Chris Kypridemos

Chris Kypridemos

University of Liverpool

H-index: 17

Europe-United Kingdom

About Chris Kypridemos

Chris Kypridemos, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Liverpool, specializes in the field of Public Health Data Science, Microsimulation, Public Health Informatics, Epidemiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Socioeconomic inequalities in accumulation of multimorbidity in England from 2019 to 2049: a microsimulation projection study

Can the HEARTS initiative reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease?

Effect of calorie labelling in the out-of-home food sector on adult obesity prevalence, cardiovascular mortality, and social inequalities in England: a modelling study

Multimorbidity research: where one size does not fit all

The Cost of Atrial Fibrillation: A Systematic Review

Designing a generic, adaptive protocol resource for the measurement of health impact in cash transfer pilot and feasibility studies and trials in high-income countries

Projected health and economic impacts of sugar-sweetened beverage taxation in Germany: A cross-validation modelling study

Health, economic, and equity consequences of future tobacco control policies in England: a microsimulation study

Chris Kypridemos Information



Senior Lecturer



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Chris Kypridemos Skills & Research Interests

Public Health Data Science


Public Health Informatics


Top articles of Chris Kypridemos

Socioeconomic inequalities in accumulation of multimorbidity in England from 2019 to 2049: a microsimulation projection study

The Lancet Public Health


Max Birkett
Max Birkett

H-Index: 11

Chris Kypridemos
Chris Kypridemos

H-Index: 11

Can the HEARTS initiative reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease?

BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine


Martin O'Flaherty
Martin O'Flaherty

H-Index: 40

Chris Kypridemos
Chris Kypridemos

H-Index: 11

Effect of calorie labelling in the out-of-home food sector on adult obesity prevalence, cardiovascular mortality, and social inequalities in England: a modelling study

The Lancet Public Health


Multimorbidity research: where one size does not fit all


Martin O'Flaherty
Martin O'Flaherty

H-Index: 40

Chris Kypridemos
Chris Kypridemos

H-Index: 11

Designing a generic, adaptive protocol resource for the measurement of health impact in cash transfer pilot and feasibility studies and trials in high-income countries

Pilot and Feasibility Studies


Projected health and economic impacts of sugar-sweetened beverage taxation in Germany: A cross-validation modelling study

PLoS medicine


Health, economic, and equity consequences of future tobacco control policies in England: a microsimulation study

The Lancet


Quantifying the mental health and economic impacts of prospective Universal Basic Income schemes among young people in the UK: a microsimulation modelling study

BMJ open


Identifying best modelling practices for tobacco control policy simulations: a systematic review and a novel quality assessment framework


OP37 Projecting patterns of future illness in the population in England to 2040: a microsimulation study


Max Birkett
Max Birkett

H-Index: 11

Chris Kypridemos
Chris Kypridemos

H-Index: 11

OP20 Estimating small area differences in consumption of ultra-processed foods in England and Wales


Simon Capewell
Simon Capewell

H-Index: 59

Chris Kypridemos
Chris Kypridemos

H-Index: 11

OP27 What are the impacts of universal basic income on mental health? A microsimulation economic modelling study


OP111 Hypothetical health improvement and inequalities reduction policies for multimorbidity prevention: application of a microsimulation model using clinical practice research …


Max Birkett
Max Birkett

H-Index: 11

Chris Kypridemos
Chris Kypridemos

H-Index: 11

OP110 Projections of socioeconomic inequalities in multimorbidity within England between 2019 and 2039: a microsimulation model using clinical practice research datalink data


Max Birkett
Max Birkett

H-Index: 11

Chris Kypridemos
Chris Kypridemos

H-Index: 11

OP79 Estimating the impact of the mandatory menu calorie labelling policy on adult obesity prevalence, cardiovascular mortality, and their social disparities in the United …


The IMPACT NCD-technical appendix


Max Birkett
Max Birkett

H-Index: 11

Chris Kypridemos
Chris Kypridemos

H-Index: 11

Projections of future coronary heart disease and stroke mortality in Japan until 2040: a Bayesian age-period-cohort analysis

The Lancet Regional Health–Western Pacific


This is a repository copy of Designing a generic, adaptive protocol resource for the measurement of health impact in cash transfer pilot and feasibility studies and trials in …


Matthew Thomas Johnson
Matthew Thomas Johnson

H-Index: 9

Chris Kypridemos
Chris Kypridemos

H-Index: 11

Estimated Health and Economic Effects of Different Salt Reduction Strategies on Cardiovascular Disease in Brazil: A Microsimulation Analysis

Available at SSRN 4495143


See List of Professors in Chris Kypridemos University(University of Liverpool)

