Catherine M Ivy

Catherine M Ivy

Western University

H-index: 17

North America-Canada

About Catherine M Ivy

Catherine M Ivy, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Western University,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Seasonal changes in the ventilatory response to hypoxia in migratory sparrows and an introduced resident sparrow

Diving at High Altitude: O2 Transport and Utilization in the Ruddy Duck and Torrent Duck in the Andes

Adaptation in brain structure and respiratory and olfactory structures across environmental gradients in African and North American muroid rodents

Migratory songbirds exhibit seasonal modulation of the oxygen cascade

The relationship between hypoxia exposure and circulating cortisol levels in social and solitary African mole-rats: An initial report

Gene regulatory changes underlie developmental plasticity in respiration and aerobic performance in highland deer mice

Counter-gradient variation and the expensive tissue hypothesis explain parallel brain size reductions at high elevation in cricetid and murid rodents

Genetic variation in HIF‐2α attenuates ventilatory sensitivity and carotid body growth in chronic hypoxia in high‐altitude deer mice

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Top articles of Catherine M Ivy

Seasonal changes in the ventilatory response to hypoxia in migratory sparrows and an introduced resident sparrow

Canadian Journal of Zoology


Catherine M Ivy
Catherine M Ivy

H-Index: 12

Diving at High Altitude: O2 Transport and Utilization in the Ruddy Duck and Torrent Duck in the Andes

Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State University


Mariana Bulgarella
Mariana Bulgarella

H-Index: 12

Catherine M Ivy
Catherine M Ivy

H-Index: 12

Adaptation in brain structure and respiratory and olfactory structures across environmental gradients in African and North American muroid rodents

Integrative Zoology


Peter J Taylor
Peter J Taylor

H-Index: 60

Catherine M Ivy
Catherine M Ivy

H-Index: 12

Migratory songbirds exhibit seasonal modulation of the oxygen cascade

Journal of Experimental Biology


Catherine M Ivy
Catherine M Ivy

H-Index: 12

The relationship between hypoxia exposure and circulating cortisol levels in social and solitary African mole-rats: An initial report

General and Comparative Endocrinology


Gene regulatory changes underlie developmental plasticity in respiration and aerobic performance in highland deer mice

Molecular Ecology


Catherine M Ivy
Catherine M Ivy

H-Index: 12

Chandrasekhar Natarajan
Chandrasekhar Natarajan

H-Index: 18

Counter-gradient variation and the expensive tissue hypothesis explain parallel brain size reductions at high elevation in cricetid and murid rodents

Scientific Reports


Catherine M Ivy
Catherine M Ivy

H-Index: 12

Peter J Taylor
Peter J Taylor

H-Index: 60

Genetic variation in HIF‐2α attenuates ventilatory sensitivity and carotid body growth in chronic hypoxia in high‐altitude deer mice

The Journal of Physiology


Catherine M Ivy
Catherine M Ivy

H-Index: 12

Physiological and behavioural strategies of aquatic animals living in fluctuating environments

Journal of Experimental Biology


Catherine M Ivy
Catherine M Ivy

H-Index: 12

Tommy Norin
Tommy Norin

H-Index: 18

Genetic variation in haemoglobin is associated with evolved changes in breathing in high-altitude deer mice

Journal of Experimental Biology


Adrenergic control of the cardiovascular system in deer mice native to high altitude

Current Research in Physiology


Oliver H Wearing
Oliver H Wearing

H-Index: 4

Catherine M Ivy
Catherine M Ivy

H-Index: 12

Distinct mechanisms underlie developmental plasticity and adult acclimation of thermogenic capacity in high-altitude deer mice

Frontiers in Physiology


Catherine M Ivy
Catherine M Ivy

H-Index: 12

The adaptive benefit of evolved increases in hemoglobin-O2 affinity is contingent on tissue O2 diffusing capacity in high-altitude deer mice

BMC biology


Evolution and developmental plasticity of lung structure in high-altitude deer mice

Journal of Comparative Physiology B


Catherine M Ivy
Catherine M Ivy

H-Index: 12

Genetic variation in haemoglobin alters breathing in high-altitude deer mice



Life-long exposure to hypoxia affects metabolism and respiratory physiology across life stages in high-altitude deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus)

Journal of Experimental Biology


Catherine M Ivy
Catherine M Ivy

H-Index: 12

Respiratory mechanics of eleven avian species resident at high and low altitude (vol 220, pg 1079, 2017)

Journal of experimental biology


Catherine M Ivy
Catherine M Ivy

H-Index: 12

Coordinated changes across the O2 transport pathway underlie adaptive increases in thermogenic capacity in high-altitude deer mice

Proceedings of the Royal Society B


The hypoxia tolerance of eight related African mole‐rat species rivals that of naked mole‐rats, despite divergent ventilatory and metabolic strategies in severe hypoxia

Acta Physiologica


Ontogenesis of evolved changes in respiratory physiology in deer mice native to high altitude

Journal of Experimental Biology


See List of Professors in Catherine M Ivy University(Western University)