Dae-Hyeong Kim

About Dae-Hyeong Kim

Dae-Hyeong Kim, With an exceptional h-index of 89 and a recent h-index of 78 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Seoul National University, specializes in the field of Soft Electronics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Intrinsically stretchable quantum dot light-emitting diodes

Low-impedance tissue-device interface using homogeneously conductive hydrogels chemically bonded to stretchable bioelectronics

Wearable and Implantable Light-Emitting Diodes and Their Biomedical Applications

Flexible and stretchable light-emitting diodes and photodetectors for human-centric optoelectronics

Phase-separated stretchable conductive nanocomposite to reduce contact resistance of skin electronics

Nanomaterial-based artificial vision systems: from bioinspired electronic eyes to in-sensor processing devices

Soft bioelectronics for the management of cardiovascular diseases

Highly Efficient Nitrogen‐Fixing Microbial Hydrogel Device for Sustainable Solar Hydrogen Production

Dae-Hyeong Kim Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Dae-Hyeong Kim Skills & Research Interests

Soft Electronics

Top articles of Dae-Hyeong Kim

Intrinsically stretchable quantum dot light-emitting diodes

Nature Electronics


Low-impedance tissue-device interface using homogeneously conductive hydrogels chemically bonded to stretchable bioelectronics

Science Advances


Wearable and Implantable Light-Emitting Diodes and Their Biomedical Applications


Flexible and stretchable light-emitting diodes and photodetectors for human-centric optoelectronics


Phase-separated stretchable conductive nanocomposite to reduce contact resistance of skin electronics

Scientific Reports


Hye Jin Kim
Hye Jin Kim

H-Index: 5

Dae-Hyeong Kim
Dae-Hyeong Kim

H-Index: 66

Nanomaterial-based artificial vision systems: from bioinspired electronic eyes to in-sensor processing devices


Changsoon Choi
Changsoon Choi

H-Index: 12

Dae-Hyeong Kim
Dae-Hyeong Kim

H-Index: 66

Soft bioelectronics for the management of cardiovascular diseases


Highly Efficient Nitrogen‐Fixing Microbial Hydrogel Device for Sustainable Solar Hydrogen Production

Advanced Materials


Metal‐Like Stretchable Nanocomposite Using Locally‐Bundled Nanowires for Skin‐Mountable Devices

Advanced Materials


Ultrathin Self-Powered Heavy-Metal-Free Cu–In–Se Quantum Dot Photodetectors for Wearable Health Monitoring

ACS nano


Materials, Device Structures, and Applications of Flexible Perovskite Light‐Emitting Diodes


Minimally‐Invasive and In‐Vivo Hydrogel Patterning Method for In Situ Fabrication of Implantable Hydrogel Devices

Small Methods


Floatable photocatalytic hydrogel nanocomposites for large-scale solar hydrogen production

Nature nanotechnology


Integration of Conductive Nanocomposites and Nanomembranes for High‐Performance Stretchable Conductors

Advanced NanoBiomed Research


Stretchable low-impedance conductor with Ag–Au–Pt core–shell–shell nanowires and in situ formed pt nanoparticles for wearable and implantable device

ACS nano


Ventricular tachyarrhythmia treatment and prevention by subthreshold stimulation with stretchable epicardial multichannel electrode array

Science advances


Penetrative and sustained drug delivery using injectable hydrogel nanocomposites for postsurgical brain tumor treatment

ACS nano


Technology roadmap for flexible sensors


Mohammad Reza Abidian
Mohammad Reza Abidian

H-Index: 20

Jong-Hyun Ahn
Jong-Hyun Ahn

H-Index: 66

Zhenan Bao
Zhenan Bao

H-Index: 132

Magnus Berggren
Magnus Berggren

H-Index: 58

Jun Chen
Jun Chen

H-Index: 1

Peng Chen
Peng Chen

H-Index: 5

Wenlong Cheng
Wenlong Cheng

H-Index: 45

Xu Cheng
Xu Cheng

H-Index: 9

Seon-Jin Choi
Seon-Jin Choi

H-Index: 38

Alex Chortos
Alex Chortos

H-Index: 26

Canan Dagdeviren
Canan Dagdeviren

H-Index: 20

Xiangfeng Duan
Xiangfeng Duan

H-Index: 100

Yin Fang
Yin Fang

H-Index: 15

Xue Feng
Xue Feng

H-Index: 14

Huajian Gao
Huajian Gao

H-Index: 73

Wei Gao
Wei Gao

H-Index: 27

Xiwen Gong
Xiwen Gong

H-Index: 17

John S Ho
John S Ho

H-Index: 23

Youfan Hu
Youfan Hu

H-Index: 35

Yu Huang
Yu Huang

H-Index: 2

Muhammad M Hussain
Muhammad M Hussain

H-Index: 7

Ali Javey
Ali Javey

H-Index: 91

Unyong Jeong
Unyong Jeong

H-Index: 42

Chen Jiang
Chen Jiang

H-Index: 5

Xingyu Jiang
Xingyu Jiang

H-Index: 6

Dae-Hyeong Kim
Dae-Hyeong Kim

H-Index: 66

Il-Doo Kim
Il-Doo Kim

H-Index: 61

Chengkuo Lee
Chengkuo Lee

H-Index: 53

Nae-Eung Lee
Nae-Eung Lee

H-Index: 42

Pooi See Lee
Pooi See Lee

H-Index: 69

Tae-Woo Lee
Tae-Woo Lee

H-Index: 1

Jinxing Li
Jinxing Li

H-Index: 6

Jia Liu
Jia Liu

H-Index: 5

Kai Liu
Kai Liu

H-Index: 4

Nan Liu
Nan Liu

H-Index: 14

Ren Liu
Ren Liu

H-Index: 8

Yuxin Liu
Yuxin Liu

H-Index: 21

Yuxuan Liu
Yuxuan Liu

H-Index: 8

Zhiyuan Liu
Zhiyuan Liu

H-Index: 1

Shlomo Magdassi
Shlomo Magdassi

H-Index: 52

Naoji Matsuhisa
Naoji Matsuhisa

H-Index: 24

Arokia Nathan
Arokia Nathan

H-Index: 55

Simiao Niu
Simiao Niu

H-Index: 55

Jieming Pan
Jieming Pan

H-Index: 2

Changhyun Pang
Changhyun Pang

H-Index: 26

Qibing Pei
Qibing Pei

H-Index: 58

Dianpeng Qi
Dianpeng Qi

H-Index: 39

Huaying Ren
Huaying Ren

H-Index: 14

Qiongfeng Shi
Qiongfeng Shi

H-Index: 29

Meng Su
Meng Su

H-Index: 4

Kuniharu Takei
Kuniharu Takei

H-Index: 42

Tran Quang Trung
Tran Quang Trung

H-Index: 29

Changjin Wan
Changjin Wan

H-Index: 23

Huiliang Wang
Huiliang Wang

H-Index: 30

Joseph Wang
Joseph Wang

H-Index: 4

Ming Wang
Ming Wang

H-Index: 6

Sihong Wang
Sihong Wang

H-Index: 54

Ting Wang
Ting Wang

H-Index: 6

Zhong Lin Wang
Zhong Lin Wang

H-Index: 186

Hanqi Wen
Hanqi Wen

H-Index: 1

Sheng Xu
Sheng Xu

H-Index: 9

Hongping Yan
Hongping Yan

H-Index: 26

Xuzhou Yan
Xuzhou Yan

H-Index: 43

Hui Yang
Hui Yang

H-Index: 6

Le Yang
Le Yang

H-Index: 3

Cunjiang Yu
Cunjiang Yu

H-Index: 27

Jing Yu
Jing Yu

H-Index: 20

Shu-Hong Yu
Shu-Hong Yu

H-Index: 115

Xinge Yu
Xinge Yu

H-Index: 28

Evgeny Zamburg
Evgeny Zamburg

H-Index: 9

Haixia Zhang
Haixia Zhang

H-Index: 11

Xiangyu Zhang
Xiangyu Zhang

H-Index: 1

Xiaosheng Zhang
Xiaosheng Zhang

H-Index: 4

Yihui Zhang
Yihui Zhang

H-Index: 48

Yu Zhang
Yu Zhang

H-Index: 13

Siyuan Zhao
Siyuan Zhao

H-Index: 5

Yuanjin Zheng
Yuanjin Zheng

H-Index: 28

Tao Zhou
Tao Zhou

H-Index: 7

Bowen Zhu
Bowen Zhu

H-Index: 7

Ming Zhu
Ming Zhu

H-Index: 14

Rong Zhu
Rong Zhu

H-Index: 8

Yong Zhu
Yong Zhu

H-Index: 42

Xiaodong Chen
Xiaodong Chen

H-Index: 23

Cuttlefish eye–inspired artificial vision for high-quality imaging under uneven illumination conditions

Science robotics


Nanomaterial-based synaptic optoelectronic devices for in-sensor preprocessing of image data


See List of Professors in Dae-Hyeong Kim University(Seoul National University)

