Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

About Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Københavns Universitet, specializes in the field of Physical Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry, Computational Chemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A variational reformulation of molecular properties in electronic-structure theory

Pyrene Functionalized Norbornadiene‐Quadricyclane Fluorescent Photoswitches: Characterization of their Spectral Properties and Application in Imaging of Amyloid Beta Plaques

Dynamical Effects of Solvation on Norbornadiene/Quadricyclane Systems

Cluster perturbation theory IX: Perturbation series for the coupled cluster singles and doubles ground state energy

Tensor Hypercontraction of Cluster Perturbation Theory: Quartic Scaling Perturbation Series for the Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles Ground-State Energies

Extended Tetrathiafulvalenes with Fluoreno[3,2‐b]fluorene and Diindeno[1,2‐b : 1′,2′‐i]anthracene Cores

Investigation of Solvent Effects on the Molecular Energy Storage and Optical Properties of Bicyclooctadiene/Tetracyclooctane Photoswitches

Investigation of Coulomb blockade diamonds of 7-helicenes interacting with gold nanoparticles

Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen Information



Ph.D. Student



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen Skills & Research Interests

Physical Chemistry

Theoretical Chemistry

Computational Chemistry

Top articles of Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

A variational reformulation of molecular properties in electronic-structure theory

Science Advances


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

Trygve Helgaker
Trygve Helgaker

H-Index: 44

Pyrene Functionalized Norbornadiene‐Quadricyclane Fluorescent Photoswitches: Characterization of their Spectral Properties and Application in Imaging of Amyloid Beta Plaques

Chemistry–A European Journal


Dynamical Effects of Solvation on Norbornadiene/Quadricyclane Systems

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

Patrick Norman
Patrick Norman

H-Index: 14

Cluster perturbation theory IX: Perturbation series for the coupled cluster singles and doubles ground state energy

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

Frank Jensen
Frank Jensen

H-Index: 31

Tensor Hypercontraction of Cluster Perturbation Theory: Quartic Scaling Perturbation Series for the Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles Ground-State Energies

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

Todd J Martinez
Todd J Martinez

H-Index: 61

Extended Tetrathiafulvalenes with Fluoreno[3,2‐b]fluorene and Diindeno[1,2‐b : 1′,2′‐i]anthracene Cores

Chemistry–A European Journal


Investigation of Solvent Effects on the Molecular Energy Storage and Optical Properties of Bicyclooctadiene/Tetracyclooctane Photoswitches

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

Yiwei Zhou
Yiwei Zhou

H-Index: 5

Investigation of Coulomb blockade diamonds of 7-helicenes interacting with gold nanoparticles

Chemical Physics Letters


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

Heterocyclic [9] Helicenes Exhibiting Bright Circularly Polarized Luminescence

Chemistry–A European Journal


Searching the Chemical Space of Bicyclic Dienes for Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage Candidates

Angewandte Chemie International Edition


The Effects of Solvent Dynamics on the Back Reaction of Solar–Thermal Energy Storage Systems

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

Elucidating the Mystery of DNA-Templating Effects on a Silver Nanocluster

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

Lasse Jensen
Lasse Jensen

H-Index: 25

Coupled Cluster Theory on Modern Heterogeneous Supercomputers

Frontiers in chemistry


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

Filip Pawłowski
Filip Pawłowski

H-Index: 2

First principles model of isotopic fractionation in formaldehyde photolysis: wavelength and pressure dependence

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Massively parallel GPU enabled third-order cluster perturbation excitation energies for cost-effective large scale excitation energy calculations

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

Indirect nuclear spin–spin couplings with third-order contributions added to the SOPPA method

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

The Influence of Silver and Copper Nanoparticles on the Optical Properties of Photochromic Molecules


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

Exploring the impact of select anchor groups for norbornadiene/quadricyclane single-molecule switches

Journal of Materials Chemistry C


Computational investigation of photoswitch conjugates for molecular solar energy storage

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

Corrigendum: Coupled cluster theory on modern heterogeneous supercomputers

Frontiers in Chemistry


Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen
Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen

H-Index: 1

Filip Pawłowski
Filip Pawłowski

H-Index: 2

See List of Professors in Andreas Erbs Hillers-Bendtsen University(Københavns Universitet)

