Efi Yuliati Yovi

About Efi Yuliati Yovi

Efi Yuliati Yovi, With an exceptional h-index of 9 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Institut Pertanian Bogor, specializes in the field of Forest Ergonomics, Occupational Safety, Extreme-Heat Exposure.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Mitigating Heat Exposure: Exploring the Role of Knowledge, Risk Perception, and Precautionary Behavior

Analysis of OSH risk level in forest management activities using remote sensing approach in RPH Takokak, KPH Sukabumi, West Java Province

Heat-Related Knowledge, Risk Perception, and Precautionary Behavior among Indonesian Forestry Workers and Farmers: Implications for Occupational Health Promotion in the Face of …

Does Motor Manual Pine Oleoresin Tapping Bring Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Risk to the Tappers?(RoM, REBA, RULA, and OWAS Based Postural Analysis)

COVID-19 anxiety as a moderator of the relationship between organizational change and perception of organizational politics in forestry public sector

Safety climate and risk perception of forestry workers: a case study of motor-manual tree felling in Indonesia

Postural Analysis on Manual Pine Resin Collecting Work: Lifting Index and L5/S1 Compression-Shear Forces

Work measurement study on motor-manual pine tapping operation: The application of the concept of lean manufacturing and allowances

Efi Yuliati Yovi Information



Doktor Ilmu Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Hutan



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Efi Yuliati Yovi Skills & Research Interests

Forest Ergonomics

Occupational Safety

Extreme-Heat Exposure

Top articles of Efi Yuliati Yovi

Mitigating Heat Exposure: Exploring the Role of Knowledge, Risk Perception, and Precautionary Behavior

Jurnal Sylva Lestari


Efi Yuliati Yovi
Efi Yuliati Yovi

H-Index: 6

Budi Kuncahyo
Budi Kuncahyo

H-Index: 3

Analysis of OSH risk level in forest management activities using remote sensing approach in RPH Takokak, KPH Sukabumi, West Java Province

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Efi Yuliati Yovi
Efi Yuliati Yovi

H-Index: 6

Heat-Related Knowledge, Risk Perception, and Precautionary Behavior among Indonesian Forestry Workers and Farmers: Implications for Occupational Health Promotion in the Face of …



Does Motor Manual Pine Oleoresin Tapping Bring Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Risk to the Tappers?(RoM, REBA, RULA, and OWAS Based Postural Analysis)

Jurnal Sylva Lestari


Efi Yuliati Yovi
Efi Yuliati Yovi

H-Index: 6

COVID-19 anxiety as a moderator of the relationship between organizational change and perception of organizational politics in forestry public sector



Pipiet Larasatie
Pipiet Larasatie

H-Index: 4

Efi Yuliati Yovi
Efi Yuliati Yovi

H-Index: 6

Safety climate and risk perception of forestry workers: a case study of motor-manual tree felling in Indonesia

International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics


Efi Yuliati Yovi
Efi Yuliati Yovi

H-Index: 6

Takuya Takahashi
Takuya Takahashi

H-Index: 2

Postural Analysis on Manual Pine Resin Collecting Work: Lifting Index and L5/S1 Compression-Shear Forces

Jurnal Sylva Lestari


Efi Yuliati Yovi
Efi Yuliati Yovi

H-Index: 6

Work measurement study on motor-manual pine tapping operation: The application of the concept of lean manufacturing and allowances

Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research


Efi Yuliati Yovi
Efi Yuliati Yovi

H-Index: 6

Buku Ajar Ilmu Kerja Hutan


Efi Yuliati Yovi
Efi Yuliati Yovi

H-Index: 6

Gunawan Santosa
Gunawan Santosa

H-Index: 3

Penilaian Risiko Ergonomi dalam Kegiatan Pemungutan Getah Pinus: Analisis Postur Kerja Statis (Ergonomics Risk Assessment in Pine Resin Harvesting: A Static Postural Analysis)

Jurnal Sylva Lestari


Efi Yuliati Yovi
Efi Yuliati Yovi

H-Index: 6

Ahmad Fauzi
Ahmad Fauzi

H-Index: 3

Ergonomics risk assessment in pine resin harvesting: a static postural analysis.


Efi Yuliati Yovi
Efi Yuliati Yovi

H-Index: 6

Ahmad Fauzi
Ahmad Fauzi

H-Index: 3

Ergonomic analysis of traditional pine oleoresin tapping: musculoskeletal disorders, cumulative fatigue, and job satisfaction

Jurnal Sylva Lestari


Efi Yuliati Yovi
Efi Yuliati Yovi

H-Index: 6

Implementing Occupational Safety and Health Management System in a Forest Management Unit (FMU) X: A Financial Analysis

Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallacea


Kebijakan Nasional Perlindungan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di Sektor Kehutanan

Policy Brief Pertanian, Kelautan, dan Biosains Tropika


Bramasto Nugroho
Bramasto Nugroho

H-Index: 10

Efi Yuliati Yovi
Efi Yuliati Yovi

H-Index: 6

Analisis Kondisi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja pada Kegiatan Penyadapan Getah Pinus di KPH Sukabumi


MARASTA. Analisis Biomekanik pada Kegiatan Penyadapan Getah Pinus Menggunakan Alat Mujitech di KPH Sukabumi


Penilaian Postur Kerja Menggunakan Analisis Biomekanik pada Kegiatan Penyadapan Getah Pinus dengan Mujitech di KPH Sukabumi


Analisis Biomekanik pada Kegiatan Pemungutan Getah Pinus di KPH Sukabumi.


Produktivitas Pemuatan Log Kayu Pinus ke Truk secara Manual di BKPH Sagaranten KPH Sukabumi


Analisis Postur Kerja dan Risiko Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) pada Kegiatan Penyadapan Pinus di Perum Perhutani KPH Sukabumi.


See List of Professors in Efi Yuliati Yovi University(Institut Pertanian Bogor)

