Clara De Ruysscher

About Clara De Ruysscher

Clara De Ruysscher, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiteit Gent, specializes in the field of Mental health, addiction, co-creation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

SUMHIT-Substance use and mental health care integration: a study of service networks in mental health and substance use disorders in Belgium, their accessibility, and users’ needs

Exploring indicators of natural recovery from alcohol and drug use problems: findings from the life in recovery survey in Flanders

Cross-cultural insights from two global mental health studies: self-enhancement and ingroup biases

Recovery-supportive interventions for people with substance use disorders: a scoping review

Self‐change from problems with alcohol and drugs: A scoping review of the literature since 2010

SEO-R2–Schaal voor Emotionele Ontwikkeling van mensen met een verstandelijke beperking–Revised2: Instrument voor assessment

Tailoring the continuum of care for substance use problems to persons with an Islamic migration background: a co-creative case study

Organisational and student characteristics, fidelity, funding models, and unit costs of recovery colleges in 28 countries: a cross-sectional survey

Clara De Ruysscher Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Clara De Ruysscher Skills & Research Interests

Mental health



Top articles of Clara De Ruysscher

SUMHIT-Substance use and mental health care integration: a study of service networks in mental health and substance use disorders in Belgium, their accessibility, and users’ needs


Clara De Ruysscher
Clara De Ruysscher

H-Index: 6

Wouter Vanderplasschen
Wouter Vanderplasschen

H-Index: 27

Exploring indicators of natural recovery from alcohol and drug use problems: findings from the life in recovery survey in Flanders

Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy


Clara De Ruysscher
Clara De Ruysscher

H-Index: 6

Wouter Vanderplasschen
Wouter Vanderplasschen

H-Index: 27

Recovery-supportive interventions for people with substance use disorders: a scoping review


Clara De Ruysscher
Clara De Ruysscher

H-Index: 6

Wouter Vanderplasschen
Wouter Vanderplasschen

H-Index: 27

Self‐change from problems with alcohol and drugs: A scoping review of the literature since 2010


Clara De Ruysscher
Clara De Ruysscher

H-Index: 6

Wouter Vanderplasschen
Wouter Vanderplasschen

H-Index: 27

SEO-R2–Schaal voor Emotionele Ontwikkeling van mensen met een verstandelijke beperking–Revised2: Instrument voor assessment


Tailoring the continuum of care for substance use problems to persons with an Islamic migration background: a co-creative case study

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Clara De Ruysscher
Clara De Ruysscher

H-Index: 6

Wouter Vanderplasschen
Wouter Vanderplasschen

H-Index: 27

Organisational and student characteristics, fidelity, funding models, and unit costs of recovery colleges in 28 countries: a cross-sectional survey

The Lancet Psychiatry


P31 Assessing care needs of vulnerable people with co-occurring substance use and mental disorders


Narratives and recovery from negative symptoms in psychosis–a co-constructive study

Disability & Society


Clara De Ruysscher
Clara De Ruysscher

H-Index: 6

Stijn Vanheule
Stijn Vanheule

H-Index: 32

“Watch out for the boogieman”: stigma and substance use recovery among migrants and ethnic minorities

Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology


Clara De Ruysscher
Clara De Ruysscher

H-Index: 6

Wouter Vanderplasschen
Wouter Vanderplasschen

H-Index: 27

The Ambiguous Nature of Contextual Dynamics During Drug Addiction Recovery: A Qualitative Study of Personal Narratives

Journal of Drug Issues


Clara De Ruysscher
Clara De Ruysscher

H-Index: 6

Wouter Vanderplasschen
Wouter Vanderplasschen

H-Index: 27

Opening up the black box of recovery processes in persons with complex mental health needs: a qualitative study of place-making dynamics in a low-threshold meeting place

International Journal of Mental Health Systems


Personen met verslaving en middelengerelateerde problemen


Wouter Vanderplasschen
Wouter Vanderplasschen

H-Index: 27

Clara De Ruysscher
Clara De Ruysscher

H-Index: 6

Personen met ernstige psychische problemen


Clara De Ruysscher
Clara De Ruysscher

H-Index: 6

Ruimte voor zorg: Reflectie-en inspiratiekader de-institutionalisering


Rudi Roose
Rudi Roose

H-Index: 19

Clara De Ruysscher
Clara De Ruysscher

H-Index: 6

Community adaptation


Clara De Ruysscher
Clara De Ruysscher

H-Index: 6

Wouter Vanderplasschen
Wouter Vanderplasschen

H-Index: 27

Exploring essential components of addiction recovery: a qualitative study across assisted and unassisted recovery pathways

Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy


Clara De Ruysscher
Clara De Ruysscher

H-Index: 6

Wouter Vanderplasschen
Wouter Vanderplasschen

H-Index: 27

De Saga Van Mijn Diagnoses: een autobiografisch narratief

Tijdschrift Verslaving & Herstel


See List of Professors in Clara De Ruysscher University(Universiteit Gent)