David Rudolph

About David Rudolph

David Rudolph, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, specializes in the field of energy geography, community engagement, local acceptance, wind energy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Making space for community energy: landed property as barrier and enabler of community wind projects

Grand Challenges in Social Aspects of Wind Energy Development

Different pasts, contested presents and desired futures: local narratives and identities in the co-production of a shared wind energy ownership model

Tackling grand challenges in wind energy through a socio-technical perspective

Method for estimating the future annual mass of decommissioned wind turbine blade material in Denmark

The question of ‘sustainable’technology: From socio-ecological fixes to transformations

Do demand-based obstruction lights on wind turbines increase community annoyance? Evidence from a Danish case

The landrush of wind energy, its socio-material workings, and its political consequences: On the entanglement of land and wind assemblages in Denmark

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Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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David Rudolph Skills & Research Interests

energy geography

community engagement

local acceptance

wind energy

Top articles of David Rudolph

Making space for community energy: landed property as barrier and enabler of community wind projects

Geographica Helvetica


David Rudolph
David Rudolph

H-Index: 9

Grand Challenges in Social Aspects of Wind Energy Development


Different pasts, contested presents and desired futures: local narratives and identities in the co-production of a shared wind energy ownership model

Local Environment


Tackling grand challenges in wind energy through a socio-technical perspective


Method for estimating the future annual mass of decommissioned wind turbine blade material in Denmark

Wind Energy


The question of ‘sustainable’technology: From socio-ecological fixes to transformations

Human Geography


David Rudolph
David Rudolph

H-Index: 9

Do demand-based obstruction lights on wind turbines increase community annoyance? Evidence from a Danish case

Renewable Energy


The landrush of wind energy, its socio-material workings, and its political consequences: On the entanglement of land and wind assemblages in Denmark

Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space


David Rudolph
David Rudolph

H-Index: 9

Sophie Nyborg
Sophie Nyborg

H-Index: 5

Sustainable rural development and rural energy communities in a post-Brexit UK: Paralysis or broader visions in uncertain times?


David Rudolph
David Rudolph

H-Index: 9

Zwischen dezentraler Bürgerenergie und kommerziellen Großprojekten: Eine Gegenüberstellung der Entwicklungspfade Erneuerbarer Energien in Dänemark und Schottland


David Rudolph
David Rudolph

H-Index: 9

Where to put wind farms? Challenges related to planning, EIA and social acceptance


David Rudolph
David Rudolph

H-Index: 9

Sanne Vammen Larsen
Sanne Vammen Larsen

H-Index: 10

Getting Used to It, But…? Rethinking the Elusive U-Curve of Acceptance and Post-Construction Assumptions


David Rudolph
David Rudolph

H-Index: 9

Contributions, Tensions and Future Avenues of a Critical Approach to the Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Infrastructures

A critical approach to the social acceptance of renewable energy infrastructures: Going beyond green growth and sustainability


Susana Batel
Susana Batel

H-Index: 20

David Rudolph
David Rudolph

H-Index: 9

Social Acceptance and Socio-economic Effects of Multi-use Offshore Developments: Theory and Applications off the Liuqiu Island

The Ocean of Tomorrow: The Transition to Sustainability–Volume 2


The complex end-of-life of wind turbine blades: A review of the European context


Ländliche Entwicklung auf der Basis erneuerbarer Energien? Emanzipatorische Potenziale zwischen radikaldemokratischer und neoliberaler Logik

PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft


David Rudolph
David Rudolph

H-Index: 9

Annoyance of residents induced by wind turbine obstruction lights: A cross-country comparison of impact factors

Energy Policy


A critical approach to the social acceptance of renewable energy infrastructures: Going beyond green growth and sustainability

A critical approach to the social acceptance of renewable energy infrastructures: Going beyond green growth and sustainability


Susana Batel
Susana Batel

H-Index: 20

David Rudolph
David Rudolph

H-Index: 9

The good process or the great illusion? A spatial perspective on public participation in Danish municipal wind turbine planning

Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning


David Rudolph
David Rudolph

H-Index: 9

Sophie Nyborg
Sophie Nyborg

H-Index: 5

Stakeholder involvement in technological design: Lessons learned from the MERMAID and TROPOS projects


Wenting Chen
Wenting Chen

H-Index: 12

David Rudolph
David Rudolph

H-Index: 9

See List of Professors in David Rudolph University(Danmarks Tekniske Universitet)