Farid Zand

About Farid Zand

Farid Zand, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of Critical Care Medicine.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) report of health care associated infections, data summary of 45 countries for 2015 to 2020, adult and pediatric …

Machine learning-derived analysis of intensive care unit mortality in patients with ICU acquired infections

The role of antibacterial pattern of resistance on mortality associated with catheter related ICU acquired infections; a machine learning-derived analysis on the results of 8 …

Central line associated venous thrombosis in adult trauma intensive care units

Ultrasonographic comparison of the diaphragm function in critically ill patients with volume and pressure modes

Ultrasonographic evaluation of diaphragm thickness and excursion: correlation with weaning success in trauma patients: prospective cohort study

Does red blood cell transfusion affect clinical outcomes in critically ill patients? A report from a large teaching hospital in south Iran

Development and evaluation of an anesthesia module for electronic medical records in the operating room: an applied developmental study

Farid Zand Information



Anesthesiology and Critical Care Research Center



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Farid Zand Skills & Research Interests

Critical Care Medicine

Top articles of Farid Zand

International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) report of health care associated infections, data summary of 45 countries for 2015 to 2020, adult and pediatric …

American journal of infection control


Machine learning-derived analysis of intensive care unit mortality in patients with ICU acquired infections

Journal of Critical Care


The role of antibacterial pattern of resistance on mortality associated with catheter related ICU acquired infections; a machine learning-derived analysis on the results of 8 …

Journal of Critical Care


Central line associated venous thrombosis in adult trauma intensive care units

Journal of Critical Care


Mansoor Masjedi
Mansoor Masjedi

H-Index: 6

Farid Zand
Farid Zand

H-Index: 13

Ultrasonographic comparison of the diaphragm function in critically ill patients with volume and pressure modes

Journal of Critical Care


Ultrasonographic evaluation of diaphragm thickness and excursion: correlation with weaning success in trauma patients: prospective cohort study

American Journal of Critical Care


Does red blood cell transfusion affect clinical outcomes in critically ill patients? A report from a large teaching hospital in south Iran

Annals of Saudi Medicine


Development and evaluation of an anesthesia module for electronic medical records in the operating room: an applied developmental study

BMC anesthesiology


Farid Zand
Farid Zand

H-Index: 13

Azadeh Bashiri
Azadeh Bashiri

H-Index: 9

The Impact of a Web-based Clinical Decision Support System on Adherence to Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Guidelines in ICU Nonsurgical Patients: A Prospective Study


Design, development, implementation, and evaluation of a severe drug–drug interaction alert system in the ICU: An analysis of acceptance and override rates


Usability Assessment of an Electronic Medical Record-Embedded Clinical Decision Support System for Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation

Studies in health technology and informatics


Farid Zand
Farid Zand

H-Index: 13

Roxana Sharifian
Roxana Sharifian

H-Index: 7

Assessment of Laboratory and Clinical Data in COVID-19 Patients Treated by Convalescent Plasma

Jundishapur Journal of Chronic Disease Care


Farid Zand
Farid Zand

H-Index: 13

Effect of Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Recommender System on Adherence to Clinical Guideline among Surgical ICU Patients.

Journal of Biomedical Physics & Engineering


The effectiveness of the intermediate and therapeutic doses of enoxaparin in COVID-19 patients: A comparative study of factor Xa inhibition

Acta Haematologica


Epidemiology and outcomes of hospital-acquired bloodstream infections in intensive care unit patients: the EUROBACT-2 international cohort study

Intensive Care Medicine


The clinical and paraclinical effectiveness of four-hour infusion vs. half-hour infusion of high-dose ampicillin-sulbactam in treatment of critically ill patients with sepsis …

Journal of Critical Care


Experience with Pharmacological Prophylaxis for Venous Thromboembolism in Surgical ICUs in Tertiary Care Hospitals in Southwest Asia

Indian Journal of Surgery


Unintended impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the rate of catheter related nosocomial infections and incidence of multiple drug resistance pathogens in three intensive care units …

BMC infectious diseases


Volume of distribution as an early predictor of vancomycin-induced AKI in critically ill patients

Acta Bio Medica: Atenei Parmensis


High frequency of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae fecal carriage among ICU hospitalized patients from Southern Iran

Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences


Reza Khashei
Reza Khashei

H-Index: 11

Farid Zand
Farid Zand

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in Farid Zand University(Shiraz University of Medical Sciences)

