Amotz Agnon

About Amotz Agnon

Amotz Agnon, With an exceptional h-index of 48 and a recent h-index of 27 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specializes in the field of Earthquake geology, Tectonics, Destruction Layers.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Combined genomic and imaging techniques show intense arsenic enrichment caused by detoxification in a microbial mat of the Dead Sea shore

The Impact of Lake-Level Fluctuation on Earthquake Recurrence Interval over Historical and Prehistorical Timescales: The Case of the Dead Sea

Estimation of Low-Velocity Landfill Thickness with Multi-Method Seismic Surveys

Lithosphere deflection on a juvenile oceanic detachment during seafloor spreading promoted the exposure of the mantle rocks of the Troodos ophiolite-inferences from gabbro …

How do long-term climate changes affect the magnitude/frequency of sediment density flows? Insights from the Dead Sea ICDP drilling

Seismicity induced at the northern Dead Sea Transform Fault, Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) Basin, by shallow creep involving a salt body

Stratigraphic record reveals contrasting roles of overflows and underflows over glacial cycles in a hypersaline lake (Dead Sea)

Identifying plausible historical scenarios for coupled lake level and seismicity rate changes: the case for the Dead Sea during the last 2 millennia

Amotz Agnon Information



Professor of Earth Sciences The



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Amotz Agnon Skills & Research Interests

Earthquake geology


Destruction Layers

Top articles of Amotz Agnon

Combined genomic and imaging techniques show intense arsenic enrichment caused by detoxification in a microbial mat of the Dead Sea shore

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


The Impact of Lake-Level Fluctuation on Earthquake Recurrence Interval over Historical and Prehistorical Timescales: The Case of the Dead Sea


Amotz Agnon
Amotz Agnon

H-Index: 28

Estimation of Low-Velocity Landfill Thickness with Multi-Method Seismic Surveys



Amotz Agnon
Amotz Agnon

H-Index: 28

Lithosphere deflection on a juvenile oceanic detachment during seafloor spreading promoted the exposure of the mantle rocks of the Troodos ophiolite-inferences from gabbro …

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Ron Shaar
Ron Shaar

H-Index: 13

Amotz Agnon
Amotz Agnon

H-Index: 28

How do long-term climate changes affect the magnitude/frequency of sediment density flows? Insights from the Dead Sea ICDP drilling

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Seismicity induced at the northern Dead Sea Transform Fault, Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) Basin, by shallow creep involving a salt body



Stratigraphic record reveals contrasting roles of overflows and underflows over glacial cycles in a hypersaline lake (Dead Sea)

Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Identifying plausible historical scenarios for coupled lake level and seismicity rate changes: the case for the Dead Sea during the last 2 millennia

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences


Modern activity and ancient signatures preserved by metals in microbial mats of lake environments

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Subaqueous Paleoseismology: Fresh perspectives on sedimentary response to regional tectonics

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Honores inauditi: Ehrenstatuen in öffentlichen Räumen Siziliens vom Hellenismus bis in die Spätantike


Paleo Isobaths in 3D Seismic Exploration Data Uncover Submerged Shorelines From Glacial Lowstands: A Case Study From the Levant Basin

Frontiers in Earth Science


Holocene sea levels at the Gulf of Aqaba, northern Red Sea


A new approach to constrain the seismic origin for prehistoric turbidites as applied to the Dead Sea Basin

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


A 220,000-year-long continuous large earthquake record from the central Dead Sea Fault

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Earthquake preparedness among religious minority groups: the case of the Jewish ultra-Orthodox society in Israel

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences


Amotz Agnon
Amotz Agnon

H-Index: 28

Orbital‐and Millennial‐Scale Changes in Lake‐Levels Facilitate Earthquake‐Triggered Mass Failures in the Dead Sea Basin

Geophysical Research Letters


Let it flow: forensic analysis of crystals and field observations to retrieve dynamic of empanelment

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Amotz Agnon
Amotz Agnon

H-Index: 28

Reply to Charrach (2019) comment on “Internal deformation and uplift-rate of salt walls detected by a displaced dissolution surface, Dead Sea basin” by Zucker et al.(2019)

Journal of Structural Geology


Lake level changes in the Dead Sea during the late Pleistocene recorded by fossil lake shorelines

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


See List of Professors in Amotz Agnon University(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)