Farkhondeh Jamshidi

About Farkhondeh Jamshidi

Farkhondeh Jamshidi, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Examining the level of adherence of medical trainees of Jundishapur University of Ahvaz to the principles of clinical professional ethics in 2022

Characterization of functioning in breast cancer survivors: an interpretive descriptive analysis study based on the international classification of functioning, disability, and …

بررسی میزان پایبندی کارآموزان پزشکی دانشگاه جندیشاپور اهواز به اصول اخالق حرفهای بالینی در سال 1401.‎

A study on interns and pre-internship students’ level of awareness about the patient’s right charter

Assessing the content based on ICF and quality based on COSMIN criteria of patient-reported outcome measures of functioning in breast cancer survivors: a systematic review

The Effects of a Professional Ethics Workshop on the Knowledge of Rehabilitation Students in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Iran

A case report of complete penoscrotal transposition with hypospadias and imperforates anus. An ethical dilemma

Evaluation of Inpatients' Satisfaction with Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences

Farkhondeh Jamshidi Information



Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Top articles of Farkhondeh Jamshidi

Examining the level of adherence of medical trainees of Jundishapur University of Ahvaz to the principles of clinical professional ethics in 2022

Jundishapur Scientific Medical Journal


Farkhondeh Jamshidi
Farkhondeh Jamshidi

H-Index: 7

Characterization of functioning in breast cancer survivors: an interpretive descriptive analysis study based on the international classification of functioning, disability, and …

Disability and Rehabilitation


بررسی میزان پایبندی کارآموزان پزشکی دانشگاه جندیشاپور اهواز به اصول اخالق حرفهای بالینی در سال 1401.‎

Jundishapur Scientific Medical Journal


A study on interns and pre-internship students’ level of awareness about the patient’s right charter

Nobel Med


Farkhondeh Jamshidi
Farkhondeh Jamshidi

H-Index: 7

Mahdi Bijanzadeh
Mahdi Bijanzadeh

H-Index: 7

Assessing the content based on ICF and quality based on COSMIN criteria of patient-reported outcome measures of functioning in breast cancer survivors: a systematic review


The Effects of a Professional Ethics Workshop on the Knowledge of Rehabilitation Students in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Journal of Modern Rehabilitation


A case report of complete penoscrotal transposition with hypospadias and imperforates anus. An ethical dilemma

Journal of Neonatal Nursing


Hamidreza Namazi
Hamidreza Namazi

H-Index: 29

Farkhondeh Jamshidi
Farkhondeh Jamshidi

H-Index: 7

Evaluation of Inpatients' Satisfaction with Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences

Scientific Journal of Medical Sciences


Evaluation of Outpatients' Satisfaction with Attending Physicians in Ahvaz City

Scientific Journal of Medical Sciences


Evaluation of medical externship students’ awareness about the charter of patient rights based on the Medical Ethics course in 2019

Educational Development of Judishapur


Mahdi Bijanzadeh
Mahdi Bijanzadeh

H-Index: 7

Farkhondeh Jamshidi
Farkhondeh Jamshidi

H-Index: 7

Attitudes of Intensive Care Units’ Women Nurses towards Euthanasia; Case Study of Ahvaz Hospitals, Iran

Scientific Journal of Medical Sciences


A 5-Year Epidemiological study of stroke Cases in the golestan teaching-therapeutic Hospital in Ahvaz, iran From 2015 to 2019


Farkhondeh Jamshidi
Farkhondeh Jamshidi

H-Index: 7

Ehsan Dehghani
Ehsan Dehghani

H-Index: 8

Evaluation of 5-Year Epidemiological Prevalence of Stroke cases in Golestan Hospital in Ahvaz, Iran from 2015 to 2019

Iranian Journal of Forensic Medicine


Farkhondeh Jamshidi
Farkhondeh Jamshidi

H-Index: 7

Ehsan Dehghani
Ehsan Dehghani

H-Index: 8

Investigating the Impact of Cognitive-behavioral Stress Management on Adjustment among Females with Breast Cancer

Current Women's Health Reviews


Farkhondeh Jamshidi
Farkhondeh Jamshidi

H-Index: 7

Mahtab Sattari
Mahtab Sattari

H-Index: 3

A cross-sectional multicenter linkage study of hospital admissions and mortality due to methanol poisoning in Iranian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic

Scientific reports


Estimation of Height Based on Hand Dimensions and Handprint

Iranian Journal of Forensic Medicine


Farkhondeh Jamshidi
Farkhondeh Jamshidi

H-Index: 7

Epidemiological, clinical and imaging characteristics of female prisoners with definite COVID-19 in a prison in the southwest, Iran, 2020

International Journal of Prisoner Health


Maryam Dastoorpoor
Maryam Dastoorpoor

H-Index: 17

Farkhondeh Jamshidi
Farkhondeh Jamshidi

H-Index: 7

Correction to: Association between cancer risk and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons’ exposure in the ambient air of Ahvaz, southwest of Iran

International Journal of Biometeorology


COVID‐19 pandemic and methanol poisoning outbreak in Iranian children and adolescents: A data linkage study

Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research


The Effect of Prostatic Regional Block Using Bupivacaine on the Unpleasant Sensation Caused by Urethral Catheter after Prostate Resection through Urethra

Armaghane Danesh


See List of Professors in Farkhondeh Jamshidi University(Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences)