Aaron Micallef

About Aaron Micallef

Aaron Micallef, With an exceptional h-index of 31 and a recent h-index of 25 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Malta, specializes in the field of Marine geology, Marine geosciences, Marine geomorphology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Assessing freshwater plumes, offshore freshened groundwater and the risk of salt intrusions in urbanised karstic groundwater systems using combined resistivity methods

Climate-induced variations in arthropod habitats of the Circum-Sicilian islands according to convection permitting simulations of the Mediterranean driven by CMIP6 and PMIP4 data

Methane seeps features characterization on the Moñito continental shelf, Colombian Caribbean, through a multi-scale and multi-method approach

Offshore freshened groundwater identified in southern Sicily (Italy) by applying well logs petrophysical interpretation.

The intriguing hypothesis of a modern “Rosengarten” in the subsurface of the deep Ionian Basin

Offshore freshened groundwater emplacement in an evolving siliciclastic margin (Canterbury Bight, New Zealand): A 3D modeling approach

Exploring the potential of the north-eastern Adriatic basin to host freshened groundwater using onshore-offshore 3D hydrogeological modelling.

Characterizing offshore freshened groundwater salinity patterns using trans‐dimensional Bayesian inversion of controlled source electromagnetic data: A case study from the …

Aaron Micallef Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Aaron Micallef Skills & Research Interests

Marine geology

Marine geosciences

Marine geomorphology

Top articles of Aaron Micallef

Assessing freshwater plumes, offshore freshened groundwater and the risk of salt intrusions in urbanised karstic groundwater systems using combined resistivity methods


Climate-induced variations in arthropod habitats of the Circum-Sicilian islands according to convection permitting simulations of the Mediterranean driven by CMIP6 and PMIP4 data


Aaron Micallef
Aaron Micallef

H-Index: 20

David Mifsud
David Mifsud

H-Index: 14

Methane seeps features characterization on the Moñito continental shelf, Colombian Caribbean, through a multi-scale and multi-method approach


Aaron Micallef
Aaron Micallef

H-Index: 20

Alessandra Savini
Alessandra Savini

H-Index: 18

Offshore freshened groundwater identified in southern Sicily (Italy) by applying well logs petrophysical interpretation.


Aaron Micallef
Aaron Micallef

H-Index: 20

The intriguing hypothesis of a modern “Rosengarten” in the subsurface of the deep Ionian Basin


Aaron Micallef
Aaron Micallef

H-Index: 20

Claudia Bertoni
Claudia Bertoni

H-Index: 10

Offshore freshened groundwater emplacement in an evolving siliciclastic margin (Canterbury Bight, New Zealand): A 3D modeling approach


Aaron Micallef
Aaron Micallef

H-Index: 20

Exploring the potential of the north-eastern Adriatic basin to host freshened groundwater using onshore-offshore 3D hydrogeological modelling.


Characterizing offshore freshened groundwater salinity patterns using trans‐dimensional Bayesian inversion of controlled source electromagnetic data: A case study from the …

Water Resources Research


Evolution of submarine canyons and hanging-wall fans: insights from geomorphic experiments and morphodynamic models

Earth Surface Dynamics


David Amblas
David Amblas

H-Index: 17

Aaron Micallef
Aaron Micallef

H-Index: 20

Can offshore meteoric groundwater generate mechanical instabilities in passive continental margins?

Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface


Aaron Micallef
Aaron Micallef

H-Index: 20

Shubhangi Gupta
Shubhangi Gupta

H-Index: 1

The Erasmus+ BridgET project: A European partnership to renew teaching in marine geosciences


Internal waves and bottom currents interactions around mesophotic reefs, southeastern Mediterranean


Past and future evolution of the onshore-offshore groundwater system of a carbonate archipelago: The case of the Maltese Islands, central Mediterranean Sea

Frontiers in Water


Aaron Micallef
Aaron Micallef

H-Index: 20

Denis Cohen
Denis Cohen

H-Index: 22

Submarine volcanism in the western Sicilian Channel, Cruise No. M191 SUAVE (GPF 21-1_036), 16.07. 2023-05.08. 2023, Algeciras (Spain)-Piraeus (Greece)


Aaron Micallef
Aaron Micallef

H-Index: 20

Jonathan Ford
Jonathan Ford

H-Index: 8

Salt leaching by freshwater and its impact on seafloor stability: An experimental investigation

Marine Geology


Azman Kassim
Azman Kassim

H-Index: 10

Aaron Micallef
Aaron Micallef

H-Index: 20

Global distribution of organic carbon content and age in submarine canyons: results from the Factors influencing the Accumulation of organic Carbon and its Transfer in …


Extensive freshened groundwater resources emplaced during the Messinian sea-level drawdown in southern Sicily, Italy

Communications Earth & Environment


Aaron Micallef
Aaron Micallef

H-Index: 20

Long-term morphological and sedimentological changes caused by bottom trawling on the northern Catalan continental shelf (NW Mediterranean)

Frontiers in Marine Science


Google Earth Engine app using Sentinel 1 SAR and deep learning for ocean seep methane detection and monitoring

Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment


Aaron Micallef
Aaron Micallef

H-Index: 20

See List of Professors in Aaron Micallef University(University of Malta)