Christoph Schunko

About Christoph Schunko

Christoph Schunko, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, specializes in the field of organic farming, ethnobotany, local knowledge, non-timber forest products, wild foods.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Indigenous Peoples and local communities report ongoing and widespread climate change impacts on local social-ecological systems

Local studies provide a global perspective of the impacts of climate change on Indigenous Peoples and local communities

Counteracting land abandonment: local adaptation strategies to climate change impacts of alpine farmers in Eastern Tyrol, Austria

Social justice for traditional knowledge holders will help conserve Europe's nature

Edible weeds and food and nutrition security in the face of the herbicide revolution. A case study from Zambia

Nature’s contributions to people in the context of a changing traditional rice cultivation landscape in the Upper Baram, Malaysia

Urban wild food foraging locations: Understanding selection criteria to inform green space planning and management

Urban nature at the fingertips: Investigating wild food foraging to enable nature interactions of urban dwellers

Christoph Schunko Information



University of Natural Resources and Lifes Sciences () Vienna



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Christoph Schunko Skills & Research Interests

organic farming


local knowledge

non-timber forest products

wild foods

Top articles of Christoph Schunko

Indigenous Peoples and local communities report ongoing and widespread climate change impacts on local social-ecological systems

Communications Earth & Environment


Local studies provide a global perspective of the impacts of climate change on Indigenous Peoples and local communities

Sustainable Earth Reviews


Counteracting land abandonment: local adaptation strategies to climate change impacts of alpine farmers in Eastern Tyrol, Austria


Anna Fuchs
Anna Fuchs

H-Index: 10

Christoph Schunko
Christoph Schunko

H-Index: 8

Social justice for traditional knowledge holders will help conserve Europe's nature

Biological Conservation


Edible weeds and food and nutrition security in the face of the herbicide revolution. A case study from Zambia

International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability


Thomas Daum
Thomas Daum

H-Index: 6

Christoph Schunko
Christoph Schunko

H-Index: 8

Nature’s contributions to people in the context of a changing traditional rice cultivation landscape in the Upper Baram, Malaysia

Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography


Christoph Schunko
Christoph Schunko

H-Index: 8

Poline Bala
Poline Bala

H-Index: 5

Urban wild food foraging locations: Understanding selection criteria to inform green space planning and management

Urban Forestry & Urban Greening


Christoph Schunko
Christoph Schunko

H-Index: 8

Urban nature at the fingertips: Investigating wild food foraging to enable nature interactions of urban dwellers



Christoph Schunko
Christoph Schunko

H-Index: 8

Indigenous farmers’ perceptions of problems in the rice field agroecosystems in the upper Baram, Malaysia

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine


Christoph Schunko
Christoph Schunko

H-Index: 8

Poline Bala
Poline Bala

H-Index: 5

Local communities’ perceptions of wild edible plant and mushroom change: A systematic review


Christoph Schunko
Christoph Schunko

H-Index: 8

Xiaoyue Li
Xiaoyue Li

H-Index: 3

Local plant knowledge and its variation among farmer’s families in the Napf region, Switzerland

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine


Christoph Schunko
Christoph Schunko

H-Index: 8

Exploring and limiting the ecological impacts of urban wild food foraging in Vienna, Austria

Urban Forestry & Urban Greening


Christoph Schunko
Christoph Schunko

H-Index: 8

Local knowledge about sustainable harvesting and availability of wild medicinal plant species in Lemnos island, Greece

Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine


Factors determining organic consumers’ knowledge and practices with respect to wild plant foods: A countrywide study in Austria

Food Quality and Preference


Christoph Schunko
Christoph Schunko

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Christoph Schunko University(Universität für Bodenkultur Wien)