emine toraman

About emine toraman

emine toraman, With an exceptional h-index of 5 and a recent h-index of 5 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Atatürk Üniversitesi,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Role of parthenolide in paclitaxel-induced oxidative stress injury and impaired reproductive function in rat testicular tissue

Parthenolide as a potential analgesic in the treatment of paclitaxel-induced neuropathic pain: the rat modeling

Evaluated periodontal tissues and oxidative stress in rats with neuropathic pain-like behavior

Quantitative investigation of the bacterial content of periodontal abscess samples by real-time PCR

Global warming and nanoplastic toxicity; small temperature increases can make gill and liver toxicity more dramatic, which affects fillet quality caused by polystyrene …

The anxiolytic and circadian regulatory effect of agarwood water extract and its effects on the next generation; zebrafish modelling

Global warming and glyphosate toxicity (I): Adult zebrafish modelling with behavioural, immunohistochemical and metabolomic approaches

Fluoride exposure causes behavioral, molecular and physiological changes in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) and their offspring

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Top articles of emine toraman

Role of parthenolide in paclitaxel-induced oxidative stress injury and impaired reproductive function in rat testicular tissue

Chemico-Biological Interactions


Emine Toraman
Emine Toraman

H-Index: 1

Selma Sezen
Selma Sezen

H-Index: 3

Parthenolide as a potential analgesic in the treatment of paclitaxel-induced neuropathic pain: the rat modeling

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology


Evaluated periodontal tissues and oxidative stress in rats with neuropathic pain-like behavior

Molecular Biology Reports


Emine Toraman
Emine Toraman

H-Index: 1

Harun Budak
Harun Budak

H-Index: 10

Quantitative investigation of the bacterial content of periodontal abscess samples by real-time PCR

Journal of Microbiological Methods


Emine Toraman
Emine Toraman

H-Index: 1

Harun Budak
Harun Budak

H-Index: 10

Global warming and nanoplastic toxicity; small temperature increases can make gill and liver toxicity more dramatic, which affects fillet quality caused by polystyrene …

Science of The Total Environment


The anxiolytic and circadian regulatory effect of agarwood water extract and its effects on the next generation; zebrafish modelling

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology


Global warming and glyphosate toxicity (I): Adult zebrafish modelling with behavioural, immunohistochemical and metabolomic approaches

Science of The Total Environment


Fluoride exposure causes behavioral, molecular and physiological changes in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) and their offspring

Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology


Tip60/Kat5 may be a novel candidate histone acetyltransferase for the regulation of liver iron localization via acetylation



Emine Toraman
Emine Toraman

H-Index: 1

Harun Budak
Harun Budak

H-Index: 10

Increased nociceptive sensitivity is associated with periodontal inflammation and expression of chronic pain genes in gingival tissues of male rats

Chemico-biological interactions


Emine Toraman
Emine Toraman

H-Index: 1

Harun Budak
Harun Budak

H-Index: 10

The synergic toxicity of temperature increases and nanopolystrene on zebrafish brain implies that global warming may worsen the current risk based on plastic debris

Science of The Total Environment


See List of Professors in emine toraman University(Atatürk Üniversitesi)