Donald A Jackson

Donald A Jackson

University of Toronto

H-index: 53

North America-Canada

About Donald A Jackson

Donald A Jackson, With an exceptional h-index of 53 and a recent h-index of 34 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Toronto, specializes in the field of aquatic ecology, community ecology, statistical ecology, conservation biology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Explaining variation in stream fish productivity with biotic and abiotic variables across wadeable rivers in eastern North America

Salinization, warming, and loss of water clarity inhibit vertical mixing of small urban ponds

Temporal variations of the multifaceted biodiversity and assembly mechanisms in lake fish assemblages

Temporal change in urban fish biodiversity—Gains, losses, and drivers of change

Effects of sample size, data quality, and species response in environmental space on modeling species distributions

Can fish species co-occurrence patterns be predicted by their trait dissimilarities?

Evaluating four fish-based indices of biotic integrity for similar measures of ecological condition

Predicting riverine fish production using empirical models and the metabolic theory of ecology

Donald A Jackson Information



Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Donald A Jackson Skills & Research Interests

aquatic ecology

community ecology

statistical ecology

conservation biology

Top articles of Donald A Jackson

Explaining variation in stream fish productivity with biotic and abiotic variables across wadeable rivers in eastern North America

Freshwater Biology


Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Salinization, warming, and loss of water clarity inhibit vertical mixing of small urban ponds

Limnology and Oceanography Letters


Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Temporal variations of the multifaceted biodiversity and assembly mechanisms in lake fish assemblages



Feng Wen
Feng Wen

H-Index: 5

Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Temporal change in urban fish biodiversity—Gains, losses, and drivers of change

Ecology and Evolution


Lauren Lawson
Lauren Lawson

H-Index: 1

Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Effects of sample size, data quality, and species response in environmental space on modeling species distributions

Landscape Ecology


Lifei Wang
Lifei Wang

H-Index: 16

Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Can fish species co-occurrence patterns be predicted by their trait dissimilarities?

Royal Society Open Science


Ruben D Cordero
Ruben D Cordero

H-Index: 4

Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Evaluating four fish-based indices of biotic integrity for similar measures of ecological condition

Ecological Indicators


Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Predicting riverine fish production using empirical models and the metabolic theory of ecology

Ecology of Freshwater Fish


Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

From headwaters to receiving waters: river dynamics in an increasingly urban world

Authorea Preprints


Lauren Lawson
Lauren Lawson

H-Index: 1

Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Depth and temperature drive patterns of spatial overlap among fish thermal guilds in lakes across Ontario, Canada

Diversity and Distributions


Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Biodiversity patterns diverge along geographic temperature gradients

Global Change Biology


Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Benjamin Gilbert
Benjamin Gilbert

H-Index: 26

Correcting for size bias in electrofishing removal samples

Ecological Modelling


Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Bioregions are predominantly climatic for fishes of northern lakes

Global Ecology and Biogeography


Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Microplastic contamination in Great Lakes fish

Conservation Biology


Keenan Munno
Keenan Munno

H-Index: 9

Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Putting the Mantel test back together again



Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Weighted stream temperature tolerance index is insensitive to changes in stream fish composition

Freshwater Science


Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Size spectrum model reveals importance of considering species interactions in a freshwater fisheries management context



Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Abiotic factors influence species co‐occurrence patterns of lake fishes

Journal of Animal Ecology


Ruben D Cordero
Ruben D Cordero

H-Index: 4

Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Identifying influential parameters of a multi-species fish size spectrum model for a northern temperate lake through sensitivity analyses

Ecological Modelling


Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

Exploratory analysis of multivariate data: Applications of parallel coordinates in ecology

Ecological Informatics


Omar Alminagorta
Omar Alminagorta

H-Index: 3

Donald A Jackson
Donald A Jackson

H-Index: 35

See List of Professors in Donald A Jackson University(University of Toronto)

