Elise Dan-Glauser

About Elise Dan-Glauser

Elise Dan-Glauser, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université de Lausanne, specializes in the field of Emotion, Emotion regulation, Appraisal processes.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Touch as a stress buffer? Gender differences in subjective and physiological responses to partner and stranger touch

Decoding the complexities of emotion socialization: cultures, individual features and shared information

Measurement invariance of the Marijuana Motives Measure among men and women using Stop Cannabis App

Benefits of Planning as an emotion regulation strategy in obsessions and compulsions (OC): Implication of the perfectionism level in the Planning-OC relationship

Use of a difference index approach to analyze the early dynamic efficiency of reappraisal and suppression

Do hoarding symptoms belong to the obsessive-compulsive spectrum? Evidence from a psychometric network approach.

Evolution of impulsivity levels in relation to early cannabis use in violent patients in the early phase of psychosis

Effects of two mindfulness based interventions on the distinct phases of the stress response across different physiological systems

Elise Dan-Glauser Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Elise Dan-Glauser Skills & Research Interests


Emotion regulation

Appraisal processes

Top articles of Elise Dan-Glauser

Touch as a stress buffer? Gender differences in subjective and physiological responses to partner and stranger touch

Journal of Nonverbal Behavior


Anik Debrot
Anik Debrot

H-Index: 8

Elise Dan-Glauser
Elise Dan-Glauser

H-Index: 13

Decoding the complexities of emotion socialization: cultures, individual features and shared information


Elise Dan-Glauser
Elise Dan-Glauser

H-Index: 13

Measurement invariance of the Marijuana Motives Measure among men and women using Stop Cannabis App

Addictive behaviors


Benefits of Planning as an emotion regulation strategy in obsessions and compulsions (OC): Implication of the perfectionism level in the Planning-OC relationship

Journal of Affective Disorders Reports


Elise Dan-Glauser
Elise Dan-Glauser

H-Index: 13

Use of a difference index approach to analyze the early dynamic efficiency of reappraisal and suppression

Methods in Psychology


Elise Dan-Glauser
Elise Dan-Glauser

H-Index: 13

Do hoarding symptoms belong to the obsessive-compulsive spectrum? Evidence from a psychometric network approach.

Journal of Behavioral Addictions


Lucien Rochat
Lucien Rochat

H-Index: 27

Elise Dan-Glauser
Elise Dan-Glauser

H-Index: 13

Evolution of impulsivity levels in relation to early cannabis use in violent patients in the early phase of psychosis

Psychological medicine


Effects of two mindfulness based interventions on the distinct phases of the stress response across different physiological systems

Biological psychology


The link between cannabis use and violent behavior in the early phase of psychosis: the potential role of impulsivity

Frontiers in psychiatry


Elise Dan-Glauser
Elise Dan-Glauser

H-Index: 13

The utility of physiological measures in assessing the empathic skills of incarcerated violent offenders

International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology


Never too late to plan:“Refocus on planning” as an effective way to lower symptoms and difficulties in emotion regulation during the COVID-19 first lockdown.



Elise Dan-Glauser
Elise Dan-Glauser

H-Index: 13

Situation selection for the regulation of emotion responses: Non-meaningful choice options retain partial physiological regulatory impact

International Journal of Psychophysiology


Efficiency of illusory choice used as a variant of situation selection for regulating emotions: reduction of positive experience but preservation of physiological downregulation

Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback


Factors associated with repetitive violent behavior of psychiatric inpatients

Psychiatry research


The simultaneous use of Emotional suppression and Situation selection to regulate emotions incrementally favors physiological responses

BMC psychology


See List of Professors in Elise Dan-Glauser University(Université de Lausanne)