Dominik Brill

About Dominik Brill

Dominik Brill, With an exceptional h-index of 22 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität zu Köln, specializes in the field of Coastal geomorphology, natural hazards, luminescence dating.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Tectonic control on great earthquake periodicity in south-central Chile.

Assessing the last “large scale fluvial modification” across the hyperarid Atacama Desert, northern Chile

Alluvial deposition at the Skeleton Coast, northern Namibia: chronology and spatial patterns

OSL Dated Sea-Level for MIS 5e Interglacial in South Carolina, United States

Palaeoenvironmental changes and human-environment interactions in the surroundings of La Silla del Papa, SW Spain

Miocene to recent precipitation history of the central Atacama Desert as reconstructed from a clay pan record in the Coastal Cordillera, northern Chile.

Terracettes in the hyperarid Atacama Desert–fog-driven landforms of Holocene age?

Luminescence dating of tsunami deposits from the algarve shelf, Portugal

Dominik Brill Information



Institute for Geography



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Dominik Brill Skills & Research Interests

Coastal geomorphology

natural hazards

luminescence dating

Top articles of Dominik Brill

Tectonic control on great earthquake periodicity in south-central Chile.


Assessing the last “large scale fluvial modification” across the hyperarid Atacama Desert, northern Chile


Joel Mohren
Joel Mohren

H-Index: 1

Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

Alluvial deposition at the Skeleton Coast, northern Namibia: chronology and spatial patterns


Joel Mohren
Joel Mohren

H-Index: 1

Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

OSL Dated Sea-Level for MIS 5e Interglacial in South Carolina, United States


Palaeoenvironmental changes and human-environment interactions in the surroundings of La Silla del Papa, SW Spain


Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

Miocene to recent precipitation history of the central Atacama Desert as reconstructed from a clay pan record in the Coastal Cordillera, northern Chile.


Terracettes in the hyperarid Atacama Desert–fog-driven landforms of Holocene age?


Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

Stephan Opitz
Stephan Opitz

H-Index: 13

Luminescence dating of tsunami deposits from the algarve shelf, Portugal

Quaternary Geochronology


Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

Late Pleistocene to modern precipitation changes at the Paranal clay pan, central Atacama Desert

Global and Planetary Change


Stratigraphy and OSL chronology of the Middle–Upper Pleistocene sedimentary sequence and vegetation history during Late MIS6–MIS5e in the Neva Lowland (St. Petersburg region …

Journal of Quaternary Science


Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

Water-dispersible colloids distribution along an alluvial fan transect in hyper-arid Atacama Desert



Investigating optical dating of carbonate-rich cobbles from a river terrace: A pilot study from the Mula Valley, Spain

Radiation Measurements


Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

Assessing land elevation in the Ayeyarwady Delta (Myanmar) and its relevance for studying sea level rise and delta flooding

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences


Frauke Kraas
Frauke Kraas

H-Index: 16

Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

Pleniglacial dynamics in an oceanic central European loess landscape

E&G Quaternary Science Journal


Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

Holocene coastal evolution and environmental changes in the lower Río Guadiaro valley, with particular focus on the Bronze to Iron Age harbour ‘Montilla’of Los Castillejos de …



Dennis Wolf
Dennis Wolf

H-Index: 6

Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

How do Digital Elevation Models affect the Assessment of Present and Future Flooding Risk?–The Case of the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

Frauke Kraas
Frauke Kraas

H-Index: 16

Dating dry-stone walls with rock surface luminescence: A case study from the Italian Alps

Journal of Archaeological Science


Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

Francesco Carrer
Francesco Carrer

H-Index: 10

Violet stimulated luminescence as an alternative for dating complex colluvial sediments in the Atacama Desert

Quaternary Geochronology


Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

Identifying Land-Use Related Potential Disaster Risk Drivers in the Ayeyarwady Delta (Myanmar) during the Last 50 Years (1974–2021) Using a Hybrid Ensemble Learning Model

Remote Sensing


Dominik Brill
Dominik Brill

H-Index: 15

Frauke Kraas
Frauke Kraas

H-Index: 16

Climate, glacial and vegetation history of the polar Ural Mountains since c. 27 cal ka bp, inferred from a 54 m long sediment core from Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye

Journal of Quaternary Science


See List of Professors in Dominik Brill University(Universität zu Köln)