Bryan Saunders

About Bryan Saunders

Bryan Saunders, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 28 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade de São Paulo, specializes in the field of Exercise physiology - Sport nutrition - Nutritional supplementation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Sodium bicarbonate improved CrossFit® Benchmark Fran, but not subsequent 500 m rowing performance

Trehalose Improved 20-min Cycling Time-Trial Performance After 100-min Cycling in Amateur Cyclists

How cool is that? The effects of menthol mouth rinsing on exercise capacity and performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Sodium bicarbonate and beta-alanine supplementation: Is combining both better than either alone? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Directions for Future Studies to Determine Dietary Nitrate Efficacy in Female Athletes

Spit It Out: Is Caffeine Mouth Rinse an Effective Ergogenic Aid? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

A cloth facemask increased ratings of perceived exertion and reduced affect, without affecting sprint or muscular performance

Creatine Monohydrate Improved Cycling Wingate Performance But Not Cognitive Function

Bryan Saunders Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Bryan Saunders Skills & Research Interests

Exercise physiology - Sport nutrition - Nutritional supplementation

Top articles of Bryan Saunders

Sodium bicarbonate improved CrossFit® Benchmark Fran, but not subsequent 500 m rowing performance

Research in Sports Medicine


Bryan Saunders
Bryan Saunders

H-Index: 20

Trehalose Improved 20-min Cycling Time-Trial Performance After 100-min Cycling in Amateur Cyclists

International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism


How cool is that? The effects of menthol mouth rinsing on exercise capacity and performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Bryan Saunders
Bryan Saunders

H-Index: 20

Sodium bicarbonate and beta-alanine supplementation: Is combining both better than either alone? A systematic review and meta-analysis


John Buckley
John Buckley

H-Index: 20

Bryan Saunders
Bryan Saunders

H-Index: 20

Directions for Future Studies to Determine Dietary Nitrate Efficacy in Female Athletes

Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine


Arthur Carvalho
Arthur Carvalho

H-Index: 11

Bryan Saunders
Bryan Saunders

H-Index: 20

Spit It Out: Is Caffeine Mouth Rinse an Effective Ergogenic Aid? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


Guilherme Falcão Mendes
Guilherme Falcão Mendes

H-Index: 3

Bryan Saunders
Bryan Saunders

H-Index: 20

A cloth facemask increased ratings of perceived exertion and reduced affect, without affecting sprint or muscular performance

Research in Sports Medicine


Bruno Gualano
Bruno Gualano

H-Index: 43

Bryan Saunders
Bryan Saunders

H-Index: 20

Creatine Monohydrate Improved Cycling Wingate Performance But Not Cognitive Function

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


Felipe Ribeiro
Felipe Ribeiro

H-Index: 13

Bryan Saunders
Bryan Saunders

H-Index: 20

Trehalose, But Not Maltodextrin Or Isomaltulose, Improved Endurance Cycling Time-trial Performance: 2320

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


Caffeine And CYP1A2 In Sports: A Systematic Review And Meta-analysis: 2317


Jozo Grgic
Jozo Grgic

H-Index: 24

Bryan Saunders
Bryan Saunders

H-Index: 20

Influence Of Solution Colour And Brain Electrical Activity Healthy Individuals And Cyclists: 139

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


The effects of enteric-coated sodium bicarbonate supplementation on 2 km rowing performance in female CrossFit® athletes

European Journal of Applied Physiology


Bryan Saunders
Bryan Saunders

H-Index: 20

Effects of caffeine chewing gum supplementation on exercise performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis


The interplay between bicarbonate kinetics and gastrointestinal upset on ergogenic potential after sodium bicarbonate intake: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial

Scientific Reports


Joanna Kamińska
Joanna Kamińska

H-Index: 3

Bryan Saunders
Bryan Saunders

H-Index: 20

Dietary β-Alanine Intake Assessed by Food Records Does Not Associate With Muscle Carnosine Content in Healthy, Active, Omnivorous Men and Women

International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism


Carbohydrates and endurance exercise: A narrative review of a food first approach


Ajmol Ali
Ajmol Ali

H-Index: 26

Bryan Saunders
Bryan Saunders

H-Index: 20

Performing moderate to severe activity is safe and tolerable for healthy youth while wearing a cloth facemask

Plos one


Reply to Zhang and Chen’s Comment on “Can I Have My Coffee and Drink It? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis to Determine Whether Habitual Caffeine Consumption Affects the …


Acute effects of beta-alanine ingestion on regulatory mechanisms of muscle carnosine content: an experimental approach

Rbne-Revista Brasileira de Nutricao Esportiva


Arthur Carvalho
Arthur Carvalho

H-Index: 11

Bryan Saunders
Bryan Saunders

H-Index: 20

Do you have to lie to induce placebo effects?: The use of open label placebos in sport and exercise


See List of Professors in Bryan Saunders University(Universidade de São Paulo)

