Edson Denner Leonel

About Edson Denner Leonel

Edson Denner Leonel, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade de São Paulo, specializes in the field of Engenharia.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

An extended isogeometric boundary element formulation for three-dimensional linear elastic fracture mechanics

The fracture failure modelling of three-dimensional structures composed of quasi-brittle materials subjected to different loading velocities rates by the dipole-based BEM approach

The probabilistic mechanical-material modeling of complex non-homogeneous structures using the coupling of isogeometric boundary element method and reliability approach

Embutimento de Fibras em Elemento de Sólido Bidimensional da Mecânica do Dano Concentrado

Mecânica do Dano Concentrado Expandida para Meios Bidimensionais: Abordagem Geometricamente Exata

Direct evaluation of stress intensity factors and T-stress for bimaterial interface cracks using the extended isogeometric boundary element method

Numerical analysis of a multi-material dam via igabem and the subregions technique

One step forward towards the full integration of BEM and CAD software: An effective adaptive approach

Edson Denner Leonel Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Edson Denner Leonel

An extended isogeometric boundary element formulation for three-dimensional linear elastic fracture mechanics

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering


Jon Trevelyan
Jon Trevelyan

H-Index: 17

Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

The fracture failure modelling of three-dimensional structures composed of quasi-brittle materials subjected to different loading velocities rates by the dipole-based BEM approach

International Journal of Solids and Structures


Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

The probabilistic mechanical-material modeling of complex non-homogeneous structures using the coupling of isogeometric boundary element method and reliability approach

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications


Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

Embutimento de Fibras em Elemento de Sólido Bidimensional da Mecânica do Dano Concentrado

Mecánica Computacional


Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

Mecânica do Dano Concentrado Expandida para Meios Bidimensionais: Abordagem Geometricamente Exata

Mecánica Computacional


Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

Direct evaluation of stress intensity factors and T-stress for bimaterial interface cracks using the extended isogeometric boundary element method

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics


Numerical analysis of a multi-material dam via igabem and the subregions technique


Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

One step forward towards the full integration of BEM and CAD software: An effective adaptive approach

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements


Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

The fracture failure of three-dimensional concrete structures subjected to concentrated loadings using the Boundary Element Method

Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais


Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

Falha por fratura de estruturas em concreto submetidas a carregamentos concentrados pelo Método dos Elementos de Contorno

Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais


Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

Nonlinear IGABEM formulations for the mechanical modelling of 3D reinforced structures

Applied Mathematical Modelling


Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

A NURBS-discontinuous and enriched isogeometric boundary element formulation for two-dimensional fatigue crack growth

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements


Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

Modelagem probabilística da difusão de cloreto em estruturas de concreto fissurado pela formulação transiente do MEC

Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais


Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

Probabilistic chloride diffusion modelling in cracked concrete structures by transient BEM formulation

Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais


Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

Reliability analysis of truss structures considering complete failure paths and using the FLHB model

Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais


Análise de confiabilidade de treliças considerando caminhos de falha e utilizando o modelo FLHB

Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais


A methodology to evaluate corroded RC structures using a probabilistic damage approach

arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.09017


Three dimensional nonlinear BEM formulations for the mechanical analysis of nonhomogeneous reinforced structural systems

Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements


Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

An isogeometric boundary element formulation for fibre-reinforced 3D domains



Edson Denner Leonel
Edson Denner Leonel

H-Index: 13

An isogeometric Boundary Element formulation for solids containing trimmed surfaces

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering


See List of Professors in Edson Denner Leonel University(Universidade de São Paulo)