Farah Naja

About Farah Naja

Farah Naja, With an exceptional h-index of 38 and a recent h-index of 33 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at American University of Beirut, specializes in the field of Nutritional epidemiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Role of marination, natural antimicrobial compounds, and packaging on microbiota during storage of chicken tawook

Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes, and Lifestyle Practices That May Lead to Breast Cancer Risk Reduction among Female University Students in Lebanon

Molecular crosstalk between polyphenols and gut microbiota in cancer prevention

Caffeine intake and its association with nutrition, sleep, and physical activity among schoolchildren in the United Arab Emirates: a national cross-sectional study

Beyond pillbox: a national cross-sectional study on the attitudes, practices, and knowledge of community pharmacists regarding complementary and alternative medicine

Influence of maternal characteristics and infant feeding patterns on infant growth from birth till 18 months: The MISC study

Preservative effect of pomegranate-based marination with β-resorcylic acid and cinnamaldehyde on the microbial quality of chicken liver

Food sources of fiber and micronutrients of concern among infants and young children in Lebanon: a national cross-sectional study

Farah Naja Information






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Farah Naja Skills & Research Interests

Nutritional epidemiology

Top articles of Farah Naja

Role of marination, natural antimicrobial compounds, and packaging on microbiota during storage of chicken tawook

Poultry science


Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes, and Lifestyle Practices That May Lead to Breast Cancer Risk Reduction among Female University Students in Lebanon



Molecular crosstalk between polyphenols and gut microbiota in cancer prevention


Caffeine intake and its association with nutrition, sleep, and physical activity among schoolchildren in the United Arab Emirates: a national cross-sectional study

European Journal of Nutrition


Beyond pillbox: a national cross-sectional study on the attitudes, practices, and knowledge of community pharmacists regarding complementary and alternative medicine

BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies


Influence of maternal characteristics and infant feeding patterns on infant growth from birth till 18 months: The MISC study

Pediatric Obesity


Preservative effect of pomegranate-based marination with β-resorcylic acid and cinnamaldehyde on the microbial quality of chicken liver

Poultry Science


Food sources of fiber and micronutrients of concern among infants and young children in Lebanon: a national cross-sectional study

BMC pediatrics


Farah Naja
Farah Naja

H-Index: 23

Lara Nasreddine
Lara Nasreddine

H-Index: 25

Dietary patterns and their associations with postpartum weight retention: results of the MINA cohort study

European Journal of Nutrition


Farah Naja
Farah Naja

H-Index: 23

Lara Nasreddine
Lara Nasreddine

H-Index: 25

Intention to quit and its correlates among dieticians residing in the United Arab Emirates during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey

Plos one


Effect of camel milk on lipid profile among patients with diabetes: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of randomized controlled trials

BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies


Hadia Radwan
Hadia Radwan

H-Index: 10

Farah Naja
Farah Naja

H-Index: 23

Sustainable diets among youth: Validity and reliability of a questionnaire assessing knowledge, attitudes, practices, and willingness to change

Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics


Changes in energy and macronutrient intakes during Ramadan fasting: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression


Caffeinated energy drink consumption among Emirati adolescents is associated with a cluster of poor physical and mental health, and unhealthy dietary and lifestyle behaviors: a …

Frontiers in Public Health


An innovative state-of-the-art health storytelling technique for better management of type 2 diabetes

Frontiers in Public Health


Evaluation of the effectiveness of sleep hygiene education and FITBIT devices on quality of sleep and psychological worry: a pilot quasi-experimental study among first-year …

Frontiers in Public Health


The Bahraini food based dietary guidelines: a holistic perspective to health and wellbeing

Frontiers in Public Health


Farah Naja
Farah Naja

H-Index: 23

Nutrient Patterns and Bladder Cancer: A Case-Control Study in Iran

Nutrition and Cancer


Farah Naja
Farah Naja

H-Index: 23

Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of pediatricians in relation to breastfeeding support: A national survey in Lebanon

Plos one


Complementary and alternative medicine use during the COVID-19 pandemic: Community pharmacists’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices

Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy


See List of Professors in Farah Naja University(American University of Beirut)

