Claudia Rafful

About Claudia Rafful

Claudia Rafful, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

HIV-Related Stigma and Treatment Adherence Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men Who Use Crystal Meth in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City

Los trastornos mentales en México 1990-2021. Resultados del estudio Global Burden of Disease 2021

Traducción, validación, y adaptación del español al Kreyol–creole haitiano de la Escala de Depresión del Centro de Estudios Epidemiológicos (CESD-R-20)

HIV Stigma Mechanisms Scale: Factor structure, reliability, and validity in Mexican adults

Mental disorders in Mexico 1990-2021. Results from the Global Burden of Disease 2021 study.

An Ethnographic Assessment of COVID-19‒Related Changes to the Risk Environment for People Who Use Drugs in Tijuana, Mexico

The need for structural interventions for persons who misuse opioids

A Brief History of Opioids and the Evolution of Concepts Associated with Substance Use Disorders

Claudia Rafful Information



/ National Institute of Psychiatry



Citations(since 2020)


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Top articles of Claudia Rafful

HIV-Related Stigma and Treatment Adherence Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men Who Use Crystal Meth in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City

Archives of Sexual Behavior


Ricardo Orozco
Ricardo Orozco

H-Index: 0

Claudia Rafful
Claudia Rafful

H-Index: 15

Los trastornos mentales en México 1990-2021. Resultados del estudio Global Burden of Disease 2021

Gaceta médica de México


Traducción, validación, y adaptación del español al Kreyol–creole haitiano de la Escala de Depresión del Centro de Estudios Epidemiológicos (CESD-R-20)

Terapia psicológica


HIV Stigma Mechanisms Scale: Factor structure, reliability, and validity in Mexican adults

AIDS and Behavior


Claudia Rafful
Claudia Rafful

H-Index: 15

Ricardo Orozco
Ricardo Orozco

H-Index: 0

Mental disorders in Mexico 1990-2021. Results from the Global Burden of Disease 2021 study.

Gaceta Medica de Mexico


An Ethnographic Assessment of COVID-19‒Related Changes to the Risk Environment for People Who Use Drugs in Tijuana, Mexico

American journal of public health


The need for structural interventions for persons who misuse opioids


Claudia Rafful
Claudia Rafful

H-Index: 15

A Brief History of Opioids and the Evolution of Concepts Associated with Substance Use Disorders


Claudia Rafful
Claudia Rafful

H-Index: 15

Substance use stigma mechanisms scale: Factor structure, reliability, and validity in Mexican adults that use drugs

Drug and alcohol dependence


Claudia Rafful
Claudia Rafful

H-Index: 15

Ricardo Orozco
Ricardo Orozco

H-Index: 0

Hoping for a better future during COVID-19: How migration plans are protective of depressive symptoms for Haitian migrants living in Chile

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


La psicoterapia en la medicina


La obra de Erich Fromm: conceptos fundamentales y proyecciones


Barriers to treatment for mental disorders in six countries of the Americas: A regional report from the World Mental Health Surveys

Journal of affective disorders


“I would rather do it myself”: injection initiation and current injection patterns among women who inject drugs in Tijuana, Mexico

Harm Reduction Journal


Risk of non‐fatal overdose and polysubstance use in a longitudinal study with people who inject drugs in Tijuana, Mexico

Drug and alcohol review


Claudia Rafful
Claudia Rafful

H-Index: 15

Steffanie A Strathdee
Steffanie A Strathdee

H-Index: 57

Examining the gender composition of drug injecting initiation events: A mixed methods investigation of three North American contexts

International Journal of Drug Policy


Comprehensive analysis of alcohol policies in the Latin America and the Caribbean


Claudia Rafful
Claudia Rafful

H-Index: 15

Is hepatitis C virus (HCV) elimination achievable among people who inject drugs in Tijuana, Mexico? A modeling analysis

International Journal of Drug Policy


Steffanie A Strathdee
Steffanie A Strathdee

H-Index: 57

Claudia Rafful
Claudia Rafful

H-Index: 15

COVID‐19 and alcohol in Mexico: A serious health crisis, strong actions on alcohol in response—Commentary on Stockwell et al.

Drug and alcohol review


Claudia Rafful
Claudia Rafful

H-Index: 15

Self‐perception of assisting with future injection drug initiation: The influence of relationships in the process of drug injecting initiation

Drug and Alcohol Review


See List of Professors in Claudia Rafful University(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)