Christopher S. DePerno
North Carolina State University
H-index: 32
North America-United States
Top articles of Christopher S. DePerno
Title | Journal | Author(s) | Publication Date |
Comparing the Efficacy of Two Immobilization Drug Combinations for the Chemical Restraint of Bobcats (Lynx rufus) | The Journal of Wildlife Diseases | Christopher N Jacques Robert W Klaver Christopher S DePerno Aimee P Rockhill | 2024/1/1 |
USE OF A POINT OF CARE TEST TO DETERMINE THE PREVALENCE OF ANTIBODIES TO TOXOPLASMA GONDII IN BLACK BEARS FROM NORTH CAROLINA … | The Journal of Parasitology | Jennifer Strules Tania Dawant Katie Riese Richard Gerhold Justin Brown | 2023/5/1 |
Variations in reproduction and age structure in the North American river otter in North Carolina, USA | The Journal of Wildlife Management | Charles W Sanders Dennis L Stewart Krishna Pacifici George R Hess Colleen Olfenbuttel | 2023/4 |
Diet of the North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) in North Carolina using 2 methods | Wildlife Society Bulletin | Charles W Sanders Stephen F Spear Kristina Black Colleen Olfenbuttel Christopher S DePerno | 2023/12 |
Genetic architecture and evolution of color variation in American black bears | Current Biology | Emily E Puckett Isis S Davis Dawn C Harper Kazumasa Wakamatsu Gopal Battu | 2023/1/23 |
Characterizing North Carolina black bear (Ursus americanus) populations using UrsaPlex v2. 0 | Forensic Science International: Animals and Environments | Samantha L Badgett Melissa KR Scheible Isabella G Livingston Erin P Meredith Nicholas P Gould | 2023/12/1 |
Tetracycline resistance in Listeria monocytogenes and L. innocua from wild black bears (Ursus americanus) in the United States is mediated by novel … | Applied and Environmental Microbiology | Phillip Brown Kevin Hernandez Cameron Parsons Yi Chen Nicholas Gould | 2023/11/29 |
Draft genome sequences of 158 Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from black bears (Ursus americanus) in the United States | Microbiology Resource Announcements | Phillip Brown Yi Chen Mirena Ivanova Pimlapas Leekitcharoenphon Cameron Parsons | 2023/7/18 |
Human‐mediated trophic mismatch between fire, plants and herbivores | Ecography | Marcus A Lashley M Colter Chitwood Jacob L Dykes Christopher S DePerno Christopher E Moorman | 2022/3 |
Effects of prescribed fire on Northern Bobwhite nesting ecology | Wildlife Society Bulletin DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1183 | Sarah B Rosche Christopher E Moorman Anthony J Kroeger Krishna Pacifici Jeffrey G Jones | 2021 |
Breeding-Season Survival, Home-Range Size, and Habitat Selection of Female Bachman's Sparrows | Southeastern Naturalist | Daniel Y Choi Alexander C Fish Christopher E Moorman Christopher S DePerno Jessica M Schillaci | 2021/2 |
Tree encroachment impacts on seed predator selection and seedling establishment in degraded pine woodlands | Applied Vegetation Science | John L Willis David K Schnake Christopher S DePerno Marcus A Lashley Branson Wetzstein | 2021/1 |
Granivory and germination data for:" Tree encroachment impacts on seed predator selection and seedling establishment in degraded pine woodlands" | John L Willis David K Schnake Christopher S DePerno Marcus A Lashley Branson Wetzstein | 2021 | |
Efficacy and cost of GonaCon™ for population control in a free‐ranging white‐tailed deer population | Wildlife Society Bulletin | Micah J Walker G Christopher Shank Michael K Stoskopf Larry J Minter Christopher S DePerno | 2021/12 |
The relationship between upland hardwood distribution and avian occupancy in fire-maintained longleaf pine forests | Forest Ecology and Management | Daniel R Hannon Christopher E Moorman Alan D Schultz Christopher S DePerno | 2021/1/1 |
Growth and reproduction by young urban and rural black bears | Journal of Mammalogy | Nicholas P Gould Roger Powell Colleen Olfenbuttel Christopher S DePerno | 2021/8/1 |
Listeria monocytogenes at the human–wildlife interface: black bears (Ursus americanus) as potential vehicles for Listeria | Microbial Biotechnology | Cameron Parsons Jeff Niedermeyer Nicholas Gould Phillip Brown Jennifer Strules | 2020/5 |
Northern bobwhite non‐breeding habitat selection in a longleaf pine woodland | The Journal of Wildlife Management | Anthony J Kroeger Christopher S DePerno Craig A Harper Sarah B Rosche Christopher E Moorman | 2020/7/9 |
Fledgling Bachman’s Sparrows in a longleaf pine ecosystem: survival, movements, and habitat selection | Journal of Field Ornithology | Alexander C Fish Christopher S DePerno Jessica M Schillaci Christopher E Moorman | 2020/12 |
Metal contamination of river otters in North Carolina | Environmental monitoring and assessment | Charles W Sanders Krishna Pacifici George R Hess Colleen Olfenbuttel Christopher S DePerno | 2020/2 |