Christian Staerklé

About Christian Staerklé

Christian Staerklé, With an exceptional h-index of 29 and a recent h-index of 21 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université de Lausanne, specializes in the field of Social psychology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The Inner Logic: An Intergroup Approach to the Populist Mentality in Europe

The many faces of social connectedness and their impact on well-being

Citizenship deservingness justifies exclusive national boundary making: A socio‐dynamic mixed‐methods approach to social representations of citizenship

Common sense as a political weapon: Populism, science skepticism, and global crisis‐solving motivations

Mobilizing precarious workers in Italy: two pathways of collective action intentions

Trust in institutions and the COVID-19 threat: a cross-sectional study on the public perception of official recommendations and of othering in Switzerland

Compréhension du public de la COVID-19 (COP–COVID): influence du genre et de l’âge sur la compréhension de la pandémie après la 1ère vague

Supplementary materials to" Multicultural attitudes in Europe: A multilevel analysis of perceived compatibility between individual and collective justice

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Christian Staerklé Skills & Research Interests

Social psychology

Top articles of Christian Staerklé

The Inner Logic: An Intergroup Approach to the Populist Mentality in Europe


Christian Staerklé
Christian Staerklé

H-Index: 21

The many faces of social connectedness and their impact on well-being


Anahita Mehrpour
Anahita Mehrpour

H-Index: 2

Christian Staerklé
Christian Staerklé

H-Index: 21

Citizenship deservingness justifies exclusive national boundary making: A socio‐dynamic mixed‐methods approach to social representations of citizenship

British Journal of Social Psychology


Common sense as a political weapon: Populism, science skepticism, and global crisis‐solving motivations

Political Psychology


Christian Staerklé
Christian Staerklé

H-Index: 21

Mobilizing precarious workers in Italy: two pathways of collective action intentions

Social Movement Studies


Trust in institutions and the COVID-19 threat: a cross-sectional study on the public perception of official recommendations and of othering in Switzerland

International Journal of Public Health


Compréhension du public de la COVID-19 (COP–COVID): influence du genre et de l’âge sur la compréhension de la pandémie après la 1ère vague

Raisons de santé, Les Essentiels


Supplementary materials to" Multicultural attitudes in Europe: A multilevel analysis of perceived compatibility between individual and collective justice


Multicultural attitudes in Europe: a multilevel analysis of perceived compatibility between individual and collective justice

Journal of Social and Political Psychology


Une comparaison de la compréhension publique de la pandémie de COVID-19 entre 2020 et 2021

Genre (femmes)


Selecting talented migrants: Majority and minority perspectives

Political Psychology


Jessica Gale
Jessica Gale

H-Index: 4

Christian Staerklé
Christian Staerklé

H-Index: 21

The Ambivalence of Material Vulnerability as a Foundation for Welfare Dependency Attitudes: Social Distrust or Dissatisfaction with the System?


If you want to be one of us, then become like us: The evaluation of naturalization applicants by host nationals

European Journal of Social Psychology


More royalist than the king? Immigration policy attitudes among naturalized citizens

Political Psychology


Speaking up or silencing out in the face of rising right-wing populism: A dynamic test of the spiral of silence across 15 European countries

International Journal of Public Opinion Research


Jessica Gale
Jessica Gale

H-Index: 4

Christian Staerklé
Christian Staerklé

H-Index: 21

See List of Professors in Christian Staerklé University(Université de Lausanne)