Farhad Hossain

Farhad Hossain

Manchester University

H-index: 23

North America-United States

About Farhad Hossain

Farhad Hossain, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Manchester University, specializes in the field of Public Administration, International Development, Development Management, Organizational Behaviour.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Dysfunctional behaviours in the Ghanaian public service: can spirituality and ethics offer solutions?

GA3 and growing medium influence papaya seed germination and seedling growth

State-business relations for entrepreneurial takeoff in Africa: institutional analysis

On the question of entrepreneurial breakthrough or failure in Africa: a framework for analysis

Impact of Effective Performance Appraisal Systems on Employee Motivation and Retention in Private Banking Industry of Bangladesh

Quantitative soil erosion risk assessment due to rapid urbanization in the Cox’s Bazar district and Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh

Syrian refugees in Turkey: exploring the role of I/NGOs in refugee crisis

Conceptualizing the role of social accountability in public service delivery: a comparative study of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan

Farhad Hossain Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Farhad Hossain Skills & Research Interests

Public Administration

International Development

Development Management

Organizational Behaviour

Top articles of Farhad Hossain

Dysfunctional behaviours in the Ghanaian public service: can spirituality and ethics offer solutions?

Journal of Organizational Change Management


Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Eric Delle
Eric Delle

H-Index: 5

GA3 and growing medium influence papaya seed germination and seedling growth


Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Nazrul Islam
Nazrul Islam

H-Index: 15

State-business relations for entrepreneurial takeoff in Africa: institutional analysis


Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Emmanuel Yeboah-Assiamah
Emmanuel Yeboah-Assiamah

H-Index: 10

On the question of entrepreneurial breakthrough or failure in Africa: a framework for analysis

African Journal of Economic and Management Studies


Emmanuel Yeboah-Assiamah
Emmanuel Yeboah-Assiamah

H-Index: 10

Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Impact of Effective Performance Appraisal Systems on Employee Motivation and Retention in Private Banking Industry of Bangladesh

Journal of Economics, Management and Trade


Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Nazrul Islam
Nazrul Islam

H-Index: 15

Quantitative soil erosion risk assessment due to rapid urbanization in the Cox’s Bazar district and Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment


Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Syrian refugees in Turkey: exploring the role of I/NGOs in refugee crisis

Third World Quarterly


Emrah Atar
Emrah Atar

H-Index: 1

Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Conceptualizing the role of social accountability in public service delivery: a comparative study of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan


Abu Elias Sarker
Abu Elias Sarker

H-Index: 10

Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Exploitation in Bangladeshi ready-made garments supply chain: a case of irresponsible capitalism?

The International Journal of Logistics Management


Interpretation and therapeutic intervention of lumbosacral transitional vertebra (LSTV)

Biomed J Sci Tech Res


Advancing Public Service Innovation Through Empathy: An Analysis of Bangladesh’s Intrepid Approach

South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management


Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Leptospira Epidemiology in Dairy Cattle of Bangladesh

Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (ISSN: 2582-3183)


Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Work engagement: the role of psychological ownership and self-regulatory focus behavior

Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance


Eric Delle
Eric Delle

H-Index: 5

Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Public service provision for Syrian refugees in Turkey: challenges and prospects


Emrah Atar
Emrah Atar

H-Index: 1

Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Alternaria leaf spot of broccoli caused by Alternaria alternata in Bangladesh

Plant Protection Science


Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Tofazzal Islam
Tofazzal Islam

H-Index: 28

Not all justices are equal: the unique effects of organizational justice on the behaviour and attitude of government workers in Ghana

International Review of Administrative Sciences


Eric Delle
Eric Delle

H-Index: 5

Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Medium-term development planning in Ghana: capacity constraints and outcomes


Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Toutes les justices ne sont pas égales: les effets singuliers de la justice organisationnelle sur le comportement et les opinions des fonctionnaires au Ghana

Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives


Public service ethics, values and spirituality in developing and transitional countries: Challenges and opportunities


Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Do public sector organizations ensure labor ethics? Perspectives from ethics and workplace spirituality in Bangladesh's garment sector

Public Administration and Development


Farhad Hossain
Farhad Hossain

H-Index: 14

Yuka Fujimoto
Yuka Fujimoto

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Farhad Hossain University(Manchester University)

