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Marketing Aspects

88   Articles

Marketing aspects encompass various elements and strategies businesses use to promote their products or services and connect with their target audience. These aspects may include market research to understand customer needs and preferences, branding to create a distinct identity, product development to meet customer demands, pricing strategies to maximize profitability, distribution channels to reach customers effectively, and promotional activities such as advertising, digital marketing, and public relations to raise awareness and drive sales.

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So, have you ever heard of prospecting funnel? Wonder what it is? So, it has always kind of been around. You know, even before the digital era began with the invention of the internet. But to be honest, it got…

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One of the marketing methods is operational marketing, in which the percentage of success is very impressive due to the good partnership of others. Therefore, in this article, we’re going to walk through the operational marketing plan. An operational marketing…

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Today, in the world of digital marketing, multiple channel marketing has become dramatically popular among the world’s top marketers. If you also want to know everything about multi-channel marketing, follow our article. Multiple channel marketing refers to the practice of…

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We all know what a strange era we are living in and we have witnessed very extensive changes in all aspects of our lives in the very recent couple of decades. From the very rapid expansion of satellites and the…

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Prospecting is one of the key steps in the sales process. Therefore, if you want to experience successful sales in the market, you must first know all about prospecting. The Prospecting definition The majority of sales and marketing experts believe…

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-So, copywriting, I mean is it related to that law where you cannot use someone else’s book or music or other things without their permission? -No! Copywriters have nothing to do with that law, they are writers. – All right,…

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To enter the world of digital marketing and grow your business, you need inbound marketing strategies to start your startup today. Do you know what the meaning of inbound marketing is? Have you ever heard of inbound marketing? Inbound marketing…

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Traditional marketing vs non-traditional AKA digital marketing is the new dilemma that businesses who are trying to develop their marketing strategies face. They should decide whether to use traditional marketing like TV ads, radio, printed ads, billboards, or digital marketing…

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