Dang Duc Vuong

About Dang Duc Vuong

Dang Duc Vuong, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, specializes in the field of Gas sensor, Nanomaterials, Hydrothermal synthesis.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Photocatalytic, electrochemical, and electrochromic properties of in situ Ag-decorated WO3 nanocuboids synthesized via facile hydrothermal method

Enhanced synthesis of Mg (OH) 2 hexagonal nanosheets using Mg powder and H2O2 solution and an observation of its NH3 sensing behaviour at room temperature

Synthesis of TeO2 nanoparticles by tellurium oxidation in NH4OH and their infrared sensing properties

From Microurchins to V2O5 Nanowalls: Improved Synthesis through Vanadium Powder and Fast, Selective Adsorption of Methylene Blue

Synthesis of VO2 thin films from vanadium powder and determination of room-temperature NH3 sensing properties

From vanadium powder to vanadium pentoxide rolled-up nanosheets: Hydrothermal synthesis and its ethanol sensing properties

High acetone-sensing performance of bi-phase α-/γ-Fe2O3 submicron flowers grown using an iron plate

From Microurchins to V₂O₅ Nanowalls: Improved Synthesis through Vanadium Powder and Fast, Selective Adsorption of Methylene Blue

Dang Duc Vuong Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Dang Duc Vuong Skills & Research Interests

Gas sensor


Hydrothermal synthesis

Top articles of Dang Duc Vuong

Photocatalytic, electrochemical, and electrochromic properties of in situ Ag-decorated WO3 nanocuboids synthesized via facile hydrothermal method

Applied Physics A


Enhanced synthesis of Mg (OH) 2 hexagonal nanosheets using Mg powder and H2O2 solution and an observation of its NH3 sensing behaviour at room temperature

Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


Dang Duc Vuong
Dang Duc Vuong

H-Index: 10

Vu Xuan Hien
Vu Xuan Hien

H-Index: 7

Synthesis of TeO2 nanoparticles by tellurium oxidation in NH4OH and their infrared sensing properties

Science and Technology Development Journal


Dang Duc Vuong
Dang Duc Vuong

H-Index: 10

Vu Xuan Hien
Vu Xuan Hien

H-Index: 7

From Microurchins to V2O5 Nanowalls: Improved Synthesis through Vanadium Powder and Fast, Selective Adsorption of Methylene Blue



Vu Xuan Hien
Vu Xuan Hien

H-Index: 7

Dang Duc Vuong
Dang Duc Vuong

H-Index: 10

Synthesis of VO2 thin films from vanadium powder and determination of room-temperature NH3 sensing properties

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics


Vu Xuan Hien
Vu Xuan Hien

H-Index: 7

Dang Duc Vuong
Dang Duc Vuong

H-Index: 10

From vanadium powder to vanadium pentoxide rolled-up nanosheets: Hydrothermal synthesis and its ethanol sensing properties

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing


Vu Xuan Hien
Vu Xuan Hien

H-Index: 7

Dang Duc Vuong
Dang Duc Vuong

H-Index: 10

High acetone-sensing performance of bi-phase α-/γ-Fe2O3 submicron flowers grown using an iron plate

Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices


Vu Xuan Hien
Vu Xuan Hien

H-Index: 7

Dang Duc Vuong
Dang Duc Vuong

H-Index: 10

From Microurchins to V₂O₅ Nanowalls: Improved Synthesis through Vanadium Powder and Fast, Selective Adsorption of Methylene Blue


Vu Xuan Hien
Vu Xuan Hien

H-Index: 7

Dang Duc Vuong
Dang Duc Vuong

H-Index: 10

Hydrothermal synthesis and ethanol-sensing properties of α-Fe2O3 hollow nanospindles

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing


Dang Duc Vuong
Dang Duc Vuong

H-Index: 10

Vu Xuan Hien
Vu Xuan Hien

H-Index: 7

See List of Professors in Dang Duc Vuong University(Hanoi University of Science and Technology)

