Carlos Leite

About Carlos Leite

Carlos Leite, With an exceptional h-index of 13 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, specializes in the field of urbanismo, urbanismo social, Land Policy, urban planning, social urbanism.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Mapping the (un) healthy city: Proximity to urban facilities and chance of premature mortality from myocardial infarction in São Paulo city

Saúde cardiovascular e habitação: um diálogo importante travado nos assentamentos precários de São Paulo

Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in São Paulo: spatial analysis shows advances, but not sufficient social inclusion

Nature-Based Solutions in Peri-Urban Areas of Latin American Cities: Lessons from São Paulo, Brazil

Design biofílico para todos: ressignificação de espaços na comunidade do Vidigal/RJ

A promoção de políticas públicas locais na sustentabilidade urbana-o caso de São Paulo

City Financing and Social Urbanism in Latin America: The Importance of Good Fiscal Management

O PLANO DE BAIRRO DO JARDIM LAPENA. O Plano de Bairro ea iniciativa Pacto pelas Cidades Justas no Lapena

Carlos Leite Information



Professor Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Carlos Leite Skills & Research Interests


urbanismo social

Land Policy

urban planning

social urbanism

Top articles of Carlos Leite

Mapping the (un) healthy city: Proximity to urban facilities and chance of premature mortality from myocardial infarction in São Paulo city



Saúde cardiovascular e habitação: um diálogo importante travado nos assentamentos precários de São Paulo

Estudos Avançados


Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in São Paulo: spatial analysis shows advances, but not sufficient social inclusion

International Planning Studies


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Nature-Based Solutions in Peri-Urban Areas of Latin American Cities: Lessons from São Paulo, Brazil


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Design biofílico para todos: ressignificação de espaços na comunidade do Vidigal/RJ

Brazilian Journal of Development


A promoção de políticas públicas locais na sustentabilidade urbana-o caso de São Paulo

Brazilian Journal of Development


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

City Financing and Social Urbanism in Latin America: The Importance of Good Fiscal Management


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

O PLANO DE BAIRRO DO JARDIM LAPENA. O Plano de Bairro ea iniciativa Pacto pelas Cidades Justas no Lapena

Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Arte e Cultura: do passado ao futuro

Revista VérticeFIB


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Ilha de Deus, uma História de Resistência e Transformação


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Em defesa da gestão compartilhada

Portal Insper-Notícias


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Habitação Social E Violência: Influência de características territoriais e sociais em conjuntos habitacionais no município de São Paulo


A contribuição da infraestrutura ferroviária na formação das cidades do oeste paulista.

Revista de Arquitetura IMED


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Biofilia e sustentabilidade no planejamento urbano: interfaces conceituais e parâmetros de análise| Biophilia and sustainability in urban planning: conceptual interfaces and …

Sustentabilidade: Diálogos Interdisciplinares


Tools Experiences in Latin America

Social Urbanism in Latin America: Cases and Instruments of Planning, Land Policy and Financing the City Transformation with Social Inclusion


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Nabil Bonduki
Nabil Bonduki

H-Index: 16

Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Nabil Bonduki
Nabil Bonduki

H-Index: 16

Sao Paulo: Participation and Social Inclusion on Cultural Heritage

Social Urbanism in Latin America: Cases and Instruments of Planning, Land Policy and Financing the City Transformation with Social Inclusion


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Nabil Bonduki
Nabil Bonduki

H-Index: 16

Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Nabil Bonduki
Nabil Bonduki

H-Index: 16


Social Urbanism in Latin America: Cases and Instruments of Planning, Land Policy and Financing the City Transformation with Social Inclusion


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Nabil Bonduki
Nabil Bonduki

H-Index: 16

Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Nabil Bonduki
Nabil Bonduki

H-Index: 16

Sao Paulo: Land Policies and Urban Instruments Developed in the Period 2013–2016

Social Urbanism in Latin America: Cases and Instruments of Planning, Land Policy and Financing the City Transformation with Social Inclusion


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Nabil Bonduki
Nabil Bonduki

H-Index: 16

Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Nabil Bonduki
Nabil Bonduki

H-Index: 16

Lessons and Challenges of Social Urbanism in Latin America

Social Urbanism in Latin America: Cases and Instruments of Planning, Land Policy and Financing the City Transformation with Social Inclusion


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Nabil Bonduki
Nabil Bonduki

H-Index: 16

Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Nabil Bonduki
Nabil Bonduki

H-Index: 16

Buenos Aires and Rosario: Large-Scale Urban Projects and the Just City

Social Urbanism in Latin America: Cases and Instruments of Planning, Land Policy and Financing the City Transformation with Social Inclusion


Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Nabil Bonduki
Nabil Bonduki

H-Index: 16

Carlos Leite
Carlos Leite

H-Index: 7

Nabil Bonduki
Nabil Bonduki

H-Index: 16

See List of Professors in Carlos Leite University(Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie)

