Azadeh Habibi

About Azadeh Habibi

Azadeh Habibi, With an exceptional h-index of 9 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Graduate University of Advanced Technology, specializes in the field of Plant Pathology, Mycology, Molecular Biology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

General Anesthesia in Schwartz-Jampel Syndrome: A Case Report

Coevolution of Polystigma amygdalinum through a process of host tracking

Comparison of Effects of Stress and Midazolam on Retrograde and Anterograde Amnesia in Patients Undergoing General Anesthesia

Effect of Trichoderma harizianum Strain T22 on Induced Resistance of Tomato to Helicoverpa armigera Hübner

Phylogenetic analysis of Phaeosphaeria species using mating type genes and distribution of mating types in Iran

Phylogenetic Analysis of Species Using Mating Type Genes and Distribution of Mating Types in Iran

Aspergillus species in retail samples of pistachio, walnut, and hazelnut in Kerman, Iran

Aspergillus Section Flavi from Four Agricultural Products and Association of Mycotoxin and Sclerotia Production with Isolation Source

Azadeh Habibi Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Azadeh Habibi Skills & Research Interests

Plant Pathology


Molecular Biology

Top articles of Azadeh Habibi

General Anesthesia in Schwartz-Jampel Syndrome: A Case Report

Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine


Azadeh Habibi
Azadeh Habibi

H-Index: 5

Coevolution of Polystigma amygdalinum through a process of host tracking

University of Yasouj Plant Pathology Science


Azadeh Habibi
Azadeh Habibi

H-Index: 5

Comparison of Effects of Stress and Midazolam on Retrograde and Anterograde Amnesia in Patients Undergoing General Anesthesia

Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine


Ali Khatibi
Ali Khatibi

H-Index: 1

Azadeh Habibi
Azadeh Habibi

H-Index: 5

Effect of Trichoderma harizianum Strain T22 on Induced Resistance of Tomato to Helicoverpa armigera Hübner

Journal of Iranian Plant Protection Research


Phylogenetic analysis of Phaeosphaeria species using mating type genes and distribution of mating types in Iran

The Plant Pathology Journal


Azadeh Habibi
Azadeh Habibi

H-Index: 5

Bahram Sharifnabi
Bahram Sharifnabi

H-Index: 13

Phylogenetic Analysis of Species Using Mating Type Genes and Distribution of Mating Types in Iran


Azadeh Habibi
Azadeh Habibi

H-Index: 5

Bahram Sharifnabi
Bahram Sharifnabi

H-Index: 13

Aspergillus species in retail samples of pistachio, walnut, and hazelnut in Kerman, Iran

Mycologia Iranica


Azadeh Habibi
Azadeh Habibi

H-Index: 5

Aspergillus Section Flavi from Four Agricultural Products and Association of Mycotoxin and Sclerotia Production with Isolation Source

Current microbiology


Azadeh Habibi
Azadeh Habibi

H-Index: 5

Daryoush Afzali
Daryoush Afzali

H-Index: 24

Identification of fungi from soil and sediment in Jefriz Cave; the first survey in a cave from Iran

Journal of Cave and Karst Studies


Azadeh Habibi
Azadeh Habibi

H-Index: 5

Morphological and molecular characterization of Phytophthora species associated with root and crown rot of pomegranate in Iran

Plant Pathology


Azadeh Habibi
Azadeh Habibi

H-Index: 5

First record of Dactylonectria macrodidyma causing black root rot on strawberry

Mycologia Iranica


Clinical features and prognosis of invasive ventilation in hospitalized patients with COVID-19: A retrospective study

Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine


Azadeh Habibi
Azadeh Habibi

H-Index: 5

Electroconvulsive therapy for a patient with suicide by drinking bleach during treatment of COVID-19: A case report

Anesthesiology and pain medicine


Reza Farahmand Rad
Reza Farahmand Rad

H-Index: 3

Azadeh Habibi
Azadeh Habibi

H-Index: 5

Clinical characteristics of critically Ill patients infected with COVID-19 in Rasoul Akram Hospital in Iran: A Single center study

Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine


Azadeh Habibi
Azadeh Habibi

H-Index: 5

Emergency tracheostomy in two airway trauma patients suspected of COVID-19: A case report

Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine


Reza Farahmand Rad
Reza Farahmand Rad

H-Index: 3

Azadeh Habibi
Azadeh Habibi

H-Index: 5

Identification and detection of Phytophthora erythroseptica and its hybrids using specific primers.


See List of Professors in Azadeh Habibi University(Graduate University of Advanced Technology)