Claudio Sica

About Claudio Sica

Claudio Sica, With an exceptional h-index of 38 and a recent h-index of 28 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Università degli Studi di Firenze, specializes in the field of Clinical Psychology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Triarchic model of psychopathy and intimate partner violence: an empirical study on the Italian community

Obsessive-compulsive symptoms and dimensional models of psychopathology: The contribution of “not just right experiences”

Are anxiety, depression, and stress distinguishable in Italian adolescents? an examination through the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21

Individual Differences in Risk and Protective Factors: The Role of Self-Compassion Components among Emergency Responders

Comorbidity among depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in naturalistic clinical samples: A cross‐cultural network analysis

Individual Differences in Females’ Adherence to Public Health Measures and Psychopathology Symptoms During a Global Health Crisis: the Role of Triarchic Psychopathic Traits

Agreement and discrepancies in patient–clinician reports of DSM-5-TR section III maladaptive personality traits: A study on a mixed outpatient sample.

Situating Psychopathy Within the DSM-5 Alternative Model of Personality Disorders (AMPD) Among Italian Community-Dwelling Adults

Claudio Sica Information



Professor of Clinical Psychology



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Claudio Sica Skills & Research Interests

Clinical Psychology

Top articles of Claudio Sica

Triarchic model of psychopathy and intimate partner violence: an empirical study on the Italian community

Journal of interpersonal violence


Obsessive-compulsive symptoms and dimensional models of psychopathology: The contribution of “not just right experiences”

Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy


Are anxiety, depression, and stress distinguishable in Italian adolescents? an examination through the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21

Plos one


Individual Differences in Risk and Protective Factors: The Role of Self-Compassion Components among Emergency Responders

Behavioral Sciences


Comorbidity among depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in naturalistic clinical samples: A cross‐cultural network analysis

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy


Individual Differences in Females’ Adherence to Public Health Measures and Psychopathology Symptoms During a Global Health Crisis: the Role of Triarchic Psychopathic Traits

The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research


Gisele Magarotto Machado
Gisele Magarotto Machado

H-Index: 2

Claudio Sica
Claudio Sica

H-Index: 27

Agreement and discrepancies in patient–clinician reports of DSM-5-TR section III maladaptive personality traits: A study on a mixed outpatient sample.

Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment


Situating Psychopathy Within the DSM-5 Alternative Model of Personality Disorders (AMPD) Among Italian Community-Dwelling Adults

Journal of Personality Disorders


Claudio Sica
Claudio Sica

H-Index: 27

Assessing general versus specific liability for externalizing problems in adolescence: Concurrent and prospective prediction of symptoms of conduct disorder, ADHD, and …

Journal of psychopathology and clinical science


The relationship between body dysmorphic disorder symptoms and ‘not just right’experiences in a sample of individuals seeking cosmetic surgery and aesthetic medicine procedures

Clinical Psychologist


Triarchic model traits as predictors of bullying and cyberbullying in adolescence

Journal of interpersonal violence


Enrica Ciucci
Enrica Ciucci

H-Index: 11

Claudio Sica
Claudio Sica

H-Index: 27

Q-pad. Questionario per la valutazione della psicopatologia in adolescenza (Nuova Edizione)


Claudio Sica
Claudio Sica

H-Index: 27

Igor Marchetti
Igor Marchetti

H-Index: 16

Maladaptive consequences of mental intrusions with obsessive, dysmorphic, hypochondriac, and eating-disorders related contents: cross-cultural differences

International journal of clinical and health psychology


Latent variable model of triarchic psychopathy constructs in an incarcerated offender sample: Factor reliability and validity.

Psychological Assessment


Susceptibility to eating disorders is associated with cognitive inflexibility in female university students

Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy


Testing for sex differences in the nomological network of the triarchic model of psychopathy in incarcerated individuals

Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment


Evaluating the validity of brief prototype‐based informant ratings of triarchic psychopathy traits in prisoners

Behavioral Sciences & the law


Looming cognitive style more consistently predicts anxiety than depressive symptoms: Evidence from a 3-wave yearlong study

Cognitive Therapy and Research


Facing distress in Coronavirus era: The role of maladaptive personality traits and coping strategies

Personality and individual differences


Psychopathy and COVID-19: Triarchic model traits as predictors of disease-risk perceptions and emotional well-being during a global pandemic

Personality and Individual Differences


See List of Professors in Claudio Sica University(Università degli Studi di Firenze)