Just like on Facebook, you could only like different posts. It was in 2019 that LinkedIn added other reactions to its platform. These reactions can be beneficial for the users to improve their interactions. I mean, isn’t it easier to click on “Love” than to write a long sentence?
Don’t you think this is a more intimate way of interaction? In this article, we will talk about how you love a post on LinkedIn. What are the other reactions on LinkedIn?
What do they mean? Why is it essential to use them? Etc.
To love a post or a comment on LinkeIn, tap and hold the heart icon (❤️).
What are new reactions to LinkedIn posts?
Maybe you noticed them in the first days, but if you did not, they are right under the posts and articles. “Like” used to be the only reaction you could give a post. It meant “good job!” or something like that.
But after a while, marketing specialists and other users started asking for more ways to interact on LinkedIn.
Writing different sentences is fine but think about people who want to react to a lot of posts or simply cannot find a good sentence to say what they mean, or maybe you are a user who posts something on LinkedIn and doesn’t just want people to like it, you want to know people’s real feelings.
The reaction feature can help you; there are 7 different reactions: like, love, support, funny, celebrate, insightful, and curious.
The like button still works as like, just like in the old days, but now when you hold on to this button for less than a second, you can see a set of reactions from which you can choose.
How do you love a post on LinkedIn? It’s easy, just hold on to the like button and choose it from the set of reactions there.
You can also celebrate people’s accomplishments by the prominent feature and show your support or tell them that you think something is funny.
The two other reactions are considered to be the things that can start a discussion.
You use insight to show a post has a good point, and you can use curiosity to show that you are eager to know more about the subject of a post.
You can only use these reactions on a post or article.
Unfortunately, users can only like the comments on a post, but if you are the post author, you can still love a comment or use other reactions.
Maybe LinkedIn will consider this feature for other users, too, shortly.
Why should I react or comment on a post?
Have you ever posted something on LinkedIn without getting the response you were hoping for?
Are your connections radio silent when you post, even when they are valuable and well-written? Reactions can be a big game-changer.
Unlike what most people think, being active and reacting to many posts does not make your reactions less valuable.
I mean, it’s not like people would even notice if you’ve liked many of their posts. Getting engaged is not the wrong road.
When other users see your passion for their posts, they are likely to react and comment on your posts.
Some users might ask, is it enough just to react to a post? Well, the side dishes always make an excellent meal better, right?
Don’t just show that you like, love, support, etc., a post; comment on it. Comments are the side dishes that are more valuable than the main course.
They can start a discussion or simply tell LinkedIn that people think a post is interesting for other users.
And, of course, writing a good comment can encourage people to check your profile or follow you.
Is love better than other reactions?
Not really. It doesn’t matter which emoji you use to react to a post or an article. All that matters for the LinkedIn algorithm are that you’ve interacted.
But what about commenting?
Yes, comments are much more valuable than plain reactions. In fact, the popularity of a post might be defined by the number of its comments, and don’t forget that longer comments are even more valuable.
Related Questions & Answers
How Do You Love a Comment on Linkedin
To love a comment on LinkedIn, simply hover your mouse over the comment you wish to engage with. A small heart icon will appear on the right side of the comment. Click on the heart icon to love the comment. This action will indicate your appreciation or agreement with the comment and can be a way to show support or acknowledge the person who made the comment. It’s a simple and effective way to engage with others on the platform and foster positive interactions within your LinkedIn network.
How to Support a Post on LinkedIn
To support a post on LinkedIn, start by locating the post you want to engage with in your LinkedIn feed. Once you find the post, there are a few ways to show your support. You can like the post by clicking on the “Like” button, which is represented by a thumbs-up icon. This action indicates that you appreciate or agree with the content shared in the post. Additionally, you can leave a meaningful comment expressing your thoughts or adding value to the conversation. This allows you to engage with the author and contribute to the discussion. Another way to support a post is by sharing it with your LinkedIn network. By clicking on the “Share” button, you can re-post the content on your own profile, helping to increase its visibility and reach. Supporting a post on LinkedIn is a great way to show your support for the author and their content, and to actively participate in the professional community.
How do you love a post on LinkedIn, or how do you show any other reactions to different posts? Just hold the mouse on the like button to see the reactions available.
You can choose from like, love, support, funny, insightful, and curious.
Whatever suits you! Why bother? Well, the reason to react or comment is that users would notice you and start commenting and reacting to your posts too. In simple words, engaging will result in other people’s interaction.
How do you react to a post on LinkedIn?
To react to a post on LinkedIn, follow these steps:
- Scroll through your LinkedIn feed to find a post you want to react to.
- Beneath the post, you’ll see a set of icons representing different reactions: Like (thumbs-up), Celebrate (clapping hands), Love (heart), Insightful (lightbulb), and Curious (question mark).
- Click on the icon that represents your reaction to the post. For example, click the thumbs-up icon to “Like” the post.
- Your reaction will be visible to the post’s author and your connections, and it will appear as a counter beneath the post, showing the number of each type of reaction it has received.
Reacting to posts is a way to engage with content and express your thoughts or feelings about it without leaving a comment. You can choose the reaction that best reflects your response to the post.
What does the hand with heart mean on LinkedIn?
The hand with a heart icon on LinkedIn represents the “Love” reaction. When you use this reaction, it signifies that you have a strong positive sentiment about a post. It’s a way to show appreciation and support for the content, similar to giving a post a “thumbs up” or “Like” on other social media platforms. It’s a way to express that you love or highly appreciate the content or message shared in the post.
Why like a post on LinkedIn?
Liking a post on LinkedIn is a way to show appreciation, acknowledge the content, and engage with the author and their network. By clicking the “Like” button, you’re signaling that you found the post valuable, interesting, or relevant. It can also help increase the post’s visibility to your connections and potentially extend its reach to a broader audience. Liking posts is a simple way to build positive connections, stay engaged with your network, and foster professional relationships on the platform.
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