

Flavia Cavazotte
Flavia Cavazotte

H-Index: 18

Uma década de pesquisas sobre liderança e seus efeitos na criatividade-inovação: uma revisão sistemática e narrativa da literatura


Paula Chimenti
Paula Chimenti

H-Index: 6

Flavia Cavazotte
Flavia Cavazotte

H-Index: 18

Sensemaking and Identity Recovery After Organizational Misconduct: The Case of Petrobras’ Leaders

Academy of Management Proceedings


Flavia Cavazotte
Flavia Cavazotte

H-Index: 18

Authentic leadership and sustainable operations: How leader morality and selflessness can foster frontline safety performance

Journal of cleaner production


Flavia Cavazotte
Flavia Cavazotte

H-Index: 18

Valter Moreno
Valter Moreno

H-Index: 10

Image filters: Effects of emotion displays on followers’ perceptions of principled leaders

BAR-Brazilian Administration Review


Gritty leaders promoting employees’ thriving at work

Journal of Management


Expatriate's engagement and burnout: the role of purpose-oriented leadership and cultural intelligence

Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research


Flavia Cavazotte
Flavia Cavazotte

H-Index: 18

Sylvia Freitas Mello
Sylvia Freitas Mello

H-Index: 0

Identity in the Gig Economy: Affect and Agency.

Journal of Organizational Psychology


Flavia Cavazotte
Flavia Cavazotte

H-Index: 18

Engagement and Anxiety during Covid-19: The Role of Servant Leadership and PsyCap through Telework

Academy of Management Proceedings


Flavia Cavazotte
Flavia Cavazotte

H-Index: 18

Valter Moreno
Valter Moreno

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Flavia Cavazotte University(Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro)