Emilia Bagiella

About Emilia Bagiella

Emilia Bagiella, With an exceptional h-index of 88 and a recent h-index of 52 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, specializes in the field of Biostatistics, Clinical Trials.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Permanent pacemaker implantation and long-term outcomes of patients undergoing concomitant mitral and tricuspid valve surgery

Remote Short Sessions of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Monitored With Wearable Technology: Open-Label Prospective Feasibility Study

Response Regarding: Clinical Implication to Predict New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiac Surgery. Kataoka N, Imamura T

Clinical Trial Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Roadmap of the Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network

Infarct‐related structural disconnection and delirium in surgical aortic valve replacement patients

Prospective Study of Risk Factors for Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiac Surgery

Covid-19 and Mental Health: A Comparative Study on Post-Infection Depression (preprint)

Interatrial block association with adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients without a history of atrial fibrillation

Emilia Bagiella Information






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Emilia Bagiella Skills & Research Interests


Clinical Trials

Top articles of Emilia Bagiella

Permanent pacemaker implantation and long-term outcomes of patients undergoing concomitant mitral and tricuspid valve surgery

Journal of the American College of Cardiology


Emilia Bagiella
Emilia Bagiella

H-Index: 51

Remote Short Sessions of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Monitored With Wearable Technology: Open-Label Prospective Feasibility Study

JMIR Mental Health


Response Regarding: Clinical Implication to Predict New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiac Surgery. Kataoka N, Imamura T

Journal of Surgical Research


Emilia Bagiella
Emilia Bagiella

H-Index: 51

Clinical Trial Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Roadmap of the Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network


Prospective Study of Risk Factors for Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiac Surgery

Journal of Surgical Research


Emilia Bagiella
Emilia Bagiella

H-Index: 51

Covid-19 and Mental Health: A Comparative Study on Post-Infection Depression (preprint)


Interatrial block association with adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients without a history of atrial fibrillation

Clinical Electrophysiology


A randomized trial of mesenchymal stromal cells for moderate to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome from COVID-19

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine


Emilia Bagiella
Emilia Bagiella

H-Index: 51

Intravenous aviptadil and remdesivir for treatment of COVID-19-associated hypoxaemic respiratory failure in the USA (TESICO): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial

The Lancet Respiratory Medicine


Efficacy and safety of two neutralising monoclonal antibody therapies, sotrovimab and BRII-196 plus BRII-198, for adults hospitalised with COVID-19 (TICO): a randomised …

The Lancet Infectious Diseases


The Role of Tricuspid Repair in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Primary Mitral Regurgitation

The New England journal of medicine


Arnar Geirsson
Arnar Geirsson

H-Index: 19

Emilia Bagiella
Emilia Bagiella

H-Index: 51

Association of vaccination with the persistence of post-COVID symptoms

Journal of general internal medicine


Identifying correlations driven by influential observations in large datasets

Briefings in bioinformatics


Emilia Bagiella
Emilia Bagiella

H-Index: 51

Challenges to randomized trials in adult and congenital cardiac and thoracic surgery


COVID-19 Pandemic as a Change Agent in the Structure and Practice of Statistical Consulting Centers

The American Statistician


Emilia Bagiella
Emilia Bagiella

H-Index: 51

Hua Zhong
Hua Zhong

H-Index: 13

Rationale and design of a randomized trial evaluating an external support device for saphenous vein coronary grafts

American heart journal


Pacemaker implantation associated with tricuspid repair in the setting of mitral valve surgery: insights from a Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network randomized trial

The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery


Arnar Geirsson
Arnar Geirsson

H-Index: 19

Emilia Bagiella
Emilia Bagiella

H-Index: 51

Integrating non-concurrent controls in the analyses of late-entry experimental arms in multi-arm trials with a shared control group in the presence of parameter drift

Contemporary Clinical Trials


Emilia Bagiella
Emilia Bagiella

H-Index: 51

Intimal hyperplasia, saphenous vein graft disease, and clinical outcomes: Insights from the CTSN VEST randomized trial

The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery


See List of Professors in Emilia Bagiella University(Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)