Christina Björklund

About Christina Björklund

Christina Björklund, With an exceptional h-index of 22 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Karolinska Institutet,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Sexual harassment, bullying, burnout and organisational support during the COVID-19 pandemic in Swedish medical faculty–a survey study

Rape Victims’ Perceptions of Quality of Encounters With the Swedish Police

Enculturating a Protective Professional Community—Processes of Teacher Retention in a Swedish Hard-to-Staff School

Workplace bullying, stress, burnout, and the role of perceived social support: findings from a Swedish national prevalence study in higher education

Sexual harassment, sexual violence and subsequent depression and anxiety symptoms among Swedish university students: A cohort study

The effectiveness of implementing the Guideline for the Prevention of Mental Ill-health Problems at the Workplace on health-outcomes, organizational and social risk factors: a …

UNG OCH CHEF: En guide till organisationer som vill ta tillvara på unga chefers potential

Leadership through the subordinates' eye: perceptions of leader behaviors in relation to age and gender

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Top articles of Christina Björklund

Sexual harassment, bullying, burnout and organisational support during the COVID-19 pandemic in Swedish medical faculty–a survey study

Studies in Higher Education


Irene Jensen
Irene Jensen

H-Index: 28

Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

Rape Victims’ Perceptions of Quality of Encounters With the Swedish Police

Violence against women


Laura Hammond
Laura Hammond

H-Index: 20

Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

Enculturating a Protective Professional Community—Processes of Teacher Retention in a Swedish Hard-to-Staff School

Education Sciences


Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

Lydia Kwak
Lydia Kwak

H-Index: 19

Workplace bullying, stress, burnout, and the role of perceived social support: findings from a Swedish national prevalence study in higher education

European Journal of Higher Education


Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

Sexual harassment, sexual violence and subsequent depression and anxiety symptoms among Swedish university students: A cohort study


The effectiveness of implementing the Guideline for the Prevention of Mental Ill-health Problems at the Workplace on health-outcomes, organizational and social risk factors: a …

Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health


Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

Irene Jensen
Irene Jensen

H-Index: 28

Lydia Kwak
Lydia Kwak

H-Index: 19

UNG OCH CHEF: En guide till organisationer som vill ta tillvara på unga chefers potential


Leadership through the subordinates' eye: perceptions of leader behaviors in relation to age and gender

Leadership & Organization Development Journal


Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

A randomized controlled trial in schools aimed at exploring mechanisms of change of a multifaceted implementation strategy for promoting mental health at the workplace

Implementation Science


Lydia Kwak
Lydia Kwak

H-Index: 19

Irene Jensen
Irene Jensen

H-Index: 28

Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

What makes teachers stay? A cross-sectional exploration of the individual and contextual factors associated with teacher retention in Sweden.

Teaching and Teacher Education


Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

Lydia Kwak
Lydia Kwak

H-Index: 19

Effectiveness of a multifaceted implementation strategy for improving adherence to the guideline for prevention of mental ill-health among school personnel in Sweden: a cluster …

Implementation science


Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

Irene Jensen
Irene Jensen

H-Index: 28

Lydia Kwak
Lydia Kwak

H-Index: 19

Do attitudes towards work or work motivation affect productivity loss among academic employees?

International journal of environmental research and public health


Irene Jensen
Irene Jensen

H-Index: 28

Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

Enkätstudie om: Genusbaserad utsatthet och sexuella trakasserier i svensk högskolesektor


Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

Gender-based harassment among university students in Sweden during Covid-19


Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

Susanna Toivanen
Susanna Toivanen

H-Index: 17

An overlooked key to excellence in research: A longitudinal cohort study on the association between the psycho-social work environment and research performance

Studies in Higher Education


Early work-environmental indicators of bullying in an academic setting: A longitudinal study of staff in a medical university

Studies in Higher Education


Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

Irene Jensen
Irene Jensen

H-Index: 28

Investigating the association between publication performance and the work environment of university research academics: a systematic review


Health and motivation as mediators of the effects of job demands, job control, job support, and role conflicts at work and home on sickness presenteeism and absenteeism

International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health


Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

Process evaluation of a participative organizational intervention as a stress preventive intervention for employees in Swedish primary health care

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Irene Jensen
Irene Jensen

H-Index: 28

Christina Björklund
Christina Björklund

H-Index: 14

Lydia Kwak
Lydia Kwak

H-Index: 19

Promoting evidence-based practice for improved occupational safety and health at workplaces in Sweden. Report on a practice-based research network approach

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


See List of Professors in Christina Björklund University(Karolinska Institutet)