Changjin Wan

About Changjin Wan

Changjin Wan, With an exceptional h-index of 40 and a recent h-index of 39 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Nanjing University, specializes in the field of Thin Film Transistors, Neuromorphic Engineering, Device Physics, Materials Science.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A flexible thermal-coupled InGaZnO adaptive synapse

One Memristor-One Electrolyte-Gated Transistor based High Energy-Efficient Dropout Neuronal Units

Noise Robust Reservoir Computing Based on Flexible Doped Hafnium Oxide Memcapacitors

Toward a Brain‐Neuromorphics Interface

An antidehydration hydrogel based on zwitterionic oligomers for bioelectronic interfacing

A Fourier neuromorphic visual system based on InGaZnO synaptic transistor

Ga2O3 Bipolar Heterojunction-Based Optoelectronic Synapse Array with Visual Attention

A tunable leaky integrate-and-fire neuron based on one neuromorphic transistor and one memristor

Changjin Wan Information



Associate Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Changjin Wan Skills & Research Interests

Thin Film Transistors

Neuromorphic Engineering

Device Physics

Materials Science

Top articles of Changjin Wan

A flexible thermal-coupled InGaZnO adaptive synapse

Applied Physics Letters


One Memristor-One Electrolyte-Gated Transistor based High Energy-Efficient Dropout Neuronal Units

Chinese Physics B


Noise Robust Reservoir Computing Based on Flexible Doped Hafnium Oxide Memcapacitors

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices


Toward a Brain‐Neuromorphics Interface


Changjin Wan
Changjin Wan

H-Index: 23

Qing Wan
Qing Wan

H-Index: 18

A Fourier neuromorphic visual system based on InGaZnO synaptic transistor

Applied Physics Letters


Ga2O3 Bipolar Heterojunction-Based Optoelectronic Synapse Array with Visual Attention

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


A tunable leaky integrate-and-fire neuron based on one neuromorphic transistor and one memristor

Applied Physics Letters


In2O3 Nanofiber Neuromorphic Transistors for Reservoir Computing

IEEE Electron Device Letters


Vertically integrated spiking cone photoreceptor arrays for color perception

Nature Communications


Multifunctional ultraviolet laser induced graphene for flexible artificial sensory neuron

Advanced Materials Technologies


Optically readable organic electrochemical synaptic transistors for neuromorphic photonic image processing

Nano Letters


Technology roadmap for flexible sensors


Mohammad Reza Abidian
Mohammad Reza Abidian

H-Index: 20

Jong-Hyun Ahn
Jong-Hyun Ahn

H-Index: 66

Zhenan Bao
Zhenan Bao

H-Index: 132

Magnus Berggren
Magnus Berggren

H-Index: 58

Jun Chen
Jun Chen

H-Index: 1

Peng Chen
Peng Chen

H-Index: 5

Wenlong Cheng
Wenlong Cheng

H-Index: 45

Xu Cheng
Xu Cheng

H-Index: 9

Seon-Jin Choi
Seon-Jin Choi

H-Index: 38

Alex Chortos
Alex Chortos

H-Index: 26

Canan Dagdeviren
Canan Dagdeviren

H-Index: 20

Xiangfeng Duan
Xiangfeng Duan

H-Index: 100

Yin Fang
Yin Fang

H-Index: 15

Xue Feng
Xue Feng

H-Index: 14

Huajian Gao
Huajian Gao

H-Index: 73

Wei Gao
Wei Gao

H-Index: 27

Xiwen Gong
Xiwen Gong

H-Index: 17

John S Ho
John S Ho

H-Index: 23

Youfan Hu
Youfan Hu

H-Index: 35

Yu Huang
Yu Huang

H-Index: 2

Muhammad M Hussain
Muhammad M Hussain

H-Index: 7

Ali Javey
Ali Javey

H-Index: 91

Unyong Jeong
Unyong Jeong

H-Index: 42

Chen Jiang
Chen Jiang

H-Index: 5

Xingyu Jiang
Xingyu Jiang

H-Index: 6

Dae-Hyeong Kim
Dae-Hyeong Kim

H-Index: 66

Il-Doo Kim
Il-Doo Kim

H-Index: 61

Chengkuo Lee
Chengkuo Lee

H-Index: 53

Nae-Eung Lee
Nae-Eung Lee

H-Index: 42

Pooi See Lee
Pooi See Lee

H-Index: 69

Tae-Woo Lee
Tae-Woo Lee

H-Index: 1

Jinxing Li
Jinxing Li

H-Index: 6

Jia Liu
Jia Liu

H-Index: 5

Kai Liu
Kai Liu

H-Index: 4

Nan Liu
Nan Liu

H-Index: 14

Ren Liu
Ren Liu

H-Index: 8

Yuxin Liu
Yuxin Liu

H-Index: 21

Yuxuan Liu
Yuxuan Liu

H-Index: 8

Zhiyuan Liu
Zhiyuan Liu

H-Index: 1

Shlomo Magdassi
Shlomo Magdassi

H-Index: 52

Naoji Matsuhisa
Naoji Matsuhisa

H-Index: 24

Arokia Nathan
Arokia Nathan

H-Index: 55

Simiao Niu
Simiao Niu

H-Index: 55

Jieming Pan
Jieming Pan

H-Index: 2

Changhyun Pang
Changhyun Pang

H-Index: 26

Qibing Pei
Qibing Pei

H-Index: 58

Dianpeng Qi
Dianpeng Qi

H-Index: 39

Huaying Ren
Huaying Ren

H-Index: 14

Qiongfeng Shi
Qiongfeng Shi

H-Index: 29

Meng Su
Meng Su

H-Index: 4

Kuniharu Takei
Kuniharu Takei

H-Index: 42

Tran Quang Trung
Tran Quang Trung

H-Index: 29

Changjin Wan
Changjin Wan

H-Index: 23

Huiliang Wang
Huiliang Wang

H-Index: 30

Joseph Wang
Joseph Wang

H-Index: 4

Ming Wang
Ming Wang

H-Index: 6

Sihong Wang
Sihong Wang

H-Index: 54

Ting Wang
Ting Wang

H-Index: 6

Zhong Lin Wang
Zhong Lin Wang

H-Index: 186

Hanqi Wen
Hanqi Wen

H-Index: 1

Sheng Xu
Sheng Xu

H-Index: 9

Hongping Yan
Hongping Yan

H-Index: 26

Xuzhou Yan
Xuzhou Yan

H-Index: 43

Hui Yang
Hui Yang

H-Index: 6

Le Yang
Le Yang

H-Index: 3

Cunjiang Yu
Cunjiang Yu

H-Index: 27

Jing Yu
Jing Yu

H-Index: 20

Shu-Hong Yu
Shu-Hong Yu

H-Index: 115

Xinge Yu
Xinge Yu

H-Index: 28

Evgeny Zamburg
Evgeny Zamburg

H-Index: 9

Haixia Zhang
Haixia Zhang

H-Index: 11

Xiangyu Zhang
Xiangyu Zhang

H-Index: 1

Xiaosheng Zhang
Xiaosheng Zhang

H-Index: 4

Yihui Zhang
Yihui Zhang

H-Index: 48

Yu Zhang
Yu Zhang

H-Index: 13

Siyuan Zhao
Siyuan Zhao

H-Index: 5

Yuanjin Zheng
Yuanjin Zheng

H-Index: 28

Tao Zhou
Tao Zhou

H-Index: 7

Bowen Zhu
Bowen Zhu

H-Index: 7

Ming Zhu
Ming Zhu

H-Index: 14

Rong Zhu
Rong Zhu

H-Index: 8

Yong Zhu
Yong Zhu

H-Index: 42

Xiaodong Chen
Xiaodong Chen

H-Index: 23

Amorphous indium–gallium–zinc–oxide memristor arrays for parallel true random number generators

Applied Physics Letters


Reservoir computing based on electric-double-layer coupled InGaZnO artificial synapse

Applied Physics Letters


Power‐Efficient Multisensory Reservoir Computing Based on Zr‐Doped HfO2 Memcapacitive Synapse Arrays

Advanced Materials


W-doped In2O3 nanofiber optoelectronic neuromorphic transistors with synergistic synaptic plasticity

Chinese Physics B


Artificial fear neural circuit based on noise triboelectric nanogenerator and photoelectronic neuromorphic transistor

Applied Physics Letters


CMOS-compatible neuromorphic devices for neuromorphic perception and computing: a review


IGZO Nanofiber Photoelectric Synapse for Artificial Neural Networks


Yixin Zhu
Yixin Zhu

H-Index: 20

Changjin Wan
Changjin Wan

H-Index: 23

See List of Professors in Changjin Wan University(Nanjing University)