Amineh Ghorbani

About Amineh Ghorbani

Amineh Ghorbani, With an exceptional h-index of 22 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Technische Universiteit Delft, specializes in the field of institutional modelling, institutional network analysis, climate change, social simulation, community action.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Network dynamics of solar PV adoption: Reconsidering flat tax-credits and influencer seeding for inclusive renewable energy access in Albany county, New York

Understanding engineering ethics in countries: Towards an analytical framework

Caste, mistrust and municipal inaction: The interwoven barriers for the integration of waste pickers in India

Examining the interplay between national strategies and value change in the battle against COVID-19: An agent-based modelling inquiry

Modelling Values in Social, Technical, and Ecological Systems

Ruimte voor wonen: Naar een integrale aanpak van de Nederlandse woonopgave

Normative Assessment of Enabling Factors for Adaptive Water Governance; Evidence and Lessons from the Hirmand River Basin, Iran

Using machine learning for agent specifications in agent-based models and simulations: A critical review and guidelines

Amineh Ghorbani Information



Assistant professor Faculty of Technology Policy and Management



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Amineh Ghorbani Skills & Research Interests

institutional modelling

institutional network analysis

climate change

social simulation

community action

Top articles of Amineh Ghorbani

Network dynamics of solar PV adoption: Reconsidering flat tax-credits and influencer seeding for inclusive renewable energy access in Albany county, New York

Energy Research & Social Science


Understanding engineering ethics in countries: Towards an analytical framework

Technology in Society


Caste, mistrust and municipal inaction: The interwoven barriers for the integration of waste pickers in India

Journal of Environmental Management


Vrishali Subramanian
Vrishali Subramanian

H-Index: 10

Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Examining the interplay between national strategies and value change in the battle against COVID-19: An agent-based modelling inquiry

Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation


Modelling Values in Social, Technical, and Ecological Systems

Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS)


Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Ruimte voor wonen: Naar een integrale aanpak van de Nederlandse woonopgave


Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Normative Assessment of Enabling Factors for Adaptive Water Governance; Evidence and Lessons from the Hirmand River Basin, Iran

Environmental Management


Saeed Bagherzadeh
Saeed Bagherzadeh

H-Index: 1

Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Using machine learning for agent specifications in agent-based models and simulations: A critical review and guidelines


Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Igor Nikolic
Igor Nikolic

H-Index: 16

Implicit followership theories and resistance to leaders’ unethical requests: The mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior

International Journal of Organizational Analysis


Ali Nasr Isfahani
Ali Nasr Isfahani

H-Index: 9

Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Establishing industrial community energy systems: Simulating the role of institutional designs and societal attributes

Journal of Cleaner Production


Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Value dynamics in energy democracy: An exploration of community energy initiatives

Energy Research & Social Science


Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Designing Policies for Equitable Adoption of Rooftop Solar PV

Available at SSRN 4403544


Institutional adaptation and transformation for climate resilience

Frontiers in Environmental Science


Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Saba Siddiki
Saba Siddiki

H-Index: 17

Commoning toward urban resilience: The role of trust, social cohesion, and involvement in a simulated urban commons setting

Journal of Urban Affairs


Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Hiding opinions by minimizing disclosed information: an obfuscation-based opinion dynamics model

The Journal of Mathematical Sociology


Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Together alone: a group-based polarization measurement

Quality & Quantity


Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Flaminio Squazzoni
Flaminio Squazzoni

H-Index: 21

Energy security in community energy systems: An agent-based modelling approach

Journal of Cleaner Production


Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Paulien Herder
Paulien Herder

H-Index: 20

Industrial community energy systems: Simulating the role of financial incentives and societal attributes

Frontiers in Environmental Science


Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

Consensus-Based Fuzzy Group Decision-Making Framework for Tailoring Good Water Governance to the Context: A Case Study of Sistan, Iran

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management


Saeed Bagherzadeh
Saeed Bagherzadeh

H-Index: 1

Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

From water conflict resolution to water conflict transformation

Water and Irrigation Management


Milad Jafari
Milad Jafari

H-Index: 0

Amineh Ghorbani
Amineh Ghorbani

H-Index: 13

See List of Professors in Amineh Ghorbani University(Technische Universiteit Delft)

