Cristiane Kreutz

About Cristiane Kreutz

Cristiane Kreutz, With an exceptional h-index of 6 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Biodegradation and sorption of nutrients and endocrine disruptors in a novel concrete-based substrate in vertical-flow constructed wetlands

Potencial de contaminação em águas superficiais:: um estudo na bacia hidrográfica do Alto Ivaí

Assessment of the Anaerobic-Oxic-Anoxic (AOA) system on the removal of pharmaceuticals and the effect of recirculation on denitrification process

Recovery of methane dissolved in the effluent of a novel upflow anaerobic hybrid reactor (UAHB) submitted to temperature variation.

Biogas Production from Anaerobic co-Digestion of Fruit Waste and Vinasse

Influence of HRT and carbon source on the enhancement of nutrient removal in an Anaerobic-Oxic-Anoxic (AOA) system

Alternativas aplicadas no diagnóstico de qualidade de água para o abastecimento rural

Diagnóstico do Comitê de Bacia do Rio Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul–Rs

Cristiane Kreutz Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Cristiane Kreutz

Biodegradation and sorption of nutrients and endocrine disruptors in a novel concrete-based substrate in vertical-flow constructed wetlands



Potencial de contaminação em águas superficiais:: um estudo na bacia hidrográfica do Alto Ivaí

Proyección. Estudios Geográficos y de Ordenamiento Territorial


Cristiane Kreutz
Cristiane Kreutz

H-Index: 4

Assessment of the Anaerobic-Oxic-Anoxic (AOA) system on the removal of pharmaceuticals and the effect of recirculation on denitrification process

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering


Recovery of methane dissolved in the effluent of a novel upflow anaerobic hybrid reactor (UAHB) submitted to temperature variation.


Biogas Production from Anaerobic co-Digestion of Fruit Waste and Vinasse

Advances in Water Science


Cristiane Kreutz
Cristiane Kreutz

H-Index: 4

Ramiro Je Martins
Ramiro Je Martins

H-Index: 11

Influence of HRT and carbon source on the enhancement of nutrient removal in an Anaerobic-Oxic-Anoxic (AOA) system

Environmental Technology


Alternativas aplicadas no diagnóstico de qualidade de água para o abastecimento rural

Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais


Cristiane Kreutz
Cristiane Kreutz

H-Index: 4

Ericson Hideki Hayakawa
Ericson Hideki Hayakawa

H-Index: 7

Diagnóstico do Comitê de Bacia do Rio Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul–Rs

Revista de Tecnologia & Gestão Sustentável


Cristiane Kreutz
Cristiane Kreutz

H-Index: 4

Diagnóstico do comitê de bacia hidrográfica do Rio Tramandaí do estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Natural Resources


Eudes José Arantes
Eudes José Arantes

H-Index: 5

Cristiane Kreutz
Cristiane Kreutz

H-Index: 4

Avaliação do potencial da cobrança na bacia hidrográfica do rio Chapecó em Santa Catarina

Revista Mineira de Recursos Hídricos


Cristiane Kreutz
Cristiane Kreutz

H-Index: 4

Avaliação do estado de conservação de mananciais de abastecimento público: estudo de caso na bacia do Rio Ernesto, Pitanga-PR

Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais


Cristiane Kreutz
Cristiane Kreutz

H-Index: 4

Creation of an environmental protection area in a public supply source: possibilities and challenges in Cianorte-Paraná


Cristiane Kreutz
Cristiane Kreutz

H-Index: 4

Estudantes universitários Percepção e comportamento ambiental


Cristiane Kreutz
Cristiane Kreutz

H-Index: 4

Environmental factors and reactor configurations in biogas production from anaerobic co-digestion of fruit wastes


Comparação de hábitos e métodos de gestão de resíduos entre Brasil e Portugal e o impacto da atual pandemia nestes sistemas

2ª Conferência Campus Sustentável: CCS2020


Artur Gonçalves
Artur Gonçalves

H-Index: 8

Cristiane Kreutz
Cristiane Kreutz

H-Index: 4

Ultrasound as pretreatment in biogas production from crude glycerol

The Academic Society Journal


Cristiane Kreutz
Cristiane Kreutz

H-Index: 4

Ramiro Martins
Ramiro Martins

H-Index: 20

Physicochemical characterization of Moringa oleífera’s shells as biosorbent for pharmaceuticals biosorption

TASJ The Academic Society Journal


Cristiane Kreutz
Cristiane Kreutz

H-Index: 4

Ramiro Martins
Ramiro Martins

H-Index: 20

See List of Professors in Cristiane Kreutz University(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná)