Angela Parise

About Angela Parise

Angela Parise, With an exceptional h-index of 6 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Università della Calabria, specializes in the field of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Assessing the mechanism of fast-cycling cancer-associatedmutations of Rac1 small Rho GTPase

Viral RNA Replication Suppression of SARS-CoV-2: Atomistic Insights into Inhibition Mechanisms of RdRp Machinery by ddhCTP

Current status of deMon2k for the investigation of the early stages of matter irradiation by time-dependent DFT approaches

On the Recognition of Natural Substrate CTP and Endogenous Inhibitor DdhCTP of SARS-CoV-2 RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase: A Molecular Dynamics Study

Multiscale approaches to help clarify mechanisms of activation/inhibition for important biological systems

The Se–S bond formation in the covalent inhibition mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 main protease by Ebselen-like inhibitors: a computational study

Quantum mechanical predictions of the antioxidant capability of moracin C isomers

The platination mechanism of RNase A by arsenoplatin: Insight from the theoretical study

Angela Parise Information



Université Paris-Saclay



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Angela Parise Skills & Research Interests

Computational and Theoretical Chemistry

Top articles of Angela Parise

Assessing the mechanism of fast-cycling cancer-associatedmutations of Rac1 small Rho GTPase

Protein Science, DOI: 10.1002/pro.4939


Angela Parise
Angela Parise

H-Index: 3

Viral RNA Replication Suppression of SARS-CoV-2: Atomistic Insights into Inhibition Mechanisms of RdRp Machinery by ddhCTP

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling


Angela Parise
Angela Parise

H-Index: 3

Mario Prejanò
Mario Prejanò

H-Index: 7

Current status of deMon2k for the investigation of the early stages of matter irradiation by time-dependent DFT approaches


Xiaojing Wu
Xiaojing Wu

H-Index: 5

Angela Parise
Angela Parise

H-Index: 3

On the Recognition of Natural Substrate CTP and Endogenous Inhibitor DdhCTP of SARS-CoV-2 RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase: A Molecular Dynamics Study

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling


Angela Parise
Angela Parise

H-Index: 3

Mario Prejanò
Mario Prejanò

H-Index: 7

Multiscale approaches to help clarify mechanisms of activation/inhibition for important biological systems


Angela Parise
Angela Parise

H-Index: 3

The Se–S bond formation in the covalent inhibition mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 main protease by Ebselen-like inhibitors: a computational study

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Angela Parise
Angela Parise

H-Index: 3

Nino Russo
Nino Russo

H-Index: 35

Quantum mechanical predictions of the antioxidant capability of moracin C isomers

Frontiers in Chemistry


The platination mechanism of RNase A by arsenoplatin: Insight from the theoretical study

Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers


The antioxidant capability of higenamine: Insights from theory



Attosecond dynamics simulations of glycine irradiated by α-particle: Comment on" A never-ending story in the sky: The secrets of chemical evolution" by C. Puzzarini and V. Barone


Angela Parise
Angela Parise

H-Index: 3

Nino Russo
Nino Russo

H-Index: 35

The generation of the oxidant agent of a mononuclear nonheme Fe (II) biomimetic complex by oxidative decarboxylation. A DFT investigation



The physical stage of radiolysis of solvated DNA by high-energy-transfer particles: insights from new first principles simulations

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics


Angela Parise
Angela Parise

H-Index: 3

See List of Professors in Angela Parise University(Università della Calabria)