Alberto Canestrelli

Alberto Canestrelli

University of Florida

H-index: 17

North America-United States

About Alberto Canestrelli

Alberto Canestrelli, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Florida, specializes in the field of Riverine Estuarine and Coastal hydrodynamics and geomorphology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Swimming kinematics of rainbow trout behind cylinder arrays: the effect of vortex street periodicity and turbulence kinetic energy

Estimating mussel mound distribution and geometric properties in coastal salt marshes by using UAV-Lidar point clouds

Managing dyke retreat: Importance of century‐scale channel network evolution on storm surge modification over salt marshes under rising sea levels

Faunal engineering stimulates landscape-scale accretion in southeastern US salt marshes

Impact of Sea Level Rise on Overtopping, Wave Load, and Erosional Power: The Case of The Glass Window Bridge, Eleuthera, The Bahamas

Numerical Investigation to Determine Optimal Inline Semi-Circular Cylinder Configurations for Coherent Karman Vortex Streets

Occurrence of Fibropapillomatosis in Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Relation to Environmental Changes in Coastal Ecosystems in Texas and Florida: A …

Mechanisms of Estuarine Salt‐Plug Formation by an Along‐Shelf Buoyant Current: A Numerical Model Approach

Alberto Canestrelli Information



Assistant Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Alberto Canestrelli Skills & Research Interests

Riverine Estuarine and Coastal hydrodynamics and geomorphology

Top articles of Alberto Canestrelli

Swimming kinematics of rainbow trout behind cylinder arrays: the effect of vortex street periodicity and turbulence kinetic energy



Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

Estimating mussel mound distribution and geometric properties in coastal salt marshes by using UAV-Lidar point clouds

Science of The Total Environment


Managing dyke retreat: Importance of century‐scale channel network evolution on storm surge modification over salt marshes under rising sea levels

Earth Surface Processes and Landforms


Daniele Pinton
Daniele Pinton

H-Index: 1

Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

Faunal engineering stimulates landscape-scale accretion in southeastern US salt marshes

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Impact of Sea Level Rise on Overtopping, Wave Load, and Erosional Power: The Case of The Glass Window Bridge, Eleuthera, The Bahamas

Authorea Preprints


Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

Numerical Investigation to Determine Optimal Inline Semi-Circular Cylinder Configurations for Coherent Karman Vortex Streets

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

James Liao
James Liao

H-Index: 2

Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

Occurrence of Fibropapillomatosis in Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Relation to Environmental Changes in Coastal Ecosystems in Texas and Florida: A …



Mechanisms of Estuarine Salt‐Plug Formation by an Along‐Shelf Buoyant Current: A Numerical Model Approach

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans


Braulio Juarez
Braulio Juarez

H-Index: 1

Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

Influence of vegetation and flood regimes on deltaic floodplain deposition


Human and ecosystem health in coastal systems

Shore Beach


Estimating ground elevation in coastal dunes from high-resolution UAV-LIDAR Point Clouds and Photogrammetry

Remote Sensing


Daniele Pinton
Daniele Pinton

H-Index: 1

Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

Optimal Cylinder Array Configurations: Maximizing Upstream Fish Migration and Flow Dissipation

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

James Liao
James Liao

H-Index: 2

Haochen Li
Haochen Li

H-Index: 3

Bolstering Coastal Protection and Reducing Costs by Integrating Existing Vegetation Cover with Coastal Resilience Infrastructure: A US Southeast Perspective

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

Growth and collapse of oyster reefs in intertidal flats under different wave climates

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Estimating ground elevation and vegetation characteristics in coastal salt marshes using UAV-based LiDAR and digital aerial photogrammetry

Remote Sensing


Daniele Pinton
Daniele Pinton

H-Index: 1

Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

On the predictive skill of morphodynamic models for onshore sandbar migration

Earth Surface Processes and Landforms


Viyaktha Hithaishi Hewageegana
Viyaktha Hithaishi Hewageegana

H-Index: 1

Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

Data & Code for Large-scale scour in response to tidal dominance in estuaries


Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

Large‐scale scour in response to tidal dominance in estuaries

Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface


Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

Numerical modeling of the influence of tides on cross-shore sediment dynamics of dissipative beaches under moderate wave conditions

Continental Shelf Research


Viyaktha Hithaishi Hewageegana
Viyaktha Hithaishi Hewageegana

H-Index: 1

Alberto Canestrelli
Alberto Canestrelli

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Alberto Canestrelli University(University of Florida)

