Daeyeon Cho

Daeyeon Cho

Korea University

H-index: 14

Asia-South Korea

About Daeyeon Cho

Daeyeon Cho, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Korea University, specializes in the field of HRD, Adult Education.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Multiple Trajectories and Predictors of Self-Esteem Change in Later Life: A Latent Growth Mixture Modeling Approach

Relationship between core self-evaluation and innovative work behavior: mediating effect of affective organizational commitment and moderating effect of organizational learning …

Creating spaces for intersubjectivity: A sustainable vision for democratic citizenship education

The mediation effect of coaching behavior in the relationship between creativity and affective commitment of Army executives

Training and development investment and financial performance: The bidirectional relationship and the moderating effect of financial slack

A Case Study Research on the Issue Factors Appearing in the LiFE Project Participation Process of A Junior College

The link between HRD professionals’ social capital and career adaptability: a moderated mediation analysis of social network

The Organization’s sustainable work stress and maladjustment management plan by predicting early retirement through Big Data Analysis: Focused on the case of South Korea

Daeyeon Cho Information



Professor Department of Education



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Daeyeon Cho Skills & Research Interests


Adult Education

Top articles of Daeyeon Cho

Multiple Trajectories and Predictors of Self-Esteem Change in Later Life: A Latent Growth Mixture Modeling Approach

The International Journal of Aging and Human Development


Daeyeon Cho
Daeyeon Cho

H-Index: 11

Relationship between core self-evaluation and innovative work behavior: mediating effect of affective organizational commitment and moderating effect of organizational learning …

Frontiers in Psychology


Junhee Kim
Junhee Kim

H-Index: 9

Daeyeon Cho
Daeyeon Cho

H-Index: 11

Creating spaces for intersubjectivity: A sustainable vision for democratic citizenship education



The mediation effect of coaching behavior in the relationship between creativity and affective commitment of Army executives

Glob. Creat. Lead. Educat. Learn


Training and development investment and financial performance: The bidirectional relationship and the moderating effect of financial slack

Human Resource Development Quarterly


A Case Study Research on the Issue Factors Appearing in the LiFE Project Participation Process of A Junior College

Global Creative Leader: Education & Learning


Jiyoung Lee
Jiyoung Lee

H-Index: 7

Daeyeon Cho
Daeyeon Cho

H-Index: 11

The link between HRD professionals’ social capital and career adaptability: a moderated mediation analysis of social network

European Journal of Training and Development


Shinhee Jeong
Shinhee Jeong

H-Index: 8

Daeyeon Cho
Daeyeon Cho

H-Index: 11

The Organization’s sustainable work stress and maladjustment management plan by predicting early retirement through Big Data Analysis: Focused on the case of South Korea



Daeyeon Cho
Daeyeon Cho

H-Index: 11

Assessing adult and continuing education needs in South Korea metropolitan areas using Borich’s needs assessment model

European Journal of Training and Development


Research Issues on HRD in South Korea: Author Profiling Analysis


Eunsol Park
Eunsol Park

H-Index: 2

Daeyeon Cho
Daeyeon Cho

H-Index: 11

Themes and Trends of HRD Research in the South Korean

Human Resource Development in South Korea: Theory and Cases


Daeyeon Cho
Daeyeon Cho

H-Index: 11

Correction to: Human Resource Development in South Korea

Human Resource Development in South Korea: Theory and Cases


Daeyeon Cho
Daeyeon Cho

H-Index: 11

Human Resource Development in South Korea: Theory and Cases


Daeyeon Cho
Daeyeon Cho

H-Index: 11

The effects of job demands, job resources, and personal resources on the psychological well-being of middle-aged workers in the United States: Assessing latent profile differences

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance


Yunsoo Lee
Yunsoo Lee

H-Index: 3

Daeyeon Cho
Daeyeon Cho

H-Index: 11

Developing trainers for a changing business environment: The role of informal learning in career development

Journal of Career Development


Daeyeon Cho
Daeyeon Cho

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Daeyeon Cho University(Korea University)