Adrian Ely

Adrian Ely

University of Sussex

H-index: 29

Europe-United Kingdom

About Adrian Ely

Adrian Ely, With an exceptional h-index of 29 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Sussex, specializes in the field of biotechnology regulation and governance, innovation for sustainability.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Governing agricultural biotechnologies in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany: A trans-decadal study of regulatory cultures

Mapping the governing entities and their interactions in designing policy mixes for sustainability transitions: The case of electric vehicles in China

The knowledge politics of genome editing in Africa

Siloed discourses: a year-long study of twitter engagement on the use of CRISPR in food and agriculture

Beyond the Genome: Genetically modified crops in Africa and the implications for Genome Editing

Beyond the Genome: Lessons Learned from Genetically Modified Crops in Africa and the Implications for Genome Editing

Deliberative-analytic approaches to Ecosystem Services as a way forward for the land sparing/sharing debate

Transformative pathways to sustainability: Learning across disciplines, cultures and context

Adrian Ely Information



Reader in Technology and Sustainability SPRU - Science Policy Research Unit



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Adrian Ely Skills & Research Interests

biotechnology regulation and governance

innovation for sustainability

Top articles of Adrian Ely

Governing agricultural biotechnologies in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany: A trans-decadal study of regulatory cultures

Science, Technology, & Human Values


Mapping the governing entities and their interactions in designing policy mixes for sustainability transitions: The case of electric vehicles in China

Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions


Qi Song
Qi Song

H-Index: 2

Adrian Ely
Adrian Ely

H-Index: 20

The knowledge politics of genome editing in Africa

Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene


Siloed discourses: a year-long study of twitter engagement on the use of CRISPR in food and agriculture

New Genetics and Society


Beyond the Genome: Genetically modified crops in Africa and the implications for Genome Editing

Development and Change


Beyond the Genome: Lessons Learned from Genetically Modified Crops in Africa and the Implications for Genome Editing


Deliberative-analytic approaches to Ecosystem Services as a way forward for the land sparing/sharing debate

Land Use Policy


Adrian Ely
Adrian Ely

H-Index: 20

Transformative pathways to sustainability: Learning across disciplines, cultures and context


Adrian Ely
Adrian Ely

H-Index: 20

Reframing sustainability challenges


The ‘Pathways’ transformative knowledge network


Adrian Ely
Adrian Ely

H-Index: 20

Exploring the Antibiotics Innovation System and R&D Policies in China: Mission Oriented Innovation?


Adrian Ely
Adrian Ely

H-Index: 20

Michael M Hopkins
Michael M Hopkins

H-Index: 16

Transforming access to clean energy technologies in the Global South: Learning from lighting Africa in Kenya



Robert Byrne
Robert Byrne

H-Index: 1

Adrian Ely
Adrian Ely

H-Index: 20

People, nature and large herbivores in a shared landscape: A mixed‐method study of the ecological and social outcomes from agriculture and conservation

People and Nature


Adrian Ely
Adrian Ely

H-Index: 20

Response to DEFRA Consultation on “The Regulation of Genetic Technologies” Submitted by email, 17/3/2021


Adrian Ely
Adrian Ely

H-Index: 20

Identifying land management approaches which deliver for both people and nature.

Identifying land management approaches which deliver for both people and nature.


Adrian Ely
Adrian Ely

H-Index: 20

Transdisciplinary methods and T-Labs as transformative spaces for innovation in social-ecological systems


Transformations: Theory, research and action


Adrian Ely
Adrian Ely

H-Index: 20

Towards a more sustainable food system in Brighton and Hove, UK

This book–over five years in the making–clearly illustrates the powerful potential of internationally-networked, transdisciplinary research. It marks an important step forward in the study of social transformations for sustainability, and is a key resourc


The contribution of small-scale food production in urban areas to the sustainable development goals: A review and case study


See List of Professors in Adrian Ely University(University of Sussex)