Alexander Bauer

About Alexander Bauer

Alexander Bauer, With an exceptional h-index of 12 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, specializes in the field of Applied Statistics / Data Science.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Why don’t they travel? The role of constraints and motivation for non-participation in tourism

Vegan versus meat-based cat food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic factors

When the Future is Now: An Experimental Study on the Role of Future Thinking and Affective Forecasting in Accommodation Decision-Making

Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur: Visual Communication of Uncertainty in Election Polls

Flexible Approaches in Functional Data and Age-Period-Cohort Analysis with Application on Complex Geoscience Data

Do the tameness of the dams and the sex of the offspring have an influence on the “gentling” effect in laboratory rats?

APCtools: Descriptive and Model-based Age-Period-Cohort Analysis

Registration for Incomplete Non-Gaussian Functional Data

Alexander Bauer Information



PhD student



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Alexander Bauer Skills & Research Interests

Applied Statistics / Data Science

Top articles of Alexander Bauer

Why don’t they travel? The role of constraints and motivation for non-participation in tourism


Vegan versus meat-based cat food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 1,369 cats, after controlling for feline demographic factors

Plos one


Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight

H-Index: 6

Alexander Bauer
Alexander Bauer

H-Index: 6

When the Future is Now: An Experimental Study on the Role of Future Thinking and Affective Forecasting in Accommodation Decision-Making

Journal of travel research


Marion Karl
Marion Karl

H-Index: 8

Alexander Bauer
Alexander Bauer

H-Index: 6

Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur: Visual Communication of Uncertainty in Election Polls

PS: Political Science & Politics


Flexible Approaches in Functional Data and Age-Period-Cohort Analysis with Application on Complex Geoscience Data


Alexander Bauer
Alexander Bauer

H-Index: 6

Do the tameness of the dams and the sex of the offspring have an influence on the “gentling” effect in laboratory rats?

Journal of Veterinary Behavior


Alexander Bauer
Alexander Bauer

H-Index: 6

APCtools: Descriptive and Model-based Age-Period-Cohort Analysis

Journal of Open Source Software


Registration for Incomplete Non-Gaussian Functional Data

arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.05634


registr 2.0: Incomplete Curve Registration for Exponential Family Functional Data

Journal of Open Source Software


Alexander Bauer
Alexander Bauer

H-Index: 6

Echocardiographic reference intervals for volumetric measurements of the left ventricle using the Simpson's method of discs in 1331 dogs

Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine


Alexander Bauer
Alexander Bauer

H-Index: 6

Echocardiographic Reference Intervals for Right Ventricular Indices, Including 3‐Dimensional Volume and 2‐Dimensional Strain Measurements in Healthy Dogs

Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine


Alexander Bauer
Alexander Bauer

H-Index: 6

Semiparametric APC Analysis of Destination Choice Patterns: Using Generalized Additive Models to Quantify the Impact of Age, Period, and Cohort on Travel Distances

Tourism Economics


Spatio-temporal changes in travel behavior: Analyzing external and internal temporal effects on destination choices

Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium–CBTS, 2020, online


The impact of travel constraints on travel decision-making: A comparative approach of travel frequencies and intended travel participation

Journal of Destination Marketing & Management


Marion Karl
Marion Karl

H-Index: 8

Alexander Bauer
Alexander Bauer

H-Index: 6

Left ventricular M‐mode prediction intervals in 7651 dogs: Population‐wide and selected breed‐specific values

Journal of veterinary internal medicine


Alexander Bauer
Alexander Bauer

H-Index: 6

Efficacy of adding ramipril (VAsotop) to the combination of furosemide (Lasix) and pimobendan (VEtmedin) in dogs with mitral valve degeneration: The VALVE trial

Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine


Alexander Bauer
Alexander Bauer

H-Index: 6

See List of Professors in Alexander Bauer University(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)