Fahhad H Alharbi

About Fahhad H Alharbi

Fahhad H Alharbi, With an exceptional h-index of 31 and a recent h-index of 25 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Machine Learning-Driven Predictions of Crystal Symmetry Groups Using Chemical Compositions in Binary and Ternary Materials

GGA-PBE band gap machine learning correction with a reduced set of features

Cesium-niobium-chalcogenide compounds and semiconductor devices including the same

Constraint‐based analysis of a physics‐guided kinetic energy density expansion

Structures, band gaps, and formation energies of highly stable phases of inorganic ABX 3 halides: A= Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Tl; B= Be, Mg, Ca, Ge, Sr, Sn, Pb; and X= F, Cl, Br, I

Psitrum and Simulation of Decoherence in Quantum Algorithms

Prediction of Crystal Symmetry Groups for Binary and Ternary Materials from Chemical Compositions using Machine Learning

Outliers in Shannon’s effective ionic radii table and the table extension by machine learning

Fahhad H Alharbi Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Top articles of Fahhad H Alharbi

Machine Learning-Driven Predictions of Crystal Symmetry Groups Using Chemical Compositions in Binary and Ternary Materials

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


GGA-PBE band gap machine learning correction with a reduced set of features

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Cesium-niobium-chalcogenide compounds and semiconductor devices including the same


Constraint‐based analysis of a physics‐guided kinetic energy density expansion

International Journal of Quantum Chemistry


Asem Alenaizan
Asem Alenaizan

H-Index: 5

Fahhad H Alharbi
Fahhad H Alharbi

H-Index: 22

Structures, band gaps, and formation energies of highly stable phases of inorganic ABX 3 halides: A= Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Tl; B= Be, Mg, Ca, Ge, Sr, Sn, Pb; and X= F, Cl, Br, I

RSC advances


Fahhad H Alharbi
Fahhad H Alharbi

H-Index: 22

Psitrum and Simulation of Decoherence in Quantum Algorithms

APS March Meeting Abstracts


Prediction of Crystal Symmetry Groups for Binary and Ternary Materials from Chemical Compositions using Machine Learning

APS March Meeting Abstracts


Outliers in Shannon’s effective ionic radii table and the table extension by machine learning

Computational Materials Science


Fahhad H Alharbi
Fahhad H Alharbi

H-Index: 22

Accelerating Materials Discovery through Machine Learning: Predicting Crystallographic Symmetry Groups

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C


Mohammed Alghadeer
Mohammed Alghadeer

H-Index: 0

Fahhad H Alharbi
Fahhad H Alharbi

H-Index: 22

Thermodynamics of solar energy conversion

Photovoltaic Technology for Hot and Arid Environments


Solar cell fundamentals

Photovoltaic Technology for Hot and Arid Environments


Bandgap energy prediction of senary zincblende III–V semiconductor compounds using machine learning

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing


Fahhad H Alharbi
Fahhad H Alharbi

H-Index: 22

On the kinetic energy density functional: The limit of the density derivative order

Physica Scripta


Fahhad H Alharbi
Fahhad H Alharbi

H-Index: 22

Psitrum and Universal Simulation of Quantum Computers


Energy transfer and coherence in coupled oscillators with delayed coupling: a classical picture of two-level systems

Physica Scripta


Fahhad H Alharbi
Fahhad H Alharbi

H-Index: 22

Resampling techniques for materials informatics: limitations in crystal point groups classification


Mohammed Alghadeer
Mohammed Alghadeer

H-Index: 0

Fahhad H Alharbi
Fahhad H Alharbi

H-Index: 22

Psitrum: An Open Source Simulator for Universal Quantum Computers

arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.07301


Highly accurate machine learning prediction of crystal point groups for ternary materials from chemical formula

Scientific Reports


Abdulmohsen Alsaui
Abdulmohsen Alsaui

H-Index: 0

Fahhad H Alharbi
Fahhad H Alharbi

H-Index: 22

Scaling analysis of a physics-guided kinetic energy density expansion

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


Fahhad H Alharbi
Fahhad H Alharbi

H-Index: 22

Highly accurate machine learning model for kinetic energy density functional

Physics Letters A


Mohammed Alghadeer
Mohammed Alghadeer

H-Index: 0

Fahhad H Alharbi
Fahhad H Alharbi

H-Index: 22

See List of Professors in Fahhad H Alharbi University(King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals)