Dominika Wylezalek

About Dominika Wylezalek

Dominika Wylezalek, With an exceptional h-index of 36 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, specializes in the field of Galaxy evolution, black hole feedback.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

JWST ERS Program Q3D: The pitfalls of virial BH mass constraints shown in az= 3 quasar with an ultramassive host

VODKA-JWST: Synchronized growth of two SMBHs in a massive gas disk? A 3.8 kpc separation dual quasar at cosmic noon with JWST NIRSpec IFU

VODKA-JWST: A 3.8 kpc dual quasar at cosmic noon in a powerful starburst galaxy with JWST/MIRI IFU

An Excess of Active Galactic Nuclei Triggered by Galaxy Mergers in MaNGA Galaxies of Stellar Mass∼ 1011 M⊙

Spatially-resolved spectroscopy of dual quasars at cosmic noon with JWST and ALMA

First results from the JWST Early Release Science Program Q3D: Ionization in a red quasar z= 0.4

Evidence for Intrinsic X-ray Weakness Among Red Quasars at Cosmic Noon

JWST discovers an AGN ionization cone but only weak radiative-driven feedback in a powerful 3.5 radio-loud AGN

Dominika Wylezalek Information



Research Group Leader



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Dominika Wylezalek Skills & Research Interests

Galaxy evolution

black hole feedback

Top articles of Dominika Wylezalek

JWST ERS Program Q3D: The pitfalls of virial BH mass constraints shown in az= 3 quasar with an ultramassive host

arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.14475


VODKA-JWST: Synchronized growth of two SMBHs in a massive gas disk? A 3.8 kpc separation dual quasar at cosmic noon with JWST NIRSpec IFU

arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.08098


VODKA-JWST: A 3.8 kpc dual quasar at cosmic noon in a powerful starburst galaxy with JWST/MIRI IFU

arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.04002


An Excess of Active Galactic Nuclei Triggered by Galaxy Mergers in MaNGA Galaxies of Stellar Mass∼ 1011 M⊙

The Astrophysical Journal


Namrata Roy
Namrata Roy

H-Index: 3

Dominika Wylezalek
Dominika Wylezalek

H-Index: 25

Spatially-resolved spectroscopy of dual quasars at cosmic noon with JWST and ALMA

American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts


First results from the JWST Early Release Science Program Q3D: Ionization in a red quasar z= 0.4

The Astrophysical Journal


Evidence for Intrinsic X-ray Weakness Among Red Quasars at Cosmic Noon

arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.04177


Yilun Ma
Yilun Ma

H-Index: 2

Dominika Wylezalek
Dominika Wylezalek

H-Index: 25

JWST discovers an AGN ionization cone but only weak radiative-driven feedback in a powerful 3.5 radio-loud AGN

arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.02479


Dominika Wylezalek
Dominika Wylezalek

H-Index: 25

q3dfit: PSF decomposition and spectral analysis for JWST-IFU spectroscopy

Astrophysics Source Code Library


3D tomography of the giant Ly nebulae of 3--5 radio-loud AGN

arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.15144


Faint [CI](1-0) emission in z 3.5 radio galaxies

arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.00459


Evidence for low power radio jet-ISM interaction at 10 parsec in the dwarf AGN host NGC 4395

arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.13263


Dominika Wylezalek
Dominika Wylezalek

H-Index: 25

Ram Sagar
Ram Sagar

H-Index: 9

Discovery of spectacular quasar-driven superbubbles in red quasars

Science Advances


Lu Shen
Lu Shen

H-Index: 4

Zhicheng He
Zhicheng He

H-Index: 6

Dominika Wylezalek
Dominika Wylezalek

H-Index: 25

Intracluster light in the core of z∼ 2 galaxy proto-clusters

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society


Star Formation in the Dwarf Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4395: Evidence for Both AGN and SN Feedback?

The Astrophysical Journal


Dominika Wylezalek
Dominika Wylezalek

H-Index: 25

R Sagar
R Sagar

H-Index: 16

Classifying the full SDSS-IV MaNGA Survey using optical diagnostic diagrams: Presentation of AGN catalogs in flexible apertures

Astronomy & Astrophysics


Dominika Wylezalek
Dominika Wylezalek

H-Index: 25

An Empirical Calibration of the NIRSpec IFU Point Spread Function to Enable High Contrast Imaging Spectroscopy

JWST Proposal. Cycle 2


Deep grism spectroscopy of the complex environment around an extremely red quasar within an ultramassive host at z= 3

JWST Proposal. Cycle 2


VizieR Online Data Catalog: Ionized gas outflow signatures in MaNGA AGN (Wylezalek+, 2020)

VizieR Online Data Catalog


VizieR Online Data Catalog: BPT class and AGN classification (Alban+, 2023)

VizieR Online Data Catalog


See List of Professors in Dominika Wylezalek University(Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)