Carlos Celis-Morales

About Carlos Celis-Morales

Carlos Celis-Morales, With an exceptional h-index of 64 and a recent h-index of 59 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Glasgow, specializes in the field of Physical Activity, Lifestyle, Cardiovascular Health, Metabolic Risk, Ethnicity and Health.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Association of five diet scores with severe NAFLD incidence: A prospective study from UK Biobank

Socio-demographic variation in adherence to the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)/American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) Cancer Prevention Recommendations within the UK …

Meeting the Diabetes and Hypertension Targets of the National Cardiovascular Program in the Most Rural Region of Chile (2018–2020)

In people with type 2 diabetes, sarcopenia is associated with the incidence of cardiovascular disease: A prospective cohort study from the UK Biobank

Association of Stair Use With Risk of Major Chronic Diseases

Abbreviated score to assess adherence to the 2018 WCRF/AICR Cancer Prevention Recommendations and risk of cancer in the UK Biobank

Machine learning-based classifiers to predict metastasis in colorectal cancer patients

Association between a lifestyle score and all-cause mortality: a prospective analysis of the Chilean National Health Survey 2009–2010

Carlos Celis-Morales Information



Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Science UK



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Carlos Celis-Morales Skills & Research Interests

Physical Activity


Cardiovascular Health

Metabolic Risk

Ethnicity and Health

Top articles of Carlos Celis-Morales

Association of five diet scores with severe NAFLD incidence: A prospective study from UK Biobank

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism


Socio-demographic variation in adherence to the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)/American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) Cancer Prevention Recommendations within the UK …

Journal of Public Health


Fiona C Malcomson
Fiona C Malcomson

H-Index: 9

Carlos Celis-Morales
Carlos Celis-Morales

H-Index: 40

Meeting the Diabetes and Hypertension Targets of the National Cardiovascular Program in the Most Rural Region of Chile (2018–2020)



Carlos Celis-Morales
Carlos Celis-Morales

H-Index: 40

In people with type 2 diabetes, sarcopenia is associated with the incidence of cardiovascular disease: A prospective cohort study from the UK Biobank

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism


Association of Stair Use With Risk of Major Chronic Diseases

American Journal of Preventive Medicine


Frederick K Ho
Frederick K Ho

H-Index: 19

Carlos Celis-Morales
Carlos Celis-Morales

H-Index: 40

Abbreviated score to assess adherence to the 2018 WCRF/AICR Cancer Prevention Recommendations and risk of cancer in the UK Biobank

Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention


Machine learning-based classifiers to predict metastasis in colorectal cancer patients

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence


Association between a lifestyle score and all-cause mortality: a prospective analysis of the Chilean National Health Survey 2009–2010

Public Health Nutrition


Life Expectancy Gains from Dietary Modifications: A Comparative Modelling Study in Seven Countries

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


Carlos Celis-Morales
Carlos Celis-Morales

H-Index: 40

Kjell Arne Johansson
Kjell Arne Johansson

H-Index: 18

Adherence to dietary recommendations socioeconomic status in the UK Biobank cohort study

Frontiers in Nutrition


Physical activity and cause-specific cardiovascular mortality among people with and without cardiovascular disease: A Cohort Study of 0.6 million US adults

Mayo Clinic Proceedings


Carlos Celis-Morales
Carlos Celis-Morales

H-Index: 40

Different Sources of Fiber Intake and Risk of 17 Specific Cancers and All Cancers Combined: Prospective Study of 364,856 Participants in the UK Biobank

American Journal of Epidemiology


Defining metabolically healthy and unhealthy obesity in relation to cancer risk: A prospective cohort study by using a machine learning approach in comparison with conventional …

Cancer Research


Association of a dietary inflammatory index with cardiometabolic, endocrine, liver, renal and bones biomarkers: cross-sectional analysis of the UK Biobank study

Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases


Schizophrenia and types of stroke: A mendelian randomization study

Journal of the American Heart Association


Construcción de la alimentación en trayectorias vitales de personas mayores

ARS medica (Santiago)


Predicting metastasis in gastric cancer patients: machine learning-based approaches

Scientific Reports


Exploring the underlying mechanisms linking adiposity and cardiovascular disease: A prospective cohort study of 404,332 UK Biobank participants


Do all vegetarians have a lower cardiovascular risk? A prospective study

Clinical Nutrition


Incidental physical activity update: A scoping review of experimental, non-experimental studies, and reviews


Carlos Celis-Morales
Carlos Celis-Morales

H-Index: 40

Eva Parrado
Eva Parrado

H-Index: 10

Gabriela Nazar
Gabriela Nazar

H-Index: 9

See List of Professors in Carlos Celis-Morales University(University of Glasgow)