Ahmed Yahia Kallel

About Ahmed Yahia Kallel

Ahmed Yahia Kallel, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Technische Universität Chemnitz, specializes in the field of Excitation signals, Digital Signal Processing, Impedance Spectroscopy, Embedded Programming, AI & ML.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

High-performance efficient embedded systems for impedance spectroscopy: Challenges and potentials

An Auto-calibrated Measurement System for One-dimensional Matrices of Impedimetric Sensors

Discrete Interval Binary Sequence for Stable and Stationary Impedance Spectroscopy of Li-Ion Batteries

Correction of DC-Bias in Embedded Impedance Spectroscopy based on Excitation by DC/DC Converters for Li-ion Batteries

Load in the Loop Dual Howland Current Source for Wide Frequency Bandwidth and Wide Load Range Bioimpedance Measurements

Cole-Cole Bio-Impedance Parameters Estimation From Sinewave Excitation Signal with a Minimum Number of Frequencies

State-of-charge Estimation of Li-ion Battery Cells based on Distribution of Relaxation Times and Gaussian Mixture Model

Study for the Minimization of the Number of Frequencies for Cole-Cole Model for Bioimpedance Spectroscopy

Ahmed Yahia Kallel Information



PhD Student



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Ahmed Yahia Kallel Skills & Research Interests

Excitation signals

Digital Signal Processing

Impedance Spectroscopy

Embedded Programming


Top articles of Ahmed Yahia Kallel

High-performance efficient embedded systems for impedance spectroscopy: Challenges and potentials


Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

An Auto-calibrated Measurement System for One-dimensional Matrices of Impedimetric Sensors

IEEE Sensors Journal


Zheng Hu
Zheng Hu

H-Index: 5

Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

Discrete Interval Binary Sequence for Stable and Stationary Impedance Spectroscopy of Li-Ion Batteries

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

Correction of DC-Bias in Embedded Impedance Spectroscopy based on Excitation by DC/DC Converters for Li-ion Batteries

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

Load in the Loop Dual Howland Current Source for Wide Frequency Bandwidth and Wide Load Range Bioimpedance Measurements

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

Cole-Cole Bio-Impedance Parameters Estimation From Sinewave Excitation Signal with a Minimum Number of Frequencies


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

State-of-charge Estimation of Li-ion Battery Cells based on Distribution of Relaxation Times and Gaussian Mixture Model


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

Study for the Minimization of the Number of Frequencies for Cole-Cole Model for Bioimpedance Spectroscopy


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

A study of binary excitation sequences for use in battery impedance spectroscopy


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

Unipolar excitation signal with two phases for impedance spectroscopy of Li-ion battery cells


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

Determining the SoH of Lithium-Ion Batteries based on the Differential Impedance Analysis


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

On the design of multisine signals for maintaining stability condition in impedance spectroscopy measurements of batteries

Journal of Energy Storage


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

A biodegradable bioactive glass-based hydration sensor for biomedical applications



First biodegradable bioactive glass-based humidity sensor



Crest factor optimization for multisine excitation signals with logarithmic frequency distribution based on a hybrid stochastic-deterministic optimization algorithm



Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

Meat Freshness Assessment based on Impedance Spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times (DRT)


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

Soft Fault Characterization for Predictive Maintenance in Complex Cable Structures


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

Real-time monitoring of cables based on network interface controllers for predictive maintenance

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

Comparative study of measurement methods for embedded bioimpedance spectroscopy systems



Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

Multi-sensor-based method for multiple hard faults identification in complex wired networks


Ahmed Yahia Kallel
Ahmed Yahia Kallel

H-Index: 2

Olfa Kanoun
Olfa Kanoun

H-Index: 25

See List of Professors in Ahmed Yahia Kallel University(Technische Universität Chemnitz)