Dhananjay Ravat

Dhananjay Ravat

University of Kentucky

H-index: 32

North America-United States

About Dhananjay Ravat

Dhananjay Ravat, With an exceptional h-index of 32 and a recent h-index of 21 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Kentucky, specializes in the field of Depts of Earth & Env Sciences, Physics & Astronomy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Magnetotelluric insights into the formation and reactivation of trans-crustal shear zones in Precambrian basement of the eastern US Midcontinent

On the determination and interpretation of the lithospheric induced magnetisation

Cratonic High-Conductivity Zones of the US Midcontinent, Based on Magnetotelluric Studies: Insight into Northwest-Trending Long-Lived Fault Zones

High-resolution elastic thickness variation across Tharsis and Valles Marineris: Results from a space-domain convolution method and the implications for the structure and …

Calculated Lithospheric Strength Envelopes: Implications for Understanding Elastic and Seismogenic Layer Thicknesses on Mars

Thermal structure of the African continent based on magnetic data: Future geothermal renewable energy explorations in Africa

Deciphering the sources of magnetic anomalies in the subduction setting

NanoSWARM: NanoSatellites for Space Weathering, Surface Water, Solar Wind, and Remanent Magnetism

Dhananjay Ravat Information



Professor of Geophysics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Dhananjay Ravat Skills & Research Interests

Depts of Earth & Env Sciences

Physics & Astronomy

Top articles of Dhananjay Ravat

Magnetotelluric insights into the formation and reactivation of trans-crustal shear zones in Precambrian basement of the eastern US Midcontinent

Geological Society of America Bulletin


Dhananjay Ravat
Dhananjay Ravat

H-Index: 20

On the determination and interpretation of the lithospheric induced magnetisation

Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Nils Olsen
Nils Olsen

H-Index: 7

Dhananjay Ravat
Dhananjay Ravat

H-Index: 20

Cratonic High-Conductivity Zones of the US Midcontinent, Based on Magnetotelluric Studies: Insight into Northwest-Trending Long-Lived Fault Zones

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Dhananjay Ravat
Dhananjay Ravat

H-Index: 20

High-resolution elastic thickness variation across Tharsis and Valles Marineris: Results from a space-domain convolution method and the implications for the structure and …

Authorea Preprints


Dhananjay Ravat
Dhananjay Ravat

H-Index: 20

Calculated Lithospheric Strength Envelopes: Implications for Understanding Elastic and Seismogenic Layer Thicknesses on Mars

Authorea Preprints


Dhananjay Ravat
Dhananjay Ravat

H-Index: 20

Francis Nimmo
Francis Nimmo

H-Index: 47

Thermal structure of the African continent based on magnetic data: Future geothermal renewable energy explorations in Africa


Deciphering the sources of magnetic anomalies in the subduction setting

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Dhananjay Ravat
Dhananjay Ravat

H-Index: 20

Nils Olsen
Nils Olsen

H-Index: 7

NanoSWARM: NanoSatellites for Space Weathering, Surface Water, Solar Wind, and Remanent Magnetism

Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society


Mars' Ancient Dynamo and Crustal Remanent Magnetism

Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society


Re-assessment of the depth to the base of magnetic sources (DBMS) in Australia from aeromagnetic data using the defractal method

Geophysical Journal International


Magnetic sources in the Earth’s mantle


Dhananjay Ravat
Dhananjay Ravat

H-Index: 20

Carmen Sanchez-Valle
Carmen Sanchez-Valle

H-Index: 19

Crustal composition and Moho variations of the central and eastern United States: Improving resolution and geologic interpretation of EarthScope USArray seismic images using …

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth


New magnetic field models of the Moon


Dhananjay Ravat
Dhananjay Ravat

H-Index: 20

Nils Olsen
Nils Olsen

H-Index: 7

Lunar magnetic field models from Lunar Prospector and SELENE/Kaguya along‐track magnetic field gradients

Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets


See List of Professors in Dhananjay Ravat University(University of Kentucky)

